Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Agriculture Angwenyi asked the Minister Attorney-General cane Chair Chemelil COMESA Constitution of Kenya contract contractor debts deferred Deputy Speaker drug inspectors fix the number funds gave the Motion hapa hivyo House Business Committee HZ Company importation of sugar irrigation KAKAMEGA DISTRICT Kenya Sugar Authority Khamasi Kibaki Kikuyu Kisumu District Kituyi kiwanda cha KPLC Kulundu kuwa kwamba Lands and Settlement Madoka matter Members metal fatigue million Minister for Finance Minister for Lands Ministry employs miwa Miwani Sugar Factory Muhoroni Mumias Sugar Company Munyao number of Ministries Nzoia Sugar Company Ochuodho office messenger Omamo Parliament pharmaceutical technologists point of order problems Question Ramisi received the Motion road Rotich rural electrification Sasura Secretary Section 16 Sessional Paper Somaia Sony Sony sugar sugar belt sugar industry sugar-cane farmers sukari Sungu talk things Thursday tonne Toro urges the Government viwanda hivi Wako wakulima Wamunyinyi