Recommended Dietary SEVENTH REVISED EDITION, 1968 A REPORT OF THE Food and Nutrition Board NATIONAL RESFARCH COUNCIL Publication 1694 National Academy of Sciences WASHINGION, D.C. Support for travel and secretarial services involved in the Available from Printing and Publishing Office First printing, November 1968 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 63-65472 G2 Washington Star News Sunday, July 14, 1974 portfolio You Are What You Eat, and You'll By Anne Crutcher Star News Staff Writer Friends, there's simply no place to hide No amulet, no talisman, no magic formula for Litimate protection against the liness, age, and death we all fear Not even eating right At least if, by "right" you mean natural foods, uncontamirated by technology and plastic bourgeois culture Once you get away from the noxious ness of what man has put into tood, you re left with the noxiousness nature puts into it DID YOU KNOW that honey, that great natura, food for becs, is poison to humans if the bees have been into azalea blossoms? That a single serving of fish that have been eating the wrong breed of piank on can leave you dead of ichthyosarcotoxism? You may think that if a little is good. more can't hurt you Well one carrot may brighten your eves, but a quart of carrot juice can damage your liver, just like a quart of whisky. A man who liked appie seeds once ate a cupful and died there's cyanide in appie seeds, only you don't notice if you just nibble one hore and there You may also think everything's pure in the widerress But eating polar bear NATURAL POISONS IN NATURAL liver gives Eskimos vertigo and skeletal lesions. And it's been deduced that cer tain African animals got clogged blood vessels from drinking rainwater THESE AND a hundred other possi bilities most people hadn't thought to worry about are put forth by a reformed natural food enthusiast while he isn't a doctor or a nutritionist, he is a mechani cal engineer, which means he understands basic science well enough to evaluate what he reads in the medical and nutrition fields better than the average layman And, ever since the breakdown of his nealth, five years ago, after 15 years of whole grains and Mung bean sprouts, he has been collecting and pondering food related health problems It should be noted that his change of heart didn't put him on Twinkies and Worder Bread, but it did get him to savoring his granola with a grain of salt What's to do? First, he says, get over the idea that "natural" or "organic" automatically means good Earth Whatever you've been eating, it was probably a mistake. quakes are natural, he points out. So are tornadoes, locusts, and the Anopheeles mosquito. AS TO WHAT you should eat after you discover that everything from milk to wheat germ has its share of menace, his answer is a balanced diet, which is to say, a little of everything, not too much of anything. Something like the blend of hope and pessimism in the checks and balances of American democratic theory. Just as all citizens are presumed both capable and corruptible - you have to watch out and not let any one person or group get too powerful so all foods are to be presumed both good for you and dangerous. Hence political pluralism and the idea that if you eat a lot of different things, they can make different contributions to your welfare and counteract each other's bad effects. A BOOK to chasten faddists out of their delusions, while doing nothing to mar the deliciousness of home-made organic whole-wheat bread. Or, for that matter, coffee, brandy, and cholesterolrich Bearnaise sauce. Bon appetit! VARIATIONS OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS PERMITTED IN SECTION 80.1 FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN FOUR OR MORE YEARS OF AGE - 3. All mandatory vitamins and vitamin D 4. All mandatory vitamins, optional vitamins (no vitamin D) 5. All mandatory vitamins, optional vitamins, and vitamin D 6. All mandatory vitamins and iron 7. All mandatory vitamins, vitamin D, and fron -1 8. All mandatory vitamins, optional vitamins (no vitamin D) and iron -1 9. All mandatory vitamins, optional vitamins, vitamin D, and iron 1 10. All mandatory vitamins and all mandatory minerals -1 11. All mandatory vitamins, all mandatory minerals, and vitamin D -1 12. All mandatory vitamins, all mandatory minerals, optional minerals, and optional vitamins (no vitamin D) 1 13. All mandatory vitamins, all mandatory minerals, optional minerals, optional vitamins, and vitamin D--1 In addition, liquid preparations of the above variations can also be made. Items 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 may be prepared without folic acid |