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have sustained an irreparable loss, society has been deprived of two of its most worthy and useful citizens, and the city council of two of its most active, energetic and faithful members.

Resolved, That we tender to their bereaved families and relatives, our heartfelt sympathy and condolence, in this, the hour of their great affliction.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be communicated to the families of the deceased, by the city recorder, and that they be spread upon the records of the city council.

Resolved, That the Richmond Conservator and the Ray Chronicle be requested to publish these resolutions.

Resolved, That in respect to the memory of the lamented deceased, we adjourn until Wednesday, June 12th, 1878.

W. C. PATTON, City Recorder.

GEO. I. WASSON, Mayor.

It is not easy to imagine how greater destruction could be wrought in the same length of time than was caused by the Richmond cyclone of June 1, 1878. It was indeed a great calamity, and will long be remembered.

From personal experience, endured at another time, in another state, the writer is fully prepared to appreciate the suffering of those who were so unfortunate as to be in the pathway of the terribly devastating whirlwind.

With a list of the members of the bar and medical profession, and the city charter and revised ordinances of the city of Richmond, we close its history.

The Richmond bar has long been noted for the ability, learning and eloquence of its members.

Lawyers who have distinguished themselves in various departments of life, have either lived or practiced law at Richmond. Among them we mention: Alexander W. Doniphan, Hamilton R. Gamble, Charles French, Robert W. Wells, Abiel Leonard, Amos Rees, Thomas C. Burch, Mordecai Oliver, Austin A. King, Peter H. Burnett, and Aaron H. Conrow. General Doniphan's fame as a soldier is world-wide. His heroic military exploits are read in the school room, and live in the hearts of his countrymen, yet he is not unknown as a brilliant and successful lawyer. He is now retired from practice, and is a resident of Richmond.

As to Aaron H. Conrow, see biographical sketch in part second. The rest, including Hon. Geo. W. Dunn, are mentioned elsewhere in this work.

The Richmond bar has, at present, twenty members; several of them have practiced in Richmond for many years, and are well and widely known, as well for their professional ability as for their sterling worth as members of society. The majority, however, are energetic and talented

young gentlemen, either recently admitted to the bar, or who have been engaged in the practice but a few years.

Following is a list of members of the Richmond bar in April, 1881: Geo. W. Dunn, Christopher T. Garner, James W. Black, Joseph E. Black, Chas. J. Hughes, John W. Shotwell, David P. Whitmer, James L. Farris, Adam J. Barr, Elijah F. Esteb, James W. Garner, Frank G. Gibson, C. T. Garner, Jr., William S. Conrow, Thos. N. Lavelock, J. E. Ball, John R. Hamilton, John H. Dunn, George A. Stone and John F. Morton.

The medical profession is most ably represented in Richmond by the following physicians, to-wit: Doctors G. W. Buchanan, H. P. Jacobs, W. W. Mosby and son, H. C. Garner, J. D. Taylor, James W. Smith, M. C. Jacobs (eclectic), and R. B. Kice (D. D. S.)

Dr. Nathaniel Davis was a physician of Richmond for many years, but is now retired from the practice, and is living quietly at his home, just without the eastern limits of the city.


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:


SECTION 1. All that district of country contained within the following boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at a point fifty-eight chains and fifty links north of public square, on the line between the land of G. W. Dunn and Mrs. Darneal; thence east to the section line between sections twentynine and thirty, fifty-two chains and fifty-four links; thence south one hundred and three chains and eighty-two links; thence west one hundred and five chains and eight links; thence north one hundred and three chains and eighty-two links; thence east fifty-two chains and fifty-four links, to the place of beginning, shall be, and the same is hereby erected into a city, by the name of "The City of Richmond," and the inhabitants thereof shall be, and they are hereby constituted, a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of "the mayor, councilmen, and citizens of the city of Richmond," and by that name they and their successors forever shall have perpetual succession, shall sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, defend and be defended in all courts of law and equity, and in all actions whatsoever; may contract and be contracted with, may purchase, receive, and hold property, real and personal, within said city, and may sell, lease, or dispose of the same for the benefit of the city, and may purchase, receive, and hold property, real or personal, beyond the limits of said city, to be used for the burial of the dead of the city, or for the establishment of a hospital for the reception of persons afflicted with contagious or other diseases, or for the erection of a poor-house and farm, or work-house, or house of correction, and may sell, lease, or dispose of such property for the benefit of the city, and may do all other acts and things as natural persons. They may have and use a common seal, and may break, alter, change, and make a new seal at pleasure.

