Page images
[blocks in formation]

Government National Mortgage Association

Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration

Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation

Health and Human Services, Department of
Child Support Enforcement, Office of
Children and Families, Administration for
Community Services, Office of

Family Assistance, Office of

Federal Acquisition Regulation

Food and Drug Administration

Health Care Financing Administration

Human Development Services, Office of

Indian Health Service

Inspector General (Health Care), Office of

Public Health Service

Refugee Resettlement, Office of

Health Care Financing Administration

Housing and Urban Development, Department of

Community Planning and Development, Office of Assistant

Secretary for

Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant Secretary for

Federal Acquisition Regulation

Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Office of

Government National Mortgage Association

Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, Office of

Assistant Secretary for

Inspector General, Office of

Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, Office of

Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant Secretary for
Secretary, Office of

Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, Office of Assistant
Secretary for

Human Development Services, Office of

Immigration and Naturalization Service

Independent Counsel, Office of

Indian Affairs, Bureau of

Indian Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary

24, III

7, VIII; 9, II


5, XLV; 45, Subtitle A 45, III

45, II, III, IV, X.

45, X

45, II

48, 3

21, I

42, IV

45, XIII

25, V

42, V

42, I

45, IV

42, IV

5, LXV; 24, Subtitle B 24, V, VI

24, I

48, 24

12, XVII

24, III

24, II, VIII, X, XX

24, XII

24, IV 24, IX

24, Subtitle A, VII 24, II, VIII, X, XX

45, XIII

8, I

28, VII

25, I, V
25, VI

Indian Arts and Crafts Board

Indian Health Service

Information Resources Management, Office of

Information Security Oversight Office, National Archives and

[blocks in formation]

25, II

25, V


32, XX

42, V

24, XII

22, XVII

5, LXIII; 22, X

5, VII

25, VII

[blocks in formation]

50, IV

48, 14

41, 114
50, I, IV

30, IV

25, I, V

[blocks in formation]

25, VI

25, II

43, II

30, II

[blocks in formation]

International Boundary and Water Commission, United States

and Mexico, United States Section

International Development, United States Agency for

Federal Acquisition Regulation

International Development Cooperation Agency, United


International Fishing and Related Activities

International Investment, Office of

International Joint Commission, United States and Canada

International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board

International Trade Administration

International Trade Commission, United States

Interstate Commerce Commission

James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation

Japan-United States Friendship Commission

Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries

43, I

43, Subtitle A

30, III

30, VII

26, I

22, XI

22, II

48, 7

22, XII

50, III

31, VIII

22, IV

5, V

15, III; 19, III
19, II

5, XL

45, XXIV

22, XVI

20, VIII

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation

Postal Rate Commission

Postal Service, United States

Postsecondary Education, Office of

President's Commission on White House Fellowships

Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the

Armed Forces

Presidio Trust


48, 16

5, XLVI; 39, III
5, LX; 39, I
34, VI

1, IV
32, XXIX


36, X

Presidential Documents

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

United States and Canada, International Joint Commission
United States and Mexico, International Boundary and Water
Commission, United States Section

Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission
Veterans Affairs Department

Federal Acquisition Regulation

Veterans' Employment and Training, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for

Vice President of the United States, Office of
Vocational and Adult Education, Office of

Wage and Hour Division

Water Resources Council

Workers' Compensation Programs, Office of

World Agricultural Outlook Board

31, IV

12, V

31, Subtitle A


22, IV

22, XI

43, III

38, I

48, 8

41, 61; 20, IX

34, IV

29, V

18, VI 20, I


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