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(c) The Conference would be able to offer the medallions for sal

to all interested parties. The Committee will soon forward correspondence to the Frankl Mint outlining the importance of weights and measures, and request ing that the medallion be issued. 3. Scouts of America Weights and Ileasures Merit Badge

The Committee expresses its appreciation to the newly organiz Northeastern Weights and Measures Association for proposing the the Scouts of America issue a Weights and Measures Merit Bady

The objectives and requirements of the merit badge are as follor. Objectives (a) To demonstrate the necessity for a common, worldwide spate

a of measurement. (b) To create an awareness of weights and measures as a factor

modern living. (c) To create an awareness of vocational opportunities in ti

weights and measures profession. (d) To foster a better understanding of the need for weights a:.

measures standards. Requirements (a) Define the word "weight"in a 100-word essay. (b) Define the word "measure" in a 100-word essay. (c) Explain the difference between the "English" (conventiona

system of measurement and the metrie system of measuremen (d) Construct a measuring stick of wood or metal, or a combin

tion of both, which are on one side marked graduations
feet and inches and on the other, metric graduations: or
Construct out of wood or metal, or a combination of both. *
equal arm balance; and
By visiting a weights and measures official or with the he
of your counselor, verify its accuracy using the requiremer

set forth in the National Bureau of Standards Handbook H. (c) L'sing a readily available map of your own, make an overla

of the map showing the distance from 12 different points usin:

the metric system. (f) Using packaged or camned food or hardware items, convert

the package labeled quantity to the metrie system for a min

mum of 15 different commodities. (g) Make a scale drawing showing the difference between a quar

and a liter, a pound and a kilogram. (h) Write a report describing the duties of a weights and measure

official following a visit to a local state weights and measuri facility; or

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Write a brief report concerning the content and scope of your

state's weights and measures laws. (i) Draw a diagram of a weighing or measuring device describing

its components. It is imperative that the Conference endorse the badge and that state and local officials support the Scouts of America in this effort.

H. Smithsonian Institution Exhibit of Weighing and Measuring In


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The Committee has learned that the Smithsonian is assembling an exhibit on weights and measures. At present, an opening date has not been set for the exhibit. However, Dr. Jon Eklund of the Smithsonian has asked the Committee to urge that weights and measures officials assist him in two areas: (a) By writing to him letting him know of weights, measures,

and balances in their possession that may be of historical

Dr. Jon Eklund
Division of Physical Sciences
MHT 5123
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D.C. 20560
Tel: 202:381-5330


(b) by giving him interesting anecdotes on weights and measures


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The Committee is enthusiastic about the possibility of a weights and measures exhibit and urges all officials to provide whatever input they can.

5. National Geographic Article on Weights and Jeasures

Comment was received during the open meeting requesting that the Committee approach the National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C., with a proposal that they do an article in 1976 on weights and measures systems, metrology, equipment, and metrication. The Committee has placed this request on its agenda and will approach the National Geographic Society as requested.

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Metric Education

The Committee is aware that many jurisdictions are flooded with requests for educational type materials that explain the metric system of measurement. To this end, the Committee provided a display

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at the National Conference of all currently known sources of edus tional material on the metric system. This included films that we available, books, pamphlets, and other materials that weights ar measures officials may wish to acquire for dissemination to the gener. public.

During the open meeting comment was received from Puerto R requesting that in any changeover to the metric system, the Unite States consider the use of metric subunits that are practical for us by consumers rather than subunits that are normally used in academi or technical circles. An example would be the use of the centimete: rather than the millimeter on consumable goods. The Committ wishes to express its appreciation for these comments and certairh endorses the need for the use of practical metric units when involvi.. the consumer.

National Survey of Weights and Measures Administration

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The Committee received correspondence concerning a very serio need for information on the various activities and administrativ procedures of state and local weights and measures offices. The purpwm of such information is to offer anyone a realistic picture of the no sources currently in nise in this country to provide for weights an measures enforcement. The uses of the information are, of cours varied according to each individual jurisdiction and may range

frou a simple comparison of resources to a rather in-depth analysis of source commitments based upon population density, levels of com merce, etc. The need for these data is obvious. The planning for such survey and the capturing of resources to do it is a matter for the (02. ference and the NBS Office of Weights and Measures to coordinat

Clearinghouse for Exchange of Packaging and Labeling Problems This topic results from correspondence from the field on a neel for some type of package information clearinghouse at the nationa level that is similar to that currently being operated by the City of Baltimore, Maryland. The Committee is of the opinion that a nationa clearinghouse of packaging data is cost prohibitive. Additionally, the problem appears not so much to be an exchange of all data on

package ing or labeling problems but a meaningful and uniform exchange of information between a jurisdiction which has uncovered a packaging problem and the jurisdiction where the package was manufactured on packed. To this end, the Committee, largely through the efforts of Diril Offner, has developed a uniform reporting form that can be used by al. jurisdictions in notifying each other of packaging problems where assistance is required for enforcement purposes. The recommended form is presented below.

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escriptive Name

of Commodity : rand Name of

This is to report that our office has found a violation of Section

our law dealing with packaged commodities. The violation apparently origated in your jurisdiction.

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[anufacturer or Distributor

(as shown on package) : Address:

ype of Container (plastic bottle,

aerosol, paper sack, etc.):

Other (Specify) :

f Labeling Violation, describe:

ot, Code, or Other Identifying Numbers:

Name & Address of Establishment

where Violation was found:

Date Violation Occurred:

Nature of Violation: Labeling [ ] Short Weight [ ] Short Measure [ ]
Short-count [ ] Slack fill [ ]

If Shortage Violation, give the

'ollowing details: Approximate Number in Lot:

Average Error:


We would appreciate a report of your investigation of this violation.
Very truly yours,

Open Dating on Packaged Commodities

The Committee is aware of attempts at the state and local levels to provide for mandatory open dating of packaged commodities and the voluntary open dating systems employed by the private sector. These developments could lead to a great degree of nonuniformity. Because of the lack of uniform guidelines, and the possibility that

forcement of open dating requirements will become the responSbility of weights and measures officials, it has been requested that the Committee on Laws and Regulations consider the development of a Model Regulation for open dating.

The Committee wishes to express its appreciation to the Committee on Laws and Regulations for its prompt and thorough response in the development of a model regulation for open dating. The Committee endorses the model regulation in view of its responsibility in






the area of consumer affairs. The National Conference has as one of its objectives the adoption of uniform model regulations. While many officials may question whether or not open dating is a weights and measures responsibility, the Committee feels that the significance of promoting a uniform model open dating regulation should override such consideration.

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(Mr. Prideaux moved for adoption and, after a second from the floor, the report of the Committee on Education, Administration, and Consumer Affairs was adopted in its entirety by the Conference by voice vote.)


Presented by S. D. ANDREWS, Chairman, Director Division of
Standards. Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Services, State of Florida

(Thursday, July 26, 1973)

The Committee on Laws and Regulations submits its final report to the 58th Nationa! Conference on Weights and Measures. The report consists of the tentative report as offered in the Conference Announcement, and as amended by the final report.

The report represents recommendations of the Committee that have been formed on the basis of written and oral comments received during the year and oral presentations made during the open meeting of the Committee. MODEL STATE METHOD OF SALE OF COMMODITIES REGULATION 1. Combination Quantity Declarations

At the 57th National Conference the Committee on Laws and Reg ulations acknowledged that numerous packaged products bearing com bination quantity declarations presented problems in applying the average concept to such quantity declarations. Specifically, the Com

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