SEC. 2. The city of Richmond hereby created, as soon as may be, shall be divided into six wards, so as to include, as near as may be, the

same number of free white male inhabitants in each ward, and the city council shall have the power to alter or change the boundaries of said wards from time to time, as they see fit, or to increase, or diminish the number of said wards, having regard to the number of free white male inhabitants, as aforesaid, so that each ward shall, as aforesaid, have, as nearly as may be, an equal number of inhabitants.


SECTION 1. The corporate powers of the inhabitants hereby incorporated under the name and style of the "mayor, councilmen, and citizens of the city of Richmond," shall be vested in and exercised by a city council, to consist of one member from each ward, to be elected by general ticket, by the qualified voters of said city, on the first Monday in April, annually, unless otherwise provided by ordinance.

SEC. 2. No person shall be a member of the city council, unless he be a free white male citizen of the state of Missouri, over the age of twentyone years, and shall have resided within the city limits three months, next preceding his election, and be a bona fide resident of the ward for which he is elected.

SEC. 3. If a councilman shall, after his election, remove from the ward from which he was chosen, his office shall be thereby vacated.

SEC. 4. The council, in the absence of the mayor, shall elect one of their number to be a president pro tempore of the council, and the president pro tempore thus elected, shall, during the absence from the city of the mayor, or of a vacancy in the office, or of inability of the mayor to serve, perform all the duties of mayor.

SEC. 5. The mayor and the city council shall and may annually choose such agents and servants as they shall deem necessary in the transaction of their business, and remove them at pleasure.

SEC. 6. The mayor and the city council shall be the judges of the election returns, and qualifications of such mayor and members of said city council, and shall determine contested elections.

SEC. 7. A majority of the council shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may compel the attendance of absent members in such a manner, and under such penalties, as the council may prescribe.

SEC. 8. The council may determine the rules of their proceedings, punish their members for disorderly conduct, and, with the concurrence of two thirds of all the members elected, expel a member, but not a sec

ond time for the same offense.

SEC. 9. The mayor and council shall keep a journal of their proceedings, and the ayes and nays of the members on any question shall, at the desire of any member present, be entered on the journal.

SEC. 10. Neither the mayor or any member of the council shall, during the time for which he or they are elected, be appointed to any office under the provisions of this act, unless a petition to that effect be signed by two-thirds of the qualified voters of the city.

SEC. 11. All vacancies that shall occur in the council shall be filled in such manner as shall be provided by ordinance.

SEC. 12. Every member of the council, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall, in addition to the oath of office hereinafter required,

make affidavit that it is his bona fide intention to reside within the ward for which he was elected during the term for which he was elected.

SEC. 13. Whenever there shall be a tie in the election of members of the council, the judges of election shall certify the same to the mayor, or person exercising the duties of mayor, who shall immediately thereupon issue his proclamation, stating such facts, and ordering a new election, giving twenty days' previous notice thereof, and if such ties shall occur upon any election for mayor, such judges of election shall certify the same to the city council, and such council, after qualification, shall elect between such candidates having an equal number of votes; and in the further event that neither of such candidates for mayor shall receive a majority of the votes of said council, a new election for mayor shall be ordered by said council immediately, giving twenty days' previous notice of the time and place of such election.

SEC. 14. There shall be stated meetings of the council once in every calendar month, at such time and place as the council, by ordinance, shall designate, and other and further proceedings of said council may be convened by the mayor or person discharging the duties of mayor, at any time in his discretion, provided always that said mayor and council may adjourn any meeting from day to day, or to any time within said calendar


SEC. 15. Upon the passage of all and every bill appropriating money, imposing taxes, or increasing, lessening or abolishing licenses, or borrowing money, the yeas and nays shall be entered upon the journal upon the motion of the mayor or any member of the council.

SEC. 16. A majority of all the members of the council shall be necessary to pass any tax bill, or bills appropriating any sum amounting to one hundred dollars, or any other bill or bills, involving a like amount in anywise increasing, affecting or diminishing the city revenue.


