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programs, unless we have centers at which these researches are con tinued and the results funneled out to the grassroots of all our States We hope that our pleas will make it possible for you to awaker interest at the source from which funds must come.

Thank you.

Senator MORSE. The statement of accomplishments will be included in the record along with the full statement.

(The documents referred to are as follows:)


I thank the subcommittee for this opportunity to present facts about the edu cational needs of American youth. Let me also express my respect for the year of thought and effort many of you have devoted to meeting the Nation's critica and expanding educational needs.

We are all aware that our society continually becomes more technical and com plex. Consequently larger percentages of our citizens need higher levels of train ing. Citizens' capacity to earn paychecks for their families depends on education commensurate with present-day need. So does the prosperity and progress o our country. Clearly, somehow, citizens, localities, States, and our National Gov ernment, together, must develop ways of allocating a more adequate portion o our manpower, time, and unprecedented financial resources to provision of suc education.

S. 580 proposes action on a few of the Nation's most urgent educational needs I strongly urge vigorous action on every one of those proposals. I will commen particularly on items which bear most heavily on needs and problems with whic I happen to have direct contact and experience.

The college student loan, employment, and fellowship proposals represent very modest start on meeting the Nation's immediate need to make advance training accessible to a larger percentage of our youth. We all know that in th modern technological world citizens' opportunity to earn a living and contribut to our economy depends largely on training which fits them for moder occupations.

The facts about our national shortage of well-trained people and our surplu of poorly trained ones are well known. Facts also show that increases in th costs of tuitions, fees, travel, and other costs of attending colleges are outrunnin the financial resources of many families. Numerous studies show that for man years large percentages of the Nation's most able youth have not attended colleg because they cannot pay the costs. The need for actions which will make colleg and university training more accessible is obvious.

As some of you have observed, at present a growing number of colleges an universities are forced to restrict admission because facilities are not adequat for larger enrollments. Obviously the S. 580 college facilities grants and loa proposals comprise an essential counterpart of student finance proposals.

Industrial, commercial, and scientific experience clearly demonstrate the valu of research and development. S. 580 proposals for research and developments training aimed at improvement of instruction are particularly urgent as mean of enabling the Nation to use its educational manpower, facilities, and funds i ways that yield the best possible instruction for youth.

More adequate research and development funds will release and stimulate th energies of a large reservoir of well-trained and dedicated research personne now employed by the Nation's universities. For example, at Washington Stat University alone, in the past 3 years nine college of education staff members hav sought funds to pursue research which promises to improve instruction. Onl two have been able to obtain such funds. None from Federal sources.

To make education as effective as it can and should be, there is urgent nee for research that will (1) better enable teachers to identify and develop all es pacities of all pupils; (2) reveal more effective means of motivating pupils to lear during their school years and to continue learning throughout their adult lives (3) show how modern teaching tools and materials can be used most effectively (4) show how personnel can best be used to provide high-quality education fo our ever larger numbers of pupils.

I strongly urge the subcommittee to support the full amount of research fund recommended by the U.S. Commissioner of Education.

Again, based on first hand experience, I can assure you of the immense benefits to millions of youth inherent in continuation of funds for guidance and Counseling institutes. In the past 5 years, National Education Defense Act funds tave enabled Washington State University to train 148 counselors. Conservative estimates indicate that those counselors are serving more than 74,000 pupils. The need for more counselors at both elementary and high schools levels remains great.

S. 580 proposals for appropriations to States for teachers' salaries, school facilities and improvement of instruction are indeed modest in terms of the Nation's vast need. Personally, I feel that much larger sums should be made available to be spent for whatever purposes State departments of education determine to be most urgent. But I understand the circumstances that make it difficult for the Congress to provide general Federal aid. Under those circumstances I urge the modest start proposed by S. 580.

Facts demonstrating the urgent need for vocational and adult training improvements at which S. 580 proposals are aimed are familiar to all. At present, rapid technological change is seriously restricting the opportunities of an increasing percentage of citizens to earn paychecks for their families. This trend constitutes an alarming threat to democratic principles and to our national prosperity.

I assure you that the millions of youth in our schools and all citizens who value a prosperous and developing America will be grateful for the favorable consideration you give to S. 580. Thank you.


The longitudinal study of centralized school districts in rural areas in Wisconsin was designed initially to produce both basic and practical research outcomes The vital assistance which came from the cooperative research program accelerated the practical aspects of this research and enabled the publication of pertinent documents which are eagerly sought by the public. Additional basic research has also been accomplished. The following account is an example of the requests for information related to the research which were received and met by this office during one week (February 18–22, 1963).

Monday, February 18: Phone call from Kansas School Boards Association seeking 200 copies of Special Bulletin No. 6 for distribution to the State legislature then considering a school district bill for Kansas.

Tuesday, February 19: Letters requesting copies of materials from Pennsylvania, California, and Nebraska.

Wednesday, February 20: Request for booking or purchase of the filmed research reports on school organization from Contra Costa County, Calif. Thursday, February 21: Inquiry from South Dakota regarding the purchase of school reorganizational films. Five letters and three phone calls requesting copies of Special Bulletin No. 6 within Wisconsin.

