impact statements, and replies to public inquiries. (d) Plant Protection Management Systems. (1) Identifying, analyzing, and selecting viable scientific and technical options, design approaches and research needs in order to design new Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) programs and major changes to existing programs within the framework of the agency's strategic plan. (2) Establishing major PPQ program goals, objectives, measurement criteria, and data needs for evaluating program outcomes. (3) Developing emergency program plans, including response strategies, guidelines, and emergency action and contingency plans capable of controlling and eradicating any exotic disease or pest that might threaten crops, other plant life, or plant products of the nation. (4) Monitoring and evaluating assigned project designs performed elsewhere in the agency and providing technical guidance as necessary to ensure consistency and adequacy of approach and design. (5) Overseeing the integration of PPQ operational plans to ensure that they support the long-term goals of the agency. (6) Coordinating and developing systems or models to assess the risk of exotic plant organisms entering the U.S. and becoming established and the potential biological and economic impacts and appropriate regulatory strategies to manage the risk. (7) Conducting risk assessments on significant newly introduced exotic plant organisms, thereby providing the technical and scientific basis for subsequent policy formulation, planning, and regulatory activities. (8) Conducting risk assessments of exotic plant pests and diseases. (9) Conducting exotic organism entry pathway studies. (10) Conducting epidemiological investigations of introduced pests, diseases, and weeds. (11) Conducting assessments of regulatory strategies designed to prevent the introduction of exotic organisms. (12) Providing scientific and technical support to PPD programs and activities. (e) Animal Health and Depredation Management Systems. (1) Within the framework of the agency's strategic plan, designing new VS and ADC programs and major changes to existing programs requiring the identification, analysis, and selection of viable scientific and technical options, design approaches and research needs. (2) Establishing major VS and ADC program goals, objectives, measurement criteria, and data needs for evaluating program outcomes. (3) Developing emergency program plans, including response strategies, guidelines, and emergency action plans and contingencies capable of controlling and eradicating any exotic disease or pest that might threaten the U.S. animal industry. (4) Monitoring and evaluating assigned project designs performed elsewhere in the agency and providing technical guidance as necessary to ensure consistency and adequacy of approach and design. (5) Overseeing the integration of VS and ADC operational plans to insure that they support the long-term goals of the agency. (6) Coordinating and developing systems or models to assess the risk of exotic animal organisms entering the United States and becoming established and the potential biological and economic impacts and appropriate regulatory strategies to manage the risk. (7) Conducting risk assessments of significant newly introduced exotic animal organisms as well as predator control projects, thereby providing the technical and scientific basis for subsequent policy formulation, planning, and regulatory activities. (8) Conducting risk assessments of exotic animal pests and diseases. (9) Conducting exotic organism entry pathway studies. (10) Conducting epidemiological investigations of introduced pests and diseases. (11) Conducting assessments of regulatory strategies designed to prevent the introduction of exotic organisms. (12) Providing scientific and technical support to PPD programs and activities. §371.10 Recruitment and Development. The units of Career Systems and Recruitment; Management, Technical Training, and Development; Professional Development Center, and Professional Development Coordination and Training, under the administrative direction of the Administrator and the functional and technical direction of the Director, R&D, are responsible for: (a) Career Systems and Recruitment. (1) Formulating and recommending recruitment and career development policies and procedures consistent with APHIS's overall personnel policies. (2) Identifying recruitment needs, intermediate and long-range, and forecasting needs for specialized occupational expertise. (3) Developing and maintaining a database to identify appropriate external sources of personnel and expertise. (4) Developing strategies and plans for recruitment. (5) Conducting recruitment activities independently and with program personnel. (6) Establishing and maintaining a system for evaluating the recruitment process and its results. (7) Identifying and developing options within APHIS for career movement. (8) Devising mechanisms for enabling employees to choose and pursue alternative career paths. (b) Management, technical training, and development. (1) Developing and recommending supervisory and management development programs. (2) Developing and managing selection processes for entry to supervisory and management development pro grams. (3) Designing, developing, and delivering, or arranging for delivery of training and development experience for all employees. (4) Working with senior executives to identify and carry out opportunities for growth in leadership skills. (5) Developing and administering a system for evaluating the effectiveness of participant selections and programs. (6) Recommending improvement of management practices to promote and enhance the payoff of management training and development. (c) Professional Development Center. (1) Designing, processing, and working with supervisors and managers to implement processes to identify training and development needs of employees carrying out plant health programs and related biological support activities. (2) Designing and developing instructional programs for employees engaged in carrying out plant health programs, nationally and internationally. (3) Delivering and arranging for others to deliver courses and developmental assignments, and evaluating those programs to determine their effectiveness and any need for change. in (4) Developing and keeping up-todate operational models for use training programs and by line program personnel. (d) Professional Development Coordination and Planning. (1) Developing the