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The City of San Jose was allocated $85,000 in the summer of 1971
for increased recreation opportunity for disadvantaged youth. The City
of San Jose and the Santa Clara County Office of Education were co-spon-
sors of the 1971 MDTA-RSP.

Arrangements for the funding of MDTA-RSP was made by contract modification of the regular NYC contract with the Department of Labor by the Santa Clara County Office of Education (the official applicant for the MDTA-RSP). The local NYC office worked very closely with the City of San Jose Parks and Recreation Department in the planning and conduct of the program. The local Recreation Superintendent was the administrator of the program; County Office of Education provided fiscal services. This cooperative arrangement enabled the local agencies to apply and receive the MDTARSP funds with the minimum of delay.

The basic purpose of the City of San Jose Santa Clara County School Department 1971 MDTA Recreation Support Program was to provide the basic support needed to make the job placement of NYC youth as meaningful as possible and to extend opportunities for worthwhile use of leisure time for disadvantaged youth, ages 8-13 during the summer.

The objectives of the program were:

1. To support the NYC placement program with local recreation
service agencies in order to make the job experience possible
and effective to the individual NYC enrollee.




To broaden recreation opportunities for disadvantaged youth
of the community.

To coordinate local resources for efficiency in serving the
local community and specifically for serving disadvantaged youth.

To contribute toward realization of goals and of objectives
of the Parks and Recreation Department.

5. To contribute toward realization of the potential of all NYC
Enrollees and youngsters served through this program.

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The Tierra Nuestra Housing complex has over 470 children living in one complex. About 75% reside with one-parent families. Average family income is about $2500/year. The racial/ethnic composition of the residents are 57% Mexican-Americans, 20% Blacks, and 23% White or other. The nearest park or school playground is well over one mile away.

The MDTA-Recreation Support Program supported the coordinated efforts of an extensive group of local community agencies that decided to demonstrate that community agencies can work cooperatively together with the people of a select neighborhood to seek solutions to problems and meet needs common to that area. Nine local agencies were involved in a major way to plan and conduct a comprehensive summer program at the Tierra Nuestra Housing Project. These agencies included: Alum Rock School District, American Red Cross, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Catholic Social Service, MexicanAmerican Community Service Agency, Neighborhood Youth Corps (County Office of Education), YMCA, and City of San Jose Parks & Recreation Department (M.D.T.A.-R.S.P.).

The nine major agencies received supportive assistance from at least
ten other agencies including: Camp Fire Girls, County Department of Social
Services, County Health Department, C.Y.O., A.A.P., Goodwill, Salvation
Army, Social Planning Council, Volunteer Bureau, Y.W.C.A., and the United
Fund Association.

Each of the major participating agencies provided resources in developing a comprehensive summer program which included youth employment, beautification of the housing complex environment, youth leadership training, swim and cultural trips, educational classes, and general recreation activities including camping.

The MDTA Recreation Support Program provided the funds that met all transportation needs for daily recreation activities at a nearby playground, bi-weekly swim trips, day camp and cultural trips. Supplies and two activity leaders were also provided by the Recreation Support Program.

The Principal of the school which most of the Tierra Nuestra children attend reported a marked difference in attitude improvement in the youngsters that participated in the summer program.

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The following are recommendations of the operating staff to improve the program:

1. Approval of purchasing permanent equipment up to 10%

of grant total.

2. Availability or approval of funds by March 1st, if possible.

3. Sharing of MDTA-RSP materials and guidelines developed by
other citico.

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