| United States - 1928 - 312 pages
...be made for the different classes of communications: Provided further. That nothing IB this chapter or in any other provision of law shall be construed to prevent a common carrier subject to this chapter from entering into or operating under any contract with any... | |
| United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1930 - 918 pages
...proviso of sec. 1 (5) of the interstate commerce act is made, as follows : " That nothing in this act or In any other provision of law shall be construed to prevent a common carrier subject to this act from entering into or operating under any contract with any common... | |
| United States. U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on interstate commerce - 1934 - 92 pages
...is section 201 (b), the second proviso of which reads : Prnrided further. That nothing in this act or in any other provision of law shall be construed to prevent a common carrier subject to this act from entering into or operating under any contract with any common... | |
| 1940 - 1262 pages
...provision in section 201 (b) of the Communications Act of 1934, to the effect that nothing in that act or in any other provision of law shall be construed to prevent a common carrier subject to that act from entering into any contract with any common carrier not subject... | |
| United States - 1959 - 1026 pages
...which the fund is established or, whenever necessary to effectuate purposes authorized by this Act to funds of another department or agency within the...adjustments made when adequate data become available. (d) Availability for obligation. Except as otherwise provided by law, amounts advanced to the management... | |
| United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1952 - 38 pages
...which the fund is established or, whenever necessary to effectuate purposes authorized by this Act to funds of another department or agency within the..."(d) Except as otherwise provided by law, amounts Availability advanced to the management funds under the provisions of Łundsof this Act shall be available... | |
| United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1949 - 312 pages
...of another department or agency within the Department of Defense (National Military Establishment), and (2) that each fund shall be promptly reimbursed...adjustments made when adequate data become available. " '(e) Except as otherwise provided by law, amounts advanced to the management funds under the provisions... | |
| United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1953 - 312 pages
...which the fund is established or, whenever necessary to effectuate purposes authorized by this Act to funds of another department or agency within the...provision of law shall be construed to prevent advances by cheek or warrant, or reimbursements to any of said management funds from appropriations of said departments... | |
| United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1954 - 252 pages
...which the fund is established or, whenever necessary to effectuate purposes authorized by this Act to funds of another department or agency within the..."(d) Except as otherwise provided by law, amounts advanced1 to the management funds under the provisions of this Act shall be available for obligation... | |
| United States - 1914 - 1738 pages
...may be made for the different classes of communications : Provided further, That nothing in this Act or in any other provision of law shall be construed to prevent a common carrier subject to this Act from entering into or operating under any contract with any common... | |
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