basic concepts, procedures, guidelines, and models for packaging a complete scientific instructional course. (2) Working with universities and professional education organizations to provide development opportunities for technical and professional employees. (3) Identifying and evaluating employee development needs of technical and professional employees. (4) Designing, developing, and delivering courses and seminars to prepare employees to effectively carry out animal health and animal care programs. (5) Developing and maintaining an automated job information and skill/ interest bank system. (6) Revising and updating the veterinary accreditation education model as required. §371.11 Legislative and Public Affairs. The units of Public Information, Executive Correspondence, Legislative Services, and Media Services, under the administrative direction of the Administrator and the functional and technical direction of the Director, LPA, are responsible for: (a) Public information. (1) Providing leadership in planning, developing, and implementing information programs for animal health, veterinary biologics, animal welfare, biotechnology, animal damage control, plant protection and agricultural quarantine inspection, and regulatory enforcement activities of APHIS. (2) Coordinating staff emergency activities, with input from other staff groups, providing on-site and headquarters information support to the Regional Emergency Animal Disease Eradication Organization (READEO) and the Preparedness for Emergency Plant Pest Actions (PEPPA) task force and other emergency operations. (3) Preparing and issuing press releases, background statements, special reports and other informational material to the general public and special groups in agriculture and other affected industries. (4) Maintaining contact with general and trade media for release of immediate and complete information regarding agency programs and policies. (5) Drafting and distributing information to the public, through the Office of Governmental and Public Affairs of the Department. (6) Conducting public information programs in support of cooperative international pest and disease eradication campaigns carried out in foreign countries. (7) Preparing and issuing news releases, magazine articles, background statements, special reports, and other informational materials to the public, press, and others in agriculture, government, and industry in the United States and foreign countries. Collaborating, as formation aspects of proposed agricultural programs, to evaluate existing public information capabilities, and to propose improvements, if needed. (b) Executive correspondence. (1) Coordinating all agency activities in carrying out the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts. Making all initial determinations to deny information requested under the FOIA. Ensuring that files coming within the scope of the Privacy Act are properly identified, used, and safeguarded. (2) Writing, tracking, and preparing all Departmentally controlled correspondence, Congressional correspondence, and other high-priority correspondence, as determined by the Administrator. (3) Preparing timely and responsive replies to written inquiries by identifying accurate sources of information, determining agency actions necessary, tailoring responses to the interests of the recipient, ensuring that they adhere to APHIS policies and are consistent with other responses, and securing the corroboration of appropriate agency officials. (4) Preparing reports on legislation as requested by Congressional staffs or committees and monitoring "The Congressional Record" for items of interest to APHIS. (5) Providing editorial assistance to staffs in the preparation of speeches, regulations, procedural manuals, articles for publication, and standard replies to recurring questions posed by correspondence answered at the program level. (8) briefings, appropriate, with foreign officials, the United States Information Agency, U.S. Agricultural Counselors and Attaches, and other governmental and private organizations and individuals in the planning and conduct of assigned educational activities associated with APHIS cooperative programs in foreign countries. (9) Preparing major speeches, background statements, special reports and other materials required by APHIS and Departmental officials concerning USDA's international activities. (10) Advising and training foreign personnel in public information techniques, either on site in foreign countries, or at headquarters. Cooperating with international organizations, such as FAO and the Interamerican Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture, to conduct feasibility studies of public in (6) Preparing speeches and briefings for top Department and agency officials and also Congressional testimony support material for agency witnesses for Congressional hearings. (7) Analyzing proposed legislation to determine its impact on APHIS programs and preparing legislative reports when requested by Congress. (c) Legislative services. (1) Advising and assisting the Administrator and other agency officials on all matters relating to agency legislative affairs. (2) Preparing legislative proposals in connection with APHIS programs and responsibilities, based on recommendations from program officials. (3) Analyzing proposed legislation to determine its impact on APHIS programs and preparing legislative reports when requested by Congress. (4) Establishing and maintaining liaison with Members of Congress, various Congressional committees and subcommittees, and their staffs on all matters pertaining to the legislative affairs of APHIS. This includes responding to Congressional telephone inquiries and tracking, monitoring, and reporting on pertinent legislation and hearings. (5) Managing and providing reports on various advisory committees. (d) Media services. (1) Designing, producing, and/or coordinating production of graphic design, photographic and video-related materials. (2) Conducting pre-printing policy, editorial, and graphic design reviews of manuscripts for outside publication. (3) Conducting media relations and legislative affairs training. (4) Planning, developing, and maintaining agency-wide internal communication systems. (5) Monitoring APHIS issues in the media. §371.12 Science and Technology. The units of the National Veterinary Services Laboratories, the Denver Wildlife Research Center, the Plant Methods Development Center, and the National Montioring and Residue