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Chapter 2

The following information provides some examples of the types of services which may be funded under the Vocational Education Amendments of 1976, Part A, Subparts 2 and/or 3 and may be credited to Section 110 (a) and (b).

Survey/Evaluations-conducted by staff members or under contract or grant arrangements. (P.L. 94-482, Section 112 and Regulation 104.402)

• Identification of disadvantaged and handicapped populations and the geographical areas in which they are concentrated • Identification of employment opportunities for disadvantaged and handicapped youth and adults

• Identification of effectiveness of methods, materials, equipment and techniques used in providing vocational education programs for disadvantaged and handicapped persons

• Identification of other agencies, organizations, or individuals concerned with the disadvantaged and handicapped and the extent to which they can provide support services for vocational education

Outreach Activities-designed to recruit disadvantaged and handicapped persons and potential employers, and to develop community participation and support including business, unions and industry • Advertising through newspapers or television

• Announcements through posters, flyers, brochures, and other written presentations

• Speaking engagements with community groups including business, labor, special agencies, service organizations

Identification of Disadvantaged and Handicapped-needed to identify and classify specific problems of individual students (P.L. 94482, Subpart 3, Section 134, Regulation 104.763)

• Special counseling services for disadvantaged or handicapped students including salaries for time required over and above regular duties

• Preparation of diagnostic and evaluation tools

• Education testing to determine academic level, interest, and abilities

• Vocational or work evaluation

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Staff Development-required to prepare personnel to work with disadvantaged and handicapped students (Subpart 3, Section 135, Regulation 104.774)

• Training programs and internships for teachers and counselors-both pre-service and in-service

• Travel expenses and salaries of State and local staff members when such travel expenses are directly related to staff development; e.g., seminars, conferences, workshops and special institutes

Scheduling Modifications-needed to provide additional time for personnel to assist identified disadvantaged or handicapped students. Such may be required when any of the following situations occur (Section 120 (b)(1)(A), Regulation 104.512)

• Extension of school day, week, month, or year ● Instruction on an individual basis

• Flexible scheduling of students to permit program entrance/exit appropriate with progress

Curriculum Modifications-required to enable individuals to succeed in regular vocational education programs by assisting them to compensate for the disadvantage or handicap (Subpart 3, Section 133, NOTE—must go through Research Coordinating Unit)

Analysis of instructional materials for academic level

• Specially designed workbooks or textbooks

Task analysis of occupations to identify possible modification in instruction, equipment, or methods

• Competency based instructional materials developed especially for disadvantaged and handicapped

Curriculum Development-required to provide students with a specially designed program to suit their individual needs (Subpart 3, Section 133, NOTE-must go through Research Coordinating Unit) Contracts with consultants, specialists, or teachers

• Salaries of regularly employed teaching staff and curriculum specialists while working on this project

• Special supplies, instructional materials, and teaching aids • Competency based instructional materials

Equipment Modification for Handicapped (Part C, Section 195(1) and (7))

• Written instruction in Braille

• Large print materials

Signals which use sound rather than sight for the visually handicapped

Signals which use sight rather than sound for the hearing handicapped

Special safety devices, such as guard rails around moving parts of machinery

• Sensory devices

Printed rather than verbal instructions for the hard-of-hearing • Sound amplification devices

• Note taking systems


• Adaptations of regular equipment, such as hand controls added to machines usually operated by foot controls or vice versa

• Special desks and work tables for students in wheel chairs

Supplemental Education Services-designed to assist students in regular or special vocational programs (Sections 120 and 134) • Remedial services

• Psychological services to test, diagnose and evaluate

• Guidance and counseling services including recruitment, referral and follow-up

• Counseling services related to attendance, drugs, home problems-if these problems are directly related to the individuals' inability to succeed in the vocational education program

Staff to coordinate, supervise, and guide separate cooperative work experiences, work study programs, or apprenticeships • Lecturers, speakers, Big Brothers and Sisters participation, site visits to businesses and factories and other work places (Subpart 3, Section 134(b))

It is strongly recommended that State and local funds be used for the following purpose. Only in an unusual situation in which such funds are not available and a handicapped person would be denied access to a vocational program should Federal vocational monies be used. To the greatest extent possible, vocational education funds should be used for vocational education programs and services.

Construction Modifications for Handicapped in Area Vocational Schools (Subpart 2, Section 120(b) (E))

• Ramps for students who cannot use stairs

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