Friday, February 22: Two phone calls requesting the research director to give oral reports, one from a community group and one from a group of school administrators.

Requests for help from a citizens' committee engaged in a survey of reorganization possibilities for three high school districts in Waupaca County, Wisconsin.

Special Bulletin No. 6 was released by the University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture bulletin room in the spring of 1961. Since that period 35,000 of these reports have been requested and used. More than half of these requests originated outside of Wisconsin.


Mr. Chairman and members of the subcommittee, I have been asked to disCass briefly the nature of research in the arts. If by "research" we mean the pursuit of new knowledge or the application of knowledge with innovative or Investigate intent, then art itself can be called research. A serious artist in any medium is trying to extend the limits both of man's imagination and of his

understanding of his world. The means used may be based on verbal, visual tonal, structural or (as in drama and dance) projective techniques. The activity of the artist results in a product, art, the limits of which have not been predetermined. Art can be, in its highest form, pure research into the phenomena of seeing, feeling, insight, and communicative purpose.

But because "research" is not usually the term used to describe this creative process, it is not likely that the arts will spring quickly to mind when S. 58 is studied. Research efforts of a more orthodox kind have frequently been applied to the arts, not always at effective educational levels or with significant results. It is quite likely that better understanding of the whole creative process to the benefit of both education and science, as well as new art expression could emerge from serious and imaginative investigation into the artist's conceptua. processes. Because the artist often is concerned with nonverbal communicative techniques, we could perhaps through these find a better measure of intelligence for some people than the scales of verbal and mathematical aptitude which, as now applied, control the opportunities, and thus the destinies, of many citizens. We need better studies of structural types and materials applicable to the design problems of architecture. There are problems which involve aesthetics and design knowledge to be solved in the rehabilitation and extension of our cities We can profitably investigate, through the drama, certain qualities of audience response.

These are some, but by no means all of the avenues which invite broad investigative effort in the arts.

The arts, like the sciences and the humanities, require some open opportunities for speculation before many of the problems open to solution will emerge. Until vigorous minds are permitted to move without restraint into areas of free inquiry (beyond those which traditionally artists have been able to contro! through the simple application of techniques to their production of art) there will be little revelation of the extent to which the processes of art can contribute to a more complete understanding of man and society.

This would suggest that institutions which are already engaged in broad research projects in diversified areas could (if the environment permits) productively add investigative projects in the arts at graduate levels. Institutions which have responsibily administered funds for other research purposes can with equal confidence be given custodial control of research funds the areas for which the arts have primary concern-creativity, the uses of the imagination in the conception and development of new problems, education at all stages of human growth, communication of both emotions and ideas, and the development of a balanced society.

Although some studies of sensory perception have been made, our understanding in this area is still far from complete. Beyond the value of such studies for artists and teachers, there are in these investigations far more complex inplications for those who study the learning processes as a whole. The same can be said about whatever new insight we can gain into the neuromuscular mechanisms which condition performance on a musical instrument.

Certainly the arts have not been entirely isolated from studies that originate in the areas of psychology, physiology, engineering, science, sociology, and economics. But the attraction of talented and perceptive artists to collaborative efforts with research scholars in these fields has not been marked, largely because the arts have not been able to subsidize their part of such enquiries. Without doubt the studies which might be most useful in a general senseand also probably those which are most complex-are those which deal with the nature of the creative process, however it may be applied. toward the arts, toward science, toward social growth, educational progress, engineering, or political action. This would appear to be a corporate undertaking of considerable magnitude.

Those of you who have watched carefully the development of precollege programs at both elementary and secondary school levels during these recent years of change, have undoubtedly seen the ways in which young people with high intelligence have been guided (rather inexorably at times) into paths which would bring them into the colleges equipped to cope with almost anything except the problems of the arts. Expanded school programs in the arts have been reserved for the "slow track" people, those who cannot, without having college and professional school qualification barriers lowered for their accom modation, hope to compete intellectually with their college fellows. Thus we rapidly reach a point of greatly diminishing returns in the arts: we cannot

maintain the intellectual standards we require as serious educators and develop the processes of thought and action which art requires of its best practitioners. Any program which will attract to the arts the gifted and imaginative young people who will become the next generation of artists, and any devices that will enable us to identify and measure their talents, will contribute in extraordinary ways to the wealth and welfare of this country.


Mr. Chairman and members of the subcommittee, my name is Merrill F. Hartshorn, and I am the executive secretary of the National Council for the Social Studies, a voluntary, nonprofit, educational organization founded in 1921. Our membership is composed of social studies teachers (from the fields of history, government, economics, geography, and sociology) in the elementary and secondary schools of our Nation. We also have in our membership a sizable number of instructors in colleges and universities whose main concern is the education of prospective social studies teachers for our schools. At the present time our membership is slightly in excess of 11,000.

First of all, I should like to express our general support for S. 580 which should, I believe, have priority consideration by the appropriate committees of Congress. In connection with this general support, I appreciate the opportunity Ch benalf of social studies teachers to submit this statement which deals with part D of title III in S. 580.

