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In January, 1983, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE)
commissioned the Brigham Young University to determine both the
amount and the usefulness/useability of direct,
instructional-related vocational education equipment used in
the USHES eight colleges and universities offering vocational
education programs. In all, 104 vocational programs (collapsed
into seven standard categories: Health, Office, Technical,
Trade and Industrial, Agricultural, Home Economice,
Distributive Education) were offered among which 198 diploma,
certificate or degree levels of completion could be earned.
The eight USHE institutions consisted of five community
colleges, two four-year colleges and one university.

All current equipment with a dollar value of at least $250 and
having an expected usefulness/useability of one year or more
was included in the study. Faculty members in each program at
each institution prepared each inventory report.
The report
was thereafter reviewed by either the department chairman or
dean and also by the institution's vocational director.
Vocational program advisory committees --representatives from
the specific occupation in business and industry also were
consulted to validate the usefulness/useability index of the

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USHE Equip. Study Report
July 27, 1983

Page 2 of 4 Pages

BACKGROUND --Continued

As each item of equipment was listed on the invertory, the following information was also listed:

* Units on hand

* Age in years since manufactured or acquired

* Origninal cost to institution

* Whether it was acquired as "excess" or "surplus" or "donated * Its current usefulness/useability for effective teaching: A. Equipment is obsolete in business/industry Equipment is useful for training but is not used in business/industry




Equipment is currently used in business/industry
Equipment is state-of-the-art in business/industry

* Description of equipment needed to replace current
equipment classified as A, B or C above

* Units of replacement equipment needed

* Cost of replacement equipment

* Projected years of useability of either currently useful or needed replacement equipment.

In addition, each program was asked to list "additional" items of equipment for which their was not a similar or equal item currently on inverntory. This inventory asked for the:

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* Projected years of usefulness/useability for effective teaching.

USHE Equip. Study Report
July 27, 1983

Page 3 of 4 Pages


Across All Programs Among All Eight USHE Institutions

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Total units currently inventoried among eight USHE
institutions: 7,755 units

Total original cost to USHE for currently inventoried equipment: $9.45 Million.


Weighted mean age for current equipment:

8.5 years.

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Weighted mean years of projected usefulness/useability for "additional" equipment: 8.8 years.

Total current equipment which is obsolete: 10 percent.

Total cost to replace current obsolete equipment:
$2.59 Million

Total current equipment which is either obsolete or not currently used in business/industry: 25 percent.

* Total cost to replace current equipment which is either obsolete or not currently used in business/industry: 6.51 Million.


Total replacement units needed in USHE to bring
equipment to a closer approximation of

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⭑ Total replacement costs for 5,534 units: $21.39 Million.

* Total units of "additional" equipment needed beyond
replacement needs to bring programs to closer
approximation of state-of-the-art: 1,731 units.


Totat cost for "additional

$8.31 Million.

equipment needed:

USHE Equip. Study Report
July 27, 1983

Page 4 of 4 Pages

FINDINGS --Continued

Equipment Needs Across Eight USHE Institutions, By Program,
to More Closely Approximate State-of-the-art

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Frank, I hope the data will be of value in your presentations before the various Congressional hearings on tax credits for equipment, on vocational education reauthoriztion, and on others. For some perspective, Utah's population is currently 1.65 million and growing. We need equipment not only to more closely approximate the state-of-the-art but also to provide for the tremendous growth which will hit the USHE in five years. Nearly 45 percent of all lower division full-time equivalent enrollments in the eight institutions studied are enrolled in vocational education programs.

Call me if you want some findings not reported above.

David R. Terry, Ph.D.
Assistant Commissioner

cc: Dean Griffin, AVA

Gene Woolf

Arvo Van Alstyne

Don Carpenter

Gail Norris



Dr. GREENFIELD. Thank you, Senator. Mr. Chairman, my name is Richard Greenfield. I am the chancellor of the St. Louis Community College District in St. Louis, Mo. I am speaking here on behalf of my own institutions as well as the two associations that were just mentioned by Wayne Newton. If my statement may be entered in the record, I will summarize my remarks.

Senator GRASSLEY. Yes; it will be included in toto.

[The prepared statement of Dr. Richard K. Greenfield follows:]

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