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and the inservice training of present staff in new content and new methods is unprecedented.

Part of the need for inservice training is because of what has happened under the National Defense Education Act-new materials, new equipment. And if we don't have the funds for inservice training, much will be lost.

A recent report published by the State department of education indicates California will need in the next 10 years approximately 200,000 new teachers, or an average of 20,000 a year.

Title III, part D: An amendment to title VII of the National Defense Education Act and to the Cooperative Research Act, we support both of these provisions, particularly with reference to establishing research and development centers nationwide, and authorizing direct participation by local school districts in cooperative educational


Referring to Title III, Part E: State Statistical Services, we urge that within the framework of this section of the proposed legislation there be a liberalization of the definition of the improvement of "statistical services" to include the broader term "research services," of which statistical services, of course, are a very important part; and that State departments of education be authorized to use Federal funds allocated to them to assist local districts in financing the compilation of basic statistical data.

This has been one of our problems in that under title X we have had money we could use at the State level, but in asking local districts to help us with this we have had no funds we could give to them to finance their share of the responsibility.

Referring now to title IV, in addition to the present provisions for teacher institutes and support of teacher preparation programs referred to above, we strongly urge increased appropriations under title IV, parts B and C, to be used by State departments of education for inservice training of teachers and guidance personnel at the local district level.


We also urge Congress to consider expanding title IV, part B to include the subject areas of English, history and geography.

We urge a change in the language of this section to permit Federal funds to be used for the purchase of materials, production equipment, and test grading equipment.

Let me make just a comment on this.

Present restrictions under the regulations of the U.S. Office of Education do not permit us to purchase production equipment that can be used to produce instructional materials. In our judgment, this is not a wise restriction. If it should be lifted, it would enable school districts then to produce up-to-date materials to meet local needs at very low cost.

And so we bring this to your attention, and urge that it be given


We urge a change in the language of the formulas used for allocation to the States. The present National Defense Education Act legislation uses the language "school age population." It would be more equitable to all States to use instead "public school population."

We strongly support the reallocation provision which is not presently found in National Defense Education Act legislation, but has been traditional in previous legislation of a similar nature.

To point out the importance to us, Senator, we need about $2 million more this very year, to meet the demands placed on us by local school districts.

Referring to title IV part C, we support in principle the extension of guidance, counseling, and testing in all elementary grades, but unless Congress is willing to increase in a major way the appropriation for this section, it would be unwise to spread our funds so broadly. Unless additional funds are available, we would recommend counseling, guidance, and testing funds be limited to grades 7 through 12 as provided for in S. 580.

We urge Congress to consider a 4-year authorization for all titles, rather than 2 years, to encourage long-term planning, continuity, and retention of highly qualified staff.


At this point, I want to place emphasis on the urgency of action on the extension of the National Defense Education Act through S. 580, or in some other fashion in this session of Congress.

We have heard reports that there is some attitude that it could be delayed a year. This is not true. And it is not true because we at the State level must know in advance so we can do our own budget planning, so that we can retain our staff. Further, we presently have in excess of $2 million of quality project requests for 1963-64 money which we cannot honor unless we have some assurance of an extension of the program in this session of Congress.

I want to place emphasis on that.

Finally, I would like to reiterate what I said 2 years ago with reference to what I call the "strawman"-Federal control, and our relationships with the U.S. Office of Education. We have had no evidence of Federal control in Califoria, and our relationships with the U.S. Office of Education have been healthy, positive, and cooperative. Their leadership and guidance has been a major factor in assisting States achieve a high degree of success in the use of National Defense Education Act funds.

We thank you, again, Senator, for this opportunity to make this presentation to you.

Senator MORSE. Mr. Sullivan, I am very glad to have this very, very helpful testimony of yours in this record.

I quite agree with you that we just must see to it that the National Defense Education Act is extended this year.

Nothing has been called to the attention of this chairman to postpone action on it. We hope, of course, to put through a general bill to include the National Defense Education Act.

In this testimony of yours this morning, you make several specific suggestions for amendments, modifications of the bill.

Mr. Lee advises me that the test grading amendment was in the bill that was passed last year.

Mr. SULLIVAN. That is right.

Senator MORSE. You should know that I run a seminar here in connection with these hearings. And sometimes the assignment that I give to the staff, which, in turn, works with the witnesses if necessary, is an assignment on amendment drafting. So I want the staff to pay attention, and I say to the staff I want them to take Mr. Sullivan's testimony to go over it, and at each point where he suggests a modification of the bill, requiring an amendment to the bill, I would like to have legislative counsel assigned the task of preparing the amendment. I would like to have that work completed before the final record is published. I would like to have a section added to Mr. Sullivan's testimony which would set forth the amendments that would be necessary in order to carry out his suggestions.

(The amendments referred to follow :)


On page 79, strike out all in lines 20 and 21, and insert in lieu thereof the following: "as the average daily attendance in the public elementary and secondary schools of such State for the most recent school year for which reliable data is available bears to the total average daily attendance in such schools of all the States for such year, except that".

On page 81, line 7, after "(4)," insert "by striking out 'or' before '(5)' and inserting before the period at the end of clause (5) the following: ‘or (6) reimbursing local educational agencies for expenditures required of them in achieving the objectives of projects carried out by the State educational agency with assistance under the provisions of this section',".

On page 98, strike out lines 19 and 20 and insert in lieu thereof the following: "PART B-SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS, MODERN LANGUAGE, HISTORY, AND GEOGRAPHY INSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT


"SEC. 421. Title III of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 is amended (1) by striking out the title and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Title III-Financial Assistance For Strengthening Science, Mathematics, Modern Language, History, And Geography Instruction', and (2) by striking out 'science, mathematics, or modern foreign language' and 'science, mathematics, and modern foreign languages' wherever appearing therein and inserting in lieu thereof 'science, mathematics, modern language, history, or geography' and science, mathematics, modern languages, history, and geography', respectively. Redesignate sections 421 and 422 as sections 423 and 424, respectively. On page 98, line 25, before the period, insert a comma and the following: "and by striking out '$5,000,000' and inserting in lieu thereof '$10,000,000' ". On page 100, between lines 12 and 13, insert the following:


"SEC. 425. Clause (1) of subsection (a) of section 303 of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 is amended by inserting before '(B)' the following: 'equipment for use by teachers or students for producing or reproducing audio-visual materials for instructional purposes, test grading equipment, and equipment for andio-visual libraries serving such schools, and'."

On page 100, strike out "Sec. 423" and insert in lieu thereof "Sec. 425". (NOTE-Also advocated. 4-year extension of National Defense Education Act in lieu of 2-year extension.

Mr. SULLIVAN. Thank you, Senator, very much.

Senator MORSE. It is very helpful, and I appreciate it very much. (The brief referred to follows:)


DONALD W. JOHNSON, Consultant, Bureau of National
Defense Education Act Administration

Reprinted from

Official Monthly Publication of the

California State Department of Education


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