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" Nursery stock, including all field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions, buds, fruit pits and other seeds of fruit and ornamental trees or shrubs, and other plants and plant products for propagation, except field, vegetable,... "
Code of Federal Regulations: Containing a Codification of Documents of ... - Page 179
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The Shipley Collection of Scientific Papers, Volume 213

1922 - 868 pages
...accept for mailing parcels containing plants and plant products, including all -field-grown florists stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions,...plants and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and roots, unless they an accompanied by a certificate from a state or government inspector to the effect that...
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Annual Reports of the Department of Agriculture for the Fiscal Year Ended ...

United States. Department of Agriculture - 1919 - 540 pages
...distribution, and Inspection at destination. The term " nursery stock " Includes all field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions,...plants, and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and roots. Irish potatoes. — The importation of Irish potatoes Is prohibited altogether from the countries enumerated...
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Phytopathology, Volume 8

1918 - 688 pages
...include all field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions, buds, fruit pita and other seeds of fruit and ornamental trees or shrubs,...plants, and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and roots. SEC. 5. That th^word "person" as used in this Act shall be construed to import both the plural and...
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Congressional Serial Set

1913 - 830 pages
...restrictions of that order. 2. Nursery stock, including all field-grown florists' et£luisory stock> stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions,...plants, and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and roots, may be admitted to the mails only when accompanied with certificate of a certificate from a State or...
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International Review of the Science and Practice of Agriculture, Issues 1-6

1913 - 1046 pages
...person or by attorney. Sec. 6. — The term "nursery stock" shall include all field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions,...plants, and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and roots. Sec. 7. — Whenever, in order to prevent the introduction into the United States of any tree, plant,...
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Hand Book of the United States Tariff: Containing the Tariff Act of 1913 ...

Vandegrift, F.B., & Co - 1913 - 1012 pages
...Definitions. For the purpose of this Act the term "nursery stock" Includes all field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions,...plants, and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and roots. The following classes of plants are included in nursery stock as defined above: Fruit trees, fruit-tree...
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Laws Applicable to the United States Department of Agriculture

United States - 1913 - 456 pages
...That for the purpose of this act the term " nursery stock " shall include all field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions,...plants, and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and roots. Act August 20, 1912, c. 308, a. 6, 37 Stat. 317. Determination, and promulgation thereof, of necessity...
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Treasury Decisions Under Customs and Other Laws, Volume 24

United States. Department of the Treasury - 1913 - 1242 pages
...Definition. — For the purpose of this act the term "nursery stock" Includes all field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions,...plants, and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and roots. All woody plants and parts thereof for propagation or planting are included within the term "nursery...
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Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 6

1913 - 572 pages
...Nursery stock, including all field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vinca, cuttings, graft.", scions, buds, fruit pits and other seeds of fruit...bedding plants, and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and root«, may be admitted to the mails only when accompanied by a certificate from a State or Government...
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Compiled Statutes of the United States, 1913: Embracing the ..., Volume 4

United States - 1914 - 1272 pages
...defined. For the purpose of this act the term nursery stock" shall include all field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions,...plants, and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and roots. (37 Stat. 317.) § 8758. (Act Aug. 20, 1912, c. 308, § 7.) Plant diseases and insect infestation;...
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