Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
African contractors agreed allocated ambayo Angwenyi asked the Minister Assistant Minister barabara hiyo beg to reply beg to support bridge budget centre Chief Executive civil servants constituency construction contract cost councillors DRCs drift ensure Gilgil Githiomi give going Government houses grader Habitat Agenda Head implement issue Item Karua Kenya Roads Board kilometres Kitui Kiunjuri Kshs1 Kshs15 million Kshs200 million Kshs9.5 billion kwa sababu kwamba Laikipia District look Machakos Town maintenance Malindi Minister for Education Minister for Roads Minister tell Ministry of Roads Mombasa Musila Muturi Mwenje Nairobi Nino Nyandarua District Obwocha Ochuodho Ol Kalou pesa point of order privatisation problem Pwani Question recruit homeguards repair Roads and Public Rural Electrification Samoei Serikali Sirma Sub-Vote tarmac road tarmacked Tausa Taveta Temporary Deputy Chairman Temporary Deputy Speaker tenants Toro utalii Vote W.C. Morogo watu Waziri Wilaya