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Whereas the Senate Committee on Public Works members have been vitally interested in the development, protection and utilization of our Nation's water resources as evidenced by their active participation in the hearing and deliberations of the Senate Select Committee on National Water Resources; and

Whereas there are now being produced and our scientists and technicians, both in industry and Government, are working on and perfecting many new materials and new uses of known materials and it is evident that such materials can be utilized efficiently and economically in the construction of public works, in the protection and operation of such works, in the preservation and proper utilization of our essential water resources and that such materials and their development and use enhance the opportunities for industrial and business growth and strengthening of our Nation's economy; and

Whereas representatives of industry and the Federal Government have shown a keen interest in discussing and disclosing their roles in the fields of research, development, and utilization of materials.

Therefore, be it resolved, by a unanimous vote of the Senate Committee on Public Works that the committee shall institute a study and investigation into the use of new materials, new use of materials and new designs and methods being used or which may be used in flood control and rivers and harbors, roads and highways, public buildings, water pollution control, water power, and other development, utilization, preservation, and protection projects, and that a committee report be prepared thereon and submitted to the Senate.

SEC. 2. Such study and investigation shall include but not be limited to metals, plastics, rubber, coal, petroleum, timber, concrete, asphalt, chemicals and their direct use, uses of their derivatives or use in combination with each other or other materials, and shall attempt to determine the following:

(a) Description of proposed use of application of the subject material; (b) General description of the material in terms of physical and chemical characteristics and where possible, obtain a description of the physical or chemical phenomenon responsible for obtaining the desired effect;

(c) Results of laboratory and field tests to prove that the desired effect occurs and prove the durability or duration of the effect of the material; (d) The limitations of the materials, i.e., problems of toxicity, limitation of effectiveness under certain climate, soil, or physical conditions;

(e) Cost of materials per standard units, i.e., square foot, lineal foot, cubic foot, etc., and cost projection in terms of future production capacity, improved manufacturing techniques, etc.; and

(f) Availability of material both on a current and future basis. Adopted: January 22, 1962.





Washington, D.C., April 2, 1962.

Chairman, Committee on Public Works,
U.S. Senate.

DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: In response to the request in your recent letter we have prepared and transmit herewith a report entitled "Use of New Materials, New Use of Materials and Use of New Designs and Methods in Water Resources Projects of the Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army."

We trust that the report provides the information which the committee desires; however, if there is additional information which the committee desires please let me know.

Sincerely yours,

Major General, U.S. Ármy,
Deputy Chief of Engineers for Construction.

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