Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
30 kilometres agree alleged Aloe Vera products answer Applause aromatic plants found ask your question asked the Minister assaulted Assistant Minister attacked aware Badala bandits beg to reply Billow Bobisa build youth polytechnics Cheboi communities Deputy Speaker dispensaries district allocations district hospitals Energy Bill ensure Ethiopia fail to arrest found in Kenya G.G. Kariuki give the Minister going Government health centres instructors investors IPPs itemised allocations ITEMISED EXPENDITURE Kembi-Gitura KenGen killed Kiunjuri Koech Konchella Kshs27 billion Kulundu Kuresoi Constituency kuwa Labour and Human Let us move Litein Loud consultations Lugari Constituency Marsabit District Members stood Michuki Minister for Finance Minister knows Ministerial Statement Mombasa Moroto Mwancha Nakitare Ndoinet Ngoyoni Obwocha Osundwa paid Parliament pension point of order POKOT polytechnics in Lugari Postbank President Printed Estimates problem Question is dropped Salat Sasura scrutinise seek clarification settlement schemes Tinet tooth Turkana value of Aloe Vote wananchi Westmont