The Cooperative Research Act has made a substantial contribution to education, and its potential for the future is indeed very great. Proposals to amend and strengthen the act certainly deserve careful and serious consideration. OutLoded content of courses, curriculum design, and teaching techniques must be eliminated, or our educational program will fail our Nation at a crucial point in history. This is especially true in the area of the social studies where change is developing much more slowly than in some other curriculum areas.

Education is a vital part of our national defense and it is crucial that it have the moral and financial support from all levels of government that it needs to eet its responsibility to our Nation. To meet this responsibility, more research on educational problems is urgently needed. At the same time the base for this research and the dissemination of research findings, should be as broad and atrung as possible. We need to move as rapidly as possible with this task and Deed assistance from all sources that can make a significant contribution. The proposals to amend the Cooperative Research Act to enable the Commissither of Education to make grants to public or nonprofit private universities, colleges, or other organizations with research or professional training facilities, and to local educational agencies, certainly would broaden the base for research and increase the opportunities the act provides for making a significant contribution to education.

By broadening the base of those eligible for contracts or grants to be awarded by the Commissioner of Education, several specific benefits would emerge.

First of all, it would enable the Commissioner of Education to draw on a much larger pool of manpower and talent, that could bring their special competencies to bear on some of the urgent research problems in education. Considering the 8.ze and nature of the problem, that could prove to be a great asset.

Second, national nonprofit educational organizations could make a significant contribution to the purposes of the Cooperative Research Act. One especially important role they could play would be in the dissemination of the results of the Various research studies being supported under the act. One criticism frequently made at the present time is that the results of many research projects with subventions remain in reports on shelves of offices-that they do not get into the Bloodstream of American education. This is indeed a great loss to education, and at the same time it means that the potential of the money invested in research is not realized to any considerable extent. Organizations could utilize their channels of communication with their members in the dissemination of the results of research, and do so economically. This could be done through The regular publications such as monthly journals, through special publications, And through programs at annual meetings.

Third, national organizations, with branches in all parts of the United States, uld assist greatly in heiping to locate and to mobilize talent needed to assist

in developing and implementing desirable research studies. They could sponsor seminars or conferences to assist the Commissioner of Education in discharging his responsibilities under the act.

Finally, national organizations could assist in serving as a clearinghouse on the various ongoing research projects being supported in their special fields of interest. This could be of great assistance to the individual projects. It would enable those responsible for specific projects to exchange information that could prove helpful in their project development and the conduct of their work.

Consequently, it is respectfully requested that members of this committee. and other Members of Congress, give their support to S. 580 that broadens and extends the Cooperative Research Act to empower the Commissioner of Education to make grants and to extend the act to groups presently not eligible to assist in furthering the basic purposes of the act.


Our deep concern is with the social studies in Wisconsin and the United States and specifically with the social studies curriculum in elementary and secondary school systems. Social studies embrace those areas of knowledge which are primarily concerned with man's relationship to man and the impact of nature upon this relationship. Taken with the natural and biological sciences, language, and the arts, an intimate knowledge of the social studies, or social sciences, is a basic requirement for an educated people. Two Russian historians, visiting the State Historical Society earlier this month, commented on the explosive news and headline techniques of American newspapers. Our reply was that, as an educated people, we deserve to know all of the news and could select the pith from the trivia. Our democracy is rooted in the elemental fact that we are a thinking people and we have our educational system to thank, or to blame, for that.

It is this educational system, particularly in the area of the social studies. which is faltering, unable to live up to its responsibilities. Teachers need to be trained and retrained so that new interpretations of old information as well as new information itself is made available to them (title III, pt. A). Teachers need time and study to develop, with those more expert in subject matter than they can be, new curriculums and new curricular material (title III, pt. B). More importantly, colleges and universities and other institutions with research and training facilities need to have support for initiating and developing new ideas in teaching and teaching materials (title III, pt. D).

A reexamination of the social studies curriculum will quickly reveal a dull. repetitive, and unexciting series of courses. While details differ all over the country, the general picture is one of American history courses rigidly slotted at two or three grade levels, frequently going over the same ground in much the same way. Courses in economics and sociology, if offered at all, are offered at the last moment in high school and as entirely new subjects. Courses in political science, often called civics, examine the process of government as if robots, not men, governed the affairs of the country. Courses in world history are jammed so full of required material that teachers must depend upon their own and their pupils' rote learning to complete them. Courses in geography are almost nonexistent except for those students who are not able to handle world history. These courses are constructed as if land masses existed for statistical groupings of temperature, imports, and major industries, or are so well inte grated into history courses as to be lost. It is a dismal and depressing picture. History and the social sciences are in a constant state of flux. New areas of history, such as the history of American science, of mass communications, of urban history, have not filtered down to elementary and secondary school levels, yet no one can gainsay their tremendous significance for midcentury Americans. New information in the social sciences is equally significant and, at present. blocked from elementary and secondary education because teachers are not informed and materials are not available. New interpretations of older concepts need to be presented, too, but cannot be unless the teacher and the materials are readied for the presentation.

History and the social sciences need to be revitalized if they are to perform their function of preparing young people to shoulder the increasingly heavy burden of living in a democratic society. They must know about their society, their

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