Analysis Laboratory, under the administrative direction of the Administrator and the functional and technical direction of the Director, S&T, are responsible for: (a) National Veterinary Services Laboratories. (1) Participating with the Director, S&T, and the Deputy Administrator, VS, in the overall planning and formulation of all policies, programs, and activities of Animal Health Programs as they affect laboratory and testing services. (2) Planning, providing leadership, coordinating, and conducting a laboratory support and diagnostic services program to animal disease control and eradication programs; and a laboratory support program to the biologics program regulating the production and marketing of veterinary biologics in (3) Providing other laboratory support as appropriate to other APHIS organizations. (b) Denver Wildlife Research Center. (1) Developing or adapting existing techniques to resolve animal damage and nuisance problems effective and economically with minimal risks to humans and the environment. (2) Conducting studies in biology, ecology, and behavior as required for development of control methods. (3) Evaluating the impact of new or existing damage control methods on target species and on the environment. (4) Providing data as required for the registration and for the maintenance of registrations of control materials and devices. (5) Assisting the Deputy Administrator for ADC and the ADC Operational Support unit in ADC operational control practices and in developing and reviewing technical training and certification programs. (6) Consulting with the interested public, ADC operational programs staffs, and others as required to ensure that the research program is designed to meet operational program needs. (7) Maintaining a current reference library specializing in animal damage and nuisance control. (c) Plant Methods Development Center. (1) Participating with the Director, S&T, and the Deputy Administrator, PPQ, in the overall planning and formulation of all policies, programs, and activities of APHIS as they relate to methods development initiatives. (2) Planning, providing leadership, and administering the development of methods and procedures and providing scientific and technical support for APHIS programs and activities, especially as they relate to plant pest control (including biological control) and quarantine operations. (3) Supervising, directing, coordinating, and integrating activities of methods development centers. (4) Developing new and improved techniques and methods for managing agricultural pests and for making decisions in agricultural production. (5) Developing new techniques that provide operational evaluation of biological control organisms in field use. (6) Developing new techniques for quarantine and commodity treatments and insect and disease survey and detection. (7) Directing, coordinating, and developing new technologies that include pesticide efficacy, bioassay, and biological control as needed to support APHIS program goals. (d) National Monitoring and Residue Analysis Laboratory. (1) Participating with the Director, S&T, in the overall planning and formulation of all policies, programs, and activities of S&T. (2) Planning, providing leadership, coordinating, and directing a laboratory support program for pesticide residue analyses and collection of environmental components (air, soil, vegetation, water, sediment, fishes, birds, mammals, reptiles, and invertebrates), crops and animal products, analyses of program pesticide concentrates, industrial hygiene monitoring and sample analyses in work areas, taxonomic determination of insect species by chemical analyses, and trace analyses of organic chemicals in various sample matrices. [54 FR 23194, May 31, 1989; 54 FR 27793, June 30, 1989] 8371.13 Biotechnology, Biologics, and Environmental Protection. The units of Biotechnology Coordination and Technical Assistance, Veterinary Biologics, Biotechnology Permits, and Environmental Documentation, under the administrative direction of the Administrator and the functional and technical direction of the Director, BBEP, are responsible for: (a) Biotechnology Coordination and Technical Assistance. (1) Providing technical guidance and support to all BBEP units. (2) Analyzing comments and preparing issue papers and correspondence on biotechnology regulatory policy. (3) Advising APHIS personnel on the preparation of various documents for APHIS and public distribution. (4) Coordinating responses on Freedom of Information Act requests pertaining to biotechnology, biologics, and environmental documents, and re 190-013 D-00--16 viewing and assisting in the preparation of environmental assessments. reports (5) Preparing annual APHIS biotechnology regulatory activities. on (6) Ensuring proper notification to the Office of Agricultural Biotechnology on the receipt of permit applications and issuance of permits and licenses. (7) Preparing the BBEP budget in cooperation with APHIS Management and Budget officials. (8) Acting as liaison with APHIS R&D Staff in recruiting for BBEP positions and providing for professional development. (b) Veterinary Biologics. (1) Recommending licensure of veterinary biologics establishments and products and issuing importation permits under 9 CFR parts 101 through 118. (2) Establishing test methods and criteria for product acceptance and serial release. (3) Establishing license requirements ensuring compliance by each applicant before issuance of a license. (4) Establishing production standards and procedures. (5) Reviewing veterinary biologics labels and advertising claims for compli ance. (6) Establishing criteria for inspection of licensed establishments and the evaluation of such inspections. (7) Developing policies and directives governing and pertaining to biologics activities and programs. (8) Serving as consultant and advisor to government officials, professional and industry organizations, and the general public concerning scientific and administrative aspects of the biologics program. (c) Biotechnology Permits. (1) Reviewing and processing permit applications under part 340 of this chapter. (2) Issuing permits for the introduction of regulated articles. (3) Maintaining liaison with state departments of agriculture, the academic community and scientific societies. (4) Providing technical information for environmental analysis for permits allowing environmental release of regulated articles. (5) Serving as a resource at the request of the Administrator for other |