Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Agriculture and Rural allocated amendment Angwenyi anti-retroviral drugs areas arrested asked the Minister Assistant Minister Attorney-General beg to support bixa brew cashewnuts Coast Development Authority Coast Province coastal region coconut industry coconut palm coconut tree coffee Cotton Board County Council crop demolished drink Embakasi entitled the Palm expatriates farmers farming in Kenya fullstop gangs Government HIV/AIDS Imanyara important Jeshi la Embakasi Jeshi la Mzee Keah Kenya Kihoro Kimani kiosks Kituyi Kiunjuri Kulundu Laikipia Lamu District land look Maitha majeshi makuti Members of Parliament Minister for Agriculture Minister for Energy Mnazi Mombasa Muchiri Mungiki Mwakiringo Mwenje Nyanza Ongeri organised Palm Industry Bill palm tree palm wine point of order police political violence poverty President Question dropped Raila Rural Development Select Committee Sirma stakeholders Sumbeiywo Sungu Sunkuli support this Motion talking Taveta Temporary Deputy Speaker toddy Twaha