Page images

Mundt, Hon. Karl E., a U.S. Senator from the State of South Dakota....
Nagle, John F., chief, Washington office, National Federation of the Blind
National Association of State Directors of Special Education, legislative
policy statement...

Patrick, C. W., assistant superintendent of schools; president, San Diego
Junior College; president, National Council of Local Administrators of
Vocational Education and Practical Arts, San Diego, Calif., prepared
statement. -

Pell, Hon. Claiborne, a U.S. Senator from the State of Rhode Island..
Peterson, Milo J., president, American Vocational Association; professor,
Agricultural Education Department, University of Minnesota, St. Paul,

Pfeffer, Leo, general counsel, American Jewish Congress..
Phillips, Raymond V., director of the summer session and evening division,
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.--










Pincus, Ceila, past president, Philadelphia Federation of Teachers-
Pratt, George T., chairman, Committee on Legislation, Council on Ed-
ucation of the Deaf, and president, the Alexander Graham Bell Associ-
ation for the Deaf..



Prepared statement_


Rich, William A., member of the Legislative Committee, District of Columbia Congress of Parents and Teachers__


Rose, Oscar V., superintendent of schools, Midwest City, Okla.
Prepared statement.



Root, Margaret, executive secretary, Pennsylvania Federation of Teach-
ers, affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, Pennsylvania
AFL-CIO, and Celia Pincus, president, Philadelphia Federation of


Schloss, Irvin P., legislative analyst, American Foundation for the Blind.. Sheats, Paul, dean, University Extension, University of California, Berkeley, Calif



Prepared statement..


Stults, Mrs. Walter B., legislative_chairman, Ben W. Murch Home &
School Association, Washington, D.C...


Truitt, William, assistant director of legislative service, National Farmers


White, Don, executive vice president, National Audio-Visual Association,
Fairfax, Va.


Prepared statement..



Articles entitled:

"Costs of Illiteracy to a Rich Country," by Marquis Childs, Wash-
ington Post, May 27, 1963_.



"Experimental Education of the Blind Holds Implications for Teach-
ing the Gifted," by Warren M. Brody, M.D.
"How To Teach Data Processing in Your School," by Superintendent
Rolland Upton, inserted in Congressional Record of May 27, 1963. 2112
"President Kennedy's Commencement Address at San Diego State
College, Calif.," from the New York Times of June 7, 1963.
"PTA To Seek U.S. Aid for District Schools," from the Washington
Post, May 24, 1963.



"The Truth About Soviet Education,' from U.S. News & World
Report, July 4, 1960..


"Trade Board Urges Aid to Schools," from the Washington Star,
May 1, 1963.


"Vocational Education in Canada," by C. Ross Ford, American Vo-
cational Journal, January 1963.


Editorial entitled: "Our Impacted City," from the Washington Star,
May 26, 1963..


H.R. 4955___


Committee print.


Letters from

Coulter, W. H., acting superintendent, Department of Education,
Hawaii, to Senator Fong, dated June 12, 1963, containing material
on operation of Public Law 815 and Public Law 874..
Hugg, Alan E., adult education consultant, Bureau of Higher and
Adult Education, to Tom McLernon, assistant director, Division of
Adult Education Services, NEA, dated June 11, 1963_-
Ruark, Henry C., Jr., consultant on NDEA, title III, and secretary,
ACSSAVO, to Senator Morse, dated May 20, 1963...





To Mr. Francis Keppel, Commissioner of Education, dated March 29, 1963, containing resolution adopted March 26, 1962. 2061 Simmons, Benjamin L., director of curriculum and instructional service, ACSSAVO, to Senator Morse, dated May 21, 1963, containing...


Report A-NDEA, title III-Federal receipts and State ex-


Report B-NDEA, title III, 1958–63.
Report C-NDEA, title III, 1963–64.



Letter to Senator Mundt from

Conch, Floyd, chairman, school board, Oral, S. Dak., dated May 31, 1963__


Spelts, Robert R., chairman, Educational Responsibility Committee,
Igloo, S. Dak., dated May 29 and June 6, 1963.


Stockdale, S. M., superintendent, Todd County Independent School
District, Mission, S. Dak., dated May 29, 1963-


Members of panel of consultants on vocational education_


Membership of the Bipartisan Citizens Committee for Federal Aid to
Public Elementary and Secondary Education___


Progress report under the library services in Oregon..
Report of University of California, University extension, 1952-62-
Resolutions (2) adopted by the house of delegates of the American Voca-
tional Association on December 6, 1962, at its last meeting held at Mil-
waukee, Wis..




Table 1.-Cost to the District of Columbia public schools for educating children of foreign parentage--


Tables submitted by Senator Brewster of Maryland:

Table I. Increased enrollments in Maryland school systems eligible for Public Law 874 funds (1950-51 to 1962–63).


