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Mr. ROONEY. Pages 6, 7, and 8 of the justifications, which we insert in the record at this point, contain a summary of the appro tions for the Office of the Secretary.

At this point you will please also insert in the record a chart sho the printing and binding of the Department of Commerce by act and classification such as was inserted in the record at page 50 o hearings last year.

(The items referred to are as follows:)

[blocks in formation]

Summary of obligations by object of expenditure (net cost)


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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Mr. ROONEY. The first of the three items under the general caption "Office of the Secretary" is entitled "Salaries and expenses." This appears at page 2 of the committee print; and beginning at page 9 of the justifications. It should be noted that there is a requested increase of 13 positions which is an increase in 18 employees, average employment.

Mr. Gladieux, this is a very substantial increase, amounting to over 10 percent. What is the reason for it?

Mr. GLADIEUX. In round figures, Mr. Chairman, that is correct. Mr. ROONEY. In round figures it is an increase of over 10 percent. Mr. GLADIEUX. That is correct.

Mr. ROONEY. See if you can justify it.

Mr. GLADIEUX. The net increase as indicated there is $211,715. Of that amount $100,000 is for the extension of the Department's health program which will come up later in connection with the Office of Personnel Administration. $21,000 of that increase is for the annualization of the recent mandatory pay increase and $90,000 is for requested increases in staff in the Office of the Secretary. The net increase in staff amounts to 18 people: I can give you a quick summary on that so you can see how they break down if you like. Mr. ROONEY. At this point I think you should advise us as to the alleged necessity of an increase of 18 people.

Mr. GLADIEUX. Four of the increase is in the immediate Office of the Secretary, the Office of the Under Secretary and the Office of the Assistant Secretary. It is simply a matter of strengthening the top level staff, giving immediate and direct aid to those top supervisory officials of the Department. One of the basic reasons for our need for more strength there is because of the transfer of the Bureau of Public Roads, and our increasing participation in general transportation policy and operations in the Government.

Mr. ROONEY. How did the Bureau of Public Roads operate heretofore?

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