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f. Schedule of construction
3. Project Machinery and Equipment
a. Listed showing maker, model,
capacity rating, cost, esti-
mated useful life, new or used
b. Extent of manufacturer's or
supplier's warranties

c. Copies of cost quotations
d. Evidence that cost estimates in-
clude effect of Davis-Bacon
Act of installation cost

e. Plant layout and work flow
f. Schedule of acquisition and in-

g. Demonstration of adequacy of
plant to produce the projected
quantity and quality of goods

4. Other Project Costs
a. Listed showing nature, cost
(fees, contingencies, interest
on construction fiancing, etc.)
b. Copies of cost quotations, if


3. Project Machinery and Equipment
a through g relate to (project cost)
EDA's maximum loan participa-
tion, reasonable assurance of re-
payment, and compliance with
Davis-Bacon wage requirements,
and permanency of new employ-

4. Other Project Costs

a through b relates to (project cost) EDA's maximum loan participation.

5. Applicant's Organization and Man- 5. Applicant's Organization and Management

a. Nature of business organization, and copy of partnership agreement or corporate charter b. Current (not over 90 days old) personal financial statements of owner, partners, or principals in a controlled-corporation applicant

c. Administrative and operational management personnel, with resumes of qualifications and experience

d. Statements of Personal History for owners, officers, stockholders (as required) (ED-201, Supp. 1)

6. Applicant's Parent,


a through d relates to reasonable assurance of repayment, and permanency of new employment.

Subsidiaries, 6. Applicant's Parent, Subsidiaries

and/or Affiliated Enterprises
a. Listed showing name, address,
nature of business and nature
and extent of affiliation

b. Audited financial statements of
each for three most recent fis-
cal years

c. Most recent (not over 90 days days old) interim financial statements of each, certified by company officer

7. Any receivership, bankruptcy, etc. of 7. applicant and any affiliated enterprise or principal

and/or Affiliated Enterprises

a through c relates to reasonable assurance of repayment.

Any receivership, etc. relates to reasonable assurance of repayment and permanency of new employment.

8. Applicant's Financial History and 8. Applicant's Financial History and Projections Projections

a. Audited financial statements in-
cluding balance sheets, income
statements and necessary sup-
porting schedules for three
most recent fiscal years
b. Most recent (not over 90 days
old) interim financial state-
ments as above, certified by

c. Pro forma income statements
and cash flow projections (by
quarters from date of most
recent interim or audited
statements submitted with ap-
plication through date of proj-
ect completion, then by
months for the first twelve
months or project operation,
and by years thereafter)
showing working capital cash
demand, and demonstrating
ability to service all debt prin-
cipal payments by ample mar-
gin from net after-tax income
rather than from cash flow
d. Pro forma opening balance sheet
at date of project completion
and annual pro forma balance
sheets for each year covered
by income and cash flow pro-

e. Statement of the sources of, and
written commitments to pro-
vide, the working capital
needs demonstrated by cash
flow projections

9. Project Financing

a. Evidence that other financing is not available on terms and conditions which would permit completion of the project in an eligible, EDA-designated


b. Copies of letters from at least two lending institutions declining to finance the project and to participate in EDA's share of financing

c. Evidence that other Federal financial assistance is not available to the project

d. Written commitment of participating lending institutions stating amount, interest rate, repayment term, collateral and lien position required e. Written commitment to provide equity funds stating both source of funds and nature and extent of ownership in applicant to be acquired for such funds


a through e relate to reasonable assurance of repayment and permanency of new employment.

Project Financing

a through h relates to EDA's assistance only where funds are not otherwise available and to 5% loan participation by State or public or quasipublic organizations.

f. Written commitment of participating local development organization or public body stating amount, interest rate, repayment term, collateral and lien position required

g. Copy of charter of participating local development organization or public body, or opinion of Regional Attorney finding it qualified under Public Law 89-136

h. Written commitments of guarantors with current (not over 90 days old) personal balance sheets

10. Project Operations

a. Manning table by job category, wage rate and number of employees (ED-223T)

b. Availability of trained or trainable labor in the redevelopment area

c. Proposed hiring and training practices, with special reference to the unemployed and underemployed in the redevelopment area (ED-503, ED-612)

d. Source, cost, and adequacy of supply of raw material, with detailed description of raw materials

e. Commitments from raw material suppliers, if any

f. Nature and extent of market for applicant's products

g. Marketing plan for project's out


h. Commitments from customers, brokers, etc., if any

i. Nature and extent of competition (ED-220T)

j. Independent feasibility study (required in venture capital cases with EDA loan in excess of $1,000,000, in new process or new product ventures regardless of EDA loan amount, and in any other case in which EDA finds it necessary; optional with Chief, BDD, in expansion loans.)

k. Evidence that operation of project will not relocate applicant's employment (ED501A)

10. Project Operations a through k relate to equal opportuity requirements, to (project cost) EDA's maximum loan participation, to reasonable assurance of repayment, and to nonrelocation requirements and permanency of new employment

11. Economic and Social Impact of 11. Economic and Social Impact of Project

a. Direct employment and other benefits to redevelopment area (ED-221T)

b. Indirect employment creation in

redevelopment area

c. Material, supply and service purchases in redeveolpment area

d. Affirmative Action


a and b are related to calculating project's impact on employment. in redevelopment areas, c is related to reasonable assurance of repayment, and d to equal opportunity.

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