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1 priate State agency, and, notwithstanding any other provision 2 of law, may make payments to such State or appropriate 3 agency for expenses incurred for such purposes.

4 (b) Any agreement under this section may contain such 5 provisions as will promote effective administration, protect 6 the United States against loss and insure that the functions 7 and duties to be carried out by the appropriate State agency are performed in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary.





SEC. 213. The Secretary of Labor shall prescribe such

11 rules and regulations as he may deem necessary and appro12 priate to carry out his responsibilities under this Act.







16 SEC. 221. The Secretary of Health, Education, and 17 Welfare shall, pursuant to the provisions of this title enter 18 into agreements with States under which the appropriate 19 State education agencies will undertake to provide training 20 to equip persons referred to the Secretary of Health, Educa21 tion, and Welfare pursuant to section 203. Such State agen22 cies shall provide for such training through public educa23 tional agencies or institutions or through arrangements with 24 private educational or training institutions where such pri25 vate institutions can provide equipment or services not avail



1 able in public institutions, particularly for training in tech2 nical and subprofessional occupations, for training the dis3 advantaged, or where such institutions can, at comparable 4 cost, (1) provide substantially equivalent training, or (2) 5 make possible an expanded use of the individual referral 6 method, or (3) aid in reducing more quickly unemployment 7 or current and prospective manpower shortages. Such agree8 ments shall contain such other provisions as will promote 9 effective administration (including provisions (1) for reports on the attendance and performance of trainees, (2) for im11 mediate certification to the Secretary of Labor by the re12 sponsible training agency with respect to each person referred 13 for training who does not have a satisfactory attendance 14 record or is not making satisfactory progress in such training 15 absent good cause, and (3) for continuous supervision of the 16 training programs conducted under the agreement to insure 17 the quality and adequacy of the training provided), protect 18 the United States against loss, and assure that the functions 19 and duties to be carried out by such State agency are per20 formed in such fashion as will carry out the purposes of this 21 title. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall 22 give preference to training and education provided through 23 State vocational education agencies and other State educa24 tion agencies. However, in any case in which he determines 25 that it would permit persons to begin their training or edu

76-736 - 72-7


1 cation within a shorter period of time, or permit the needed

2 training or education to be provided more economically, or


more effectively, he may provide the needed training or 4 education by agreement or contract made directly with 5 public or private training or educational facilities or through 6 such other arrangements as he deems necessary to give full 7 effect to this Act.

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9 SEC. 222. The Secretary of Health, Education, and 10 Welfare may prescribe such rules and regulations as he may


deem necessary and appropriate to carry out his responsi12 bilities under this Act.











SEC. 231. (a) The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964,

as amended, is further amended as follows:

(1) Subsection (e) of section 106 is repealed.

(2) Subsection (b) of section 115 is amended to read as follows:

"(b) The Director may enter into agreements with 21 States to administer, assure, or assist in the administration 22 of the programs provided in this part. The Director may, pursuant to regulations, pay part or all of the operative or administrative costs of such programs."




(b) Section 810 (a) of the Economic Opportunity Act


1 of 1964 is amended by striking the word "and" immediately 2 preceding paragraph (3) thereof, by substituting a semi3 colon for the period at the end of the subsection, and by 4 adding the following:

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"and (4) with the approval of the Secretary of Labor, in Job Corps Centers operated under title II of the Manpower Training and Employment Act of 1971."

(c) Section 833 (b) of the Economic Opportunity Act

of 1964 is amended to read as follows:

“(b) Individuals who receive either a living allowance

or a stipend under this title shall, with respect to such serv

ices or training:

"(1) for the purposes of subchapter III of chapter 73 of title 5 of the United States Code, be deemed per

sons employed in the executive branch of the Federal Government;

"(2) for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. 1 et seq.) and title II of the Social

Security Act (42 U.S.C 401 et seq), be deemed em

ployees of the United States, and any service performed

by an individual as a volunteer shall be deemed to be

performed in the employ of the United States;

"(3) for purposes of the Federal tort claims provisions in title 28, United States Code, be deemed employees of the Government; and

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"(4) for purposes of the subchapter I of chapter 81

of title 5 of the United States Code (relating to compen

sation to Federal employces for work injuries), be

deemed civil employees of the United States within the

meaning of the term 'employee' as defined in section 8101 of title 5, United States Code, and the provisions of the subchapter shall apply except as follows:

"(A) In computing compensation benefits for disability or death, the monthly pay of a volunteer shall be deemed that received under the entrance salary for a grade GS-7 employee, and sections

8113 (a) and (b) of title 5, United States Code,

shall apply to volunteers; and

"(B) Compensation for disability shall not begin to accrue until the day following the date on

which the injured volunteer is terminated."

SEC. 232. (a) Title I, part A, of the Economic Oppor

18 tunity Act of 1964, as amended (sections 101-118), is 19 transferred to the Manpower Training and Employment Act 20 of 1971 and inserted as sections 233 through 250, respec21 tively, as amended by subsection (e) of this section.


(b) All references to part A of title I of the Economic 23 Opportunity Act of 1964 or any provision thereof are 24 hereby deleted from the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. 25 Any reference to part A of title I of the Economic Opportu

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