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A Brief Review of Certain Current Thoughts that Affect Curriculum and Teachers. Covers curricula areas of social science, consumer education, industrial education, and reading. $ .15 per copy.

A Brief Review of the A.F.T.'s Fight for Integration. Reviews highlights of AFT convention action from 1947 to 1959 on school integration. $.15 per copy.

A Sample Study of Teachers' Freedom of Choice in Joining Professional Organizations. A review of the opinions of officials in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin. $.10 per copy.

A Sample Study of the 1961 Leg. islative Goals of Certain State Federations. Research study reviews current goals of 21 state federations. $.15 per copy.

A Selected Bibliography Concerning Merit Rating. A research study reviewing articles published on the subject, with annotations. $20 per copy.

A Summary of Districts Providing Fringe Benefits for Teachers. A study of districts providing fringe benefits including for: sick leave, severance pay, health insurance policies, teacher retirement programs. sabbatical leave, maternity leave, funeral leave, military leave. and Federal social security benefits. $ 25 per copy. A Survey of Legislative Action in the State Legislatures Concerning Education. A research study reviewing 15,000 pages of reports from chief state school officers on the subject. $.50 per copy.

Atypical Children in American Education. Study of the presence and placement of atypical chil dren in American schools as related through authorities in the field. $.15 per copy.

Current Fears of Teachers. Study of the economic, social, legal, physical, and moral fears of teachers. $.15 per copy.

Discipline During the Age of the New Frontier. Reviews various state regulations concerning school discipline. relating the study to modern life and education. $15 per copy.

Education and Congress. Research study of educational attainments of members of the legislative branch of the national government and review of promises of major parties concerning Federal aid for education. $.15 per copy.

American Federation of Teachers Research Studies

By Dr. George S. Reuter, Jr., Research Director

Evaluation of Personnel Prac tices. Reviews code of fair administrative practices approved by the AFT. Covers such items as personnel handbooks, superintendents' communications, grievance procedures, defined school day, ethics, and transfer policies. A sequel to Personnel Relations for Teachers. $.15 per copy.

Examples of Payroll Deductions. Reviews the forms used by school districts. $.10 per copy.

Financial Comparisons of Public Schools by States. Four approaches to financial compari. sons of public schools. $.10 per copy.

Fiscal Independence Versus Fiscal Dependence of School Boards. 32 pp. Research study, the first of its kind to cover major school districts in America. Practice of school districts on such subjects as school levies, school bonds, school elections, and school indebtedness. $ .25 per copy.

Historical Justification for Federal Aid to Education. Reviews grants to states by the Federal government on their admission to the union and Federal grants subsequent to admission to the union prior to 1900. Definitely proves that Federal Aid to Education has existed since before the be ginning of our Republic. Revised. $.15 per copy.

How the School Dollar is Spent in Our Larger Cities. Research study concerning the amount of the school dollar allocated to administration, instruction, maintenance, plant operation, other school services, transportation and fixed charges. $.10 per copy.

Lunchroom Supervision Practices in Cities of 500,000 Popula tion and Up. Research study of large cities and their lunchroom practices, including duty-free lunch period. $.10 per copy.

Per Pupil Cost in Representative
Districts of America. Research
study giving cost variations of
pupils between elementary and
secondary schools. $ .10 per copy.
Personnel Relations for Teach-
ers. 32 pp. Resch study. A guide
for teachers in personnel rela-
tions with school districts and
administration. $.50 per copy.

Recent Major Litigation Concern-
ing Integration. Research study
reviewing major cases concern-
ing school integration. $25 per

Reciprocity in Teacher Certifica tion. Research study of states which cooperate with other states in granting teaching certificates $.10 per copy.

Reforms Needed in the Select of Textbooks. 24 pp. Reseati study on current adoption fra tices, suggested improvement recommendations. $30 per copy

Selected Opinions Concerning the National Defense Education Act Research study of the opinion of educators concerning this law. $.10 per copy.

Some Constitutional Prohibition Against Financial Aid to Privat Schools. Reviews AFT actio against Federal aid for privat education, and points out leg roadblocks involved $15 p copy.

Some Current Issues in Industri al Education. Research study re viewing vocational and industria education and problems. J per copy.

Summary of A.F.T. State Feders tion Data. Research comparison of dues structure of state feders tions of teachers and other in ternational unions. $15 pe copy.

Superintendents' Salaries Re search study evaluating salary wise relationship to the teacher $20 per copy.

Teaching Machines and the af of the New Frontier. Research study of history of teaching ma chines and review of pro and com thinking concerning them. $15 per copy.

The Defined School Year. Re search review and issues in volved. $20 per copy.

The Limitation of Class Size Kr search review of historical stu dies in this area. $ 25 per copy.

The Teacher and Automation Research review by several au thorities. $25 per copy.

The Teacher and General Edus tion. Research review of the sub ject. $.20 per copy.

The Teacher and Grievance Pre cedures. Research review of es tablished procedures. $25 pe copy.

The Utilization of Educators. Re search study of actual utilizat of teachers and administrators b school districts. 8 .15 per copy

Senator YARBOROUGH. The next witnesses are Miss Selma Borchardt of the Greater Washington Central Labor Council and Mr. Don B. Goodloe.


Senator YARBOROUGH. Miss Borchardt, you are the first witness in this panel of two. Will you proceed, please?

Miss BORCHARDT. I am Selma Borchardt, appearing before you today as chairman of the Education Committee of the Greater Washington Central Labor Council. Our support of the principles set forth in S. 580 is typical of the earnest support being given to this proposed legislation by city, central, and State labor bodies throughout the country.

We support the principles put forth here, S. 580, by our parent body, the AFL-CIO.

May I say, Senator, that I am not sticking strictly to the text, but trying to condense as we go along?

Senator YARBOROUGH. You may read the text and I will read the text as you summarize it and it will be printed in the record for the other Senators to have the benefit of who could not come this morning, because the Senate is in session and there are other committees in session, too.

Miss BORCHARDT. We, as I say, support, of course, the principles of our parent body, who have testified here today. We are grateful for the privilege of appearing before you to amplify the testimony of the central body and the position taken by the parent body.

We are not presenting to you the factual data which the excellent professional staff of this subcommittee have prepared and which have been placed before the committee. It would not only be repetitious but it would be presumptuous to seek to improve on those facts and figures as they have presented them.

We shall here present only such data and observations as are not presented in the material which is already before you through your professional committee.


We would emphasize the urgent need for at least twice the amount provided in this bill for student loans, for student work study programs, for undergraduate and graduate students.

It should be remembered that our Government is not asked under this bill to give a free college education to all Americans who may want it at the college level. This title, title I, provides for loans to be repaid with interest, and for payment for services to be rendered by the students. This outlay is, we contend, not an expenditure but an investment in our country.

To us in the labor movement, this proposal is of greatest importance; that is, the proposal of loans and, which we point our later, we want some scholarships also. We believe that the young man who comes

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