Table II. Increased enrollments in Maryland school systems not
eligible for Public Law 874 funds (1950-51 to 1962-63)..
Table III. Number and percentage of federally connected pupils in
the 14 Maryland school systems eligible for Public Law 874 funds



Table IV. Tax rates for current expenses for Maryland school systems eligible for Public Law 874 funds (1950-51 and 1961-62)


Table V. Increase in bonded indebtedness of impacted area school systems in Maryland, (1950-51 and 1961-62)___


Telegram from Lawrence R. Hackett, superintendent, Shannon County schools, Batesland, S. Dak..



MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1963




Washington, D.C. The subcommittee met, pursuant to recess, at 10:10 a.m., in room 4232, New Senate Office Building, Senator Wayne Morse (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding.

Present: Senators Morse, Clark, and Randolph.

Committee staff members present: Stewart McClure, chief clerk; Charles Lee, professional staff member of the subcommittee; Michael J. Bernstein, minority counsel; and Ray D. Hurley, associate minority counsel.

Senator CLARK (presiding pro tempore). The subcommittee will be in session.

I regret that the airlines' delay has made me late and that Senator Morse and Senator Randolph were detained, but they will be here within the hour.

At the request of Senator Morse's principal staff assistant, I will ask to have put in the record at this point a transcript of a text of President Kennedy's commencement address at San Diego State College, California, as reported by the New York Times under date of Friday, June 7.

(The transcript referred to follows:)

[From the New York Times, June 7, 1963]


Following is the text of President Kennedy's commencement address yesterday at San Diego State College, San Diego, Calif., as recorded by the New York Times, through the facilities of the American Broadcasting Co. radio network:

I want to express a very strong sense of appreciation for the honor that you have given to me today. To be an instant graduate of this distinguished college is greatly appreciated, and I am delighted to participate in what is a most Important ceremony in the lives of us all.

One of the most impressive, if not the most impressive accomplishments of this great Golden State has been the recognition by the citizens of this State of the importance of education as the basis for the maintenance of an effective free society.

This fact was recognized in our earliest beginnings at the Massachusetts Bay Colony. But I do not believe that any State in the Union has given more attention in recent years to educating its citizens-the highest level of the doctoral level, graduate level in the colleges, State colleges, the junior colleges, the high schools, the grade schools.

You recognize that a free society places special burdens upon any free citizen. To govern is to choose, and the ability to make those choices wise, and responsible, and prudent, requires the best of all of us.

No country can possibly move ahead, no free society can possibly be sustained, unless it has an educated citizenry whose qualities of mind and heart permit it to take part in the complicated and increasingly sophisticated decisions that pour not only upon the President and upon the Congress, but upon all the citizens who exercise the ultimate power.


I'm sure that the graduates of this college recognize that the effort that the people of California, the Governor, the legislature, the local communities, the faculties that this concentrated effort of mind and scholarship to educate the young citizens of this State has not been done merely to give this school's graduates an economic advantage in the life struggle.

Quite obviously, there is a higher purpose. And that is the hope that you will turn to the service of the State, the scholarship, the education, the qualities which societies have developed in you, that you render on the community level, or on the State level, or on the National level, or the international level, a contribution to the maintenance of freedom and peace, and the security of our country and those associated with it in a most critical time.

In so doing, you will follow a great and honorable tradition which combines American scholarship and American leadership in political affairs. It is an extraordinary fact of history, I think unmatched since the days of early Greece, that this country should have produced during its founding days in a population of a handful of millions such an extraordinary range of scholars and creative thinkers who helped build this country-Jefferson, Franklin, Morris, Wilson, and all the rest.


This is a great tradition which we must maintain in our times with increasing strength and increasing vigor.

Those of you who are educated, those of us who recognize the responsibilities of an educated citizen, should now concern ourselves with whether we are providing an adequate education for all Americans, whether all Americans have an equal chance to develop their intellectual qualities and whether we are preparing ourselves today for the educational challenges which are going to come before this decade is out.

The first question, and the most important, is that every American boy and girl have an opportunity to develop whatever talents they have. All of us do not have equal talents but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop those talents.

Let me cite a few facts to show that they do not. In this fortunate State of California the average current expenditure for a boy and girl in the public schools is $515, but in the State of Mississippi it is $230.


The average salary for classroom teachers in California is $7,000, while in Mississippi it is $3,600.

Nearly three-quarters of the young white population of the United States have graduated from high school, but only about two-fifths of our nonwhite population has done the same.

In some States almost 40 percent of the nonwhite population has completed less than 5 years of school, contrasted with 7 percent of the white population. In one American State over 36 percent of the public school buildings are over 40 years of age. In another, only 4 percent are that old.

Such facts as that one could prolong the recital indefinitely, make it clear that American children today do not yet enjoy equal educational opportunities for two primary reasons: One is economic, and the other is racial.

If our Nation is to meet the goal of giving every American child a fair chance, because an uneducated American child makes an uneducated parent who produces, in many cases, another uneducated American child, we must move ahead swiftly in both areas.

And we must recognize that segregation in education-and I mean de facto segregation in the North as well as the proclaimed segregation in the South, brings with it serious handicaps to a large proportion of the population.

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