SECTION. 1. The council shall have power within the city ordinance: 1st, To levy and collect taxes not exceeding three-fifths of one per centum per annum upon the assessed value of all property made taxable by law, for state purposes, and also to provide for the collection of the same by the sale of real and personal estate within the city, in such manner as this act or the council by ordinance shall provide. 2d, To borrow money on the credit of the city, upon a vote of two-thirds of the members of the council. 3d, To appropriate money and provide for the payment of the debts, appropriations, contracts, liabilities and expenses of the city. 4th, To make regulations to guard against and prevent the introduction of contagious and infectious diseases into the city, and to make quarantine laws for that purpose, and enforce the same within two miles of the city. 5th, To establish hospitals, employ physicians' atter dance, and procure drugs and medicines, and to make regulations for the government and care thereof. 6th, To make regulations to secure the general health of the inhabitants, and to abate, prevent, and remove nuisances. 7th, To provide the city with water, by digging wells, making cisterns, and improving springs and creeks, and erecting and providing pumps on the streets, avenues, and sidewalks within the boundaries of the city, for the convenience of the inhabitants thereof. 8th, To create, open

alter, abolish, widen, extend, establish, grade, pave, or otherwise improve, and to clean, macadamize and keep in repair streets, avenues, lanes and alleys within the city, with the express restriction that the council shall not establish, or open, any street, lane, avenue or alley through any property which has not been laid out into town lots, and a plat thereof filed according to law, unless by the written consent of the proprietors of such property; provided always, that the council may, by ordinance, require the owner of such property, when laid out into lots, or outlots, to have the streets, lanes, alleys, or avenues to correspond as near as may be with the streets, lanes, alleys or avenues in use in the city; and no lane, or avenue, or alley shall be altered unless such city council shall pay the owner of such real estate such damages as may be found due to such proprietor, to be ascertained by a jury of twelve men, or by any other provisions as the council may, by ordinance, prescribe, or by any other legal proceedings. 9th, To establish, erect and keep in repair, bridges, culverts and sewers, and regulate the use of the same. 10th, To establish, support and regulate the night watch and patrol. 11th, To erect markethouses, establish markets and places, and provide for the government and regulation thereof. 12th, To provide for the erection of all needful buildings, for the use of the city. 13th, To provide for enclosing and improving any real estate belonging to the city. 14th, To license, tax and regulate auctioneers, grocers, merchants, retailers, dram shop keepers, ordinaries, taverns and inns. 15th, To license, tax, regulate and restrain and suppress hawkers, peddlers, shows, theatrical and other performances and exhibitions. 16th, To license, tax and suppress, prohibit and restrain gaming and gambling houses, bawdy houses, and other disorderly houses. 17th, To provide for the extinguishment of fires, and prevention thereof; to organize and establish fire companies, and to provide necessary and suitable engines, hose, buckets, ladders, fireworks and apparatus; also to regulate and prevent the carrying on of any business, pursuit or manufactory of a character to cause or produce fires, or prejudical, or injurious to the health of inhabitants, and to compel the owners of the houses and other buildings to have scuttles upon the roofs of any such houses or buildings, and stairs and ladders leading to the same. 18th, To regulate and order the cleaning of chimneys, and to fix the flues thereof, to regulate the storage of gunpowder, tar, pitch, resin, hemp, cotton, and all other combustible materials, and to regulate the use of lights and lighted lamps or candles in all stables, shops and other places; to remove or prevent the construction of any fire-place, hearth, chimney, stove, oven, boiler, kettle, or apparatus used in any house, building, manufactory, or business which may be dangerous in causing or promoting fire, to prohibit under suitable penalties the firing of fire-crackers, and the discharging of fire arms, to direct the safe construction of deposits for ashes and to enter into at reasonable hours, or to appoint one or more officers at reasonable times to enter into and examine all out-houses, lots, yards, enclosures, and out-buildings of every description, in order to discover whether any of them are in a dangerous state, and to cause such as may be found by the verdict of a jury to be dangerous, to be put in safe and secure condition. 19th, To provide for the inspection and weighing of hay, the storing and measuring of charcoal, stone coal, fire wood, and other fuel to be used in the city. 20th, To regulate the inspection of but

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