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Paint primers to improve performance of laminated wood members__

Molded particle board..

Dimensionally stable paper for maps, charts, and drawings.

Wet-strength papers

Wood drying..

Diffusion board.

Roofing materials.

Temporary shelters of paper.

Improved fastenings

Potential of chemicals from wood..

[blocks in formation]

For improving portland cement concrete..

For improving asphaltic emulsions..

Potential impact of chemical utilization on waste disposal problem..

Pulp and paper industry

Reduction in waste load..

Reduction in fiber loss___

Methods of reducing pollution effect.
Reduction in water consumption_.
Cost of pollution control measures.
Real gain through control measures.



1. Wood uses in Public Works


facing page

2. Potomac River Yacht Basin in Washington, D.C., showing extensive use of preservative-treated piling and wood members for wharves and catwalks__

3. Lumber, the primary product of the forest, is the basic material for homes and other light construction___

4. Preservative-treated timber guardrail structure, San Francisco, Calif. 5. Wood is used extensively in cooling towers.

6. The wood railroad crosstie, in spite of numerous attempts to introduce substitutes, still has no equal in providing a durable but yielding surface for track support__.

7. Factory-type building at Crossett, Ark., with tall, laminated, preservative-treated wood columns that support wood bowstring arches. Workmen are attaching plywood siding-

8. A 1,750-foot bridge used in construction of Priest River Dam, Idaho. Glued laminated girders, 123⁄4 inches by 63% inches in cross section, are designed to carry 300 tons per span-two Euclid trucks or a diesel locomotive and one car.

9. Building of laminated arches using two layers of diagonally laid lumber as roof sheathing, Long Island, N.Y.

10. Parabolic laminated arches used in park structure. Four-inch decking provides structural roof as well as interior ceiling, Glasshouse Point, Jamestown, Va..

11. Recreation shelter constructed with glued laminated beams and supporting columns, wood roofing boards, and wood shingles, Sunset Park, Manhattan, Kans

12. Wood paneling is pleasing and popular in public buildings as well as in the home..

13. Typical use of lumber and plywood for concrete forms..

14. Use of paper tube forms for concrete columns on Milwaukee, Wis.,




15. Installation of fiberboard roof deck that provides finished ceiling, Page thermal insulation, vapor barrier, and structural deck...

16. Use of treated timber poles for transmission tower structures in Indiana_...

17. Hurricane-proof sunshades of laminated wood at Cape Hatteras
National Seashore Recreational Area, N.C..

18. Laminated wood arches provide large, unobstructed spans. These
arches at Riviera Beach, Fla., span more than 240 feet_
19. Erection of laminated pressure-treated wood roof over 22,800,000-
gallon water reservoir near Pinole, Calif. Deck was covered with
pressure-treated wood decking. The roof was completed in 20 days.
20. Railway and highway bridge of 117-foot span. Arches and sawn
timbers are pressure creosoted, Culp Creek Bridge, Cottage Grove,

21. Highway bridge in Pacific Northwest utilizing wood deck and lami-
nated crossbeams and girders placed on bents of timber piles and
22. Curved sandwich panels utilizing plywood faces and paper-honeycomb
cores for canopy over walkway and offices Sacramento, Calif...
23. Use of stressed-skin radial folded plates made of %-inch-thick plywood
faces glued to 2 by 4 inch wood framing members, Tucson, Ariz......--
24. Plywood box beam A frames being covered with plywood-faced stressed-
skin panels, Warren, Mich..

25. Sandwich construction in a large hotel at Denver, Colo. The wall
panels have paper-honeycomb cores faced with steel and an outside
ceramic coating--
26. Sandwich construction as it might be used in houses-paper core with
plywood facings..

27. Coney Island's famous Steeplechase Pier in New York City after it
was rebuilt in 1958. A total of 104 of the original creosoted piles
driven in 1904 were in sound condition and reused in the new

28. Wood treated to minimize swelling and shrinking finds use in large
precision master die models, such as this model of an automobile top-
29. Soil stabilization by means of hydraulic application of wood cellulose
fiber mulch, fertilizer, and grass seed in one operation...
30. Experimental tower for extra-high-voltage electrical transmission,

constructed near Pittsfield, Mass., from glued laminated preserva-
tive-treated structural timbers. Size of the 123-foot-high tower is
illustrated by comparison with the workmen shown within the

31. Roof structure of prefabricated space planes of %-inch-thick plywood
glues to both sides of 2 by 6 inch wood framing members, St.
Louis, Mo...
32. Sample sheet of "diffusion board” made by a commercial fiberboard
mill. This board filters out poison gas, disease-laden particles, and
radioactive fallout__










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Wood is one of our most significant natural resources. It is significant not only in the myriad of uses for wood and wood products, but in the fact that it is renewable; thus, wise forest management and continued research to improve its utilization are essential if we are to have an adequate supply. Wood performs well in many functions and rightfully deserves its high place in our economy.


The Forest Service report "Timber Resources for America's Future" showed that the United States used more than 12 billion cubic feet of wood annually in 1952. Of this, somewhat more than half (or about 41 billion board feet) went into lumber. Some 70 percent of the lumber went into construction and maintenance of structures. Beyond this, of course, large quantities of round wood products, plywood, and fiber products are used annually in construction. Available figures give little basis for estimating the amount of these materials that went into public works, but it was unquestionably large. As research provides technological advances, the quantities used in public works will steadily increase.

We are therefore dealing with a material in large-scale use and one suitable for a wide range of applications in public works. The use of wood in residences and other light-frame construction is thoroughly familiar to all and probably needs no discussion. Laminated wood in the form of columns, beams, and arches is a prime and economical material for warehouses, aircraft hangars, and other large buildings, Wood piles provide the foundations for bridges, buildings, and waterfront structures. Wood poles support thousands of miles of electrical and telephone transmission lines. Plywood finds wide use in both structural and decorative roles in many buildings as well as in concrete forms and built-up structural members. Fiberboard and hardboard provide sheathing for buildings, house siding, and acoustical tile. Large quantities of paper in a variety of forms-building paper, roofing felt, lumber and plywood overlays, to name a few-are used in construction annually. In addition, tremendous quantities of paper are required for the plans and specifications for large public works projects such as dams or large buildings. Chemical products from wood in the form of paint and varnish ingredients, wood preservatives, sheet plastics, and explosives also play an important part in public works. Many other uses could be cited, but this will be reserved for a later section of the report.

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