Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
answer arid and semi-arid asked the Minister Assistant Minister tell Attorney-General ban the importation Coast Provinces coffee farmers coffee industry Councillor Muiruri crops districts Division Bell eight years old Finance Act Finance and Planning gazette given HIV/AIDS House important Motion importation of vehicles irrigation issue Kaindi KEBS Kenya Bureau Kenyatta University Khamasi Kiangoi Kihoro Kisumu Kituyi Kshs20 million Kshs4 billion Lake Jipe Lake Victoria Lands and Settlement livestock Maitha Marrirmoi Mayor of Nairobi mayoral chain Members Minister for Environment Minister for Finance Minister for Lands Minister for Transport Ministerial Statement Ministry Mombasa motor vehicles Muchiri Muihia Murang'a Musila Mutahi Mwalulu Mwenje Ndicho NGOs Ntwiga Nyagah Oburu Osundwa particular region point of order police poverty eradication private developer purchase Question deferred quorum revive the coffee Seii Sessional Paper STABEX street children street families talking Temporary Deputy Speaker tomorrow Toro Uhuru Kenyatta