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receive stipends for the period of their attendance at such institutes in amount specified by the Commissioner in regulations including allowances for depend ents and including allowances for travel to attend such institutes.

I hope that this correction will be made in the final draft of the bill thereby incorporating my suggestions, and that this much needed amendment will be enacted by the Congress without delay.

Senator RANDOLPH. Now if you, Dr. Totaro, will proceed, perhaps to introduce your colleagues, or to present your material in any way yo think is desirable, the subcommittee will be happy to hear you an your associates now.


Dr. TOTARO. Thank you, Senator Randolph.

Our presentation this afternoon will be made in the following or der, which is just a step out of order in the list presented to you. Our first speaker will be Dean Earl Boggs, of the College of Educa tion, West Virginia University.

Our second speaker will be Dr. Jerrold R. Zacharias, professor o physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, second from the right The third will be Mr. James H. Straubel, executive director, Aero space Education Foundation, Air Force Association, immediately to my right.

And I, speaking in behalf of Dean Lindley Stiles of the School of Education, University of Wisconsin, and myself.

We would like to present each of our own papers and the papers of the supporting individuals into the record, with your consent.

Senator RANDOLPH. Those papers which support the general premis that will be given in oral testimony will be included at an appropriat place in the record. It might be now, it might be after you hav spoken, but we will place that material in the record.

Dr. TOTARO. Thank you.

It is no accident that the individuals appearing this afternoon are here. I think you will observe as you look at the background that we are not all pedagogues. Our purpose was to show that there ar diverse interests in educational research and development, but that these interests are all important and we are all striving for the same kinds of long-term objectives.

I would like, since two of our speakers are going to have to move ou a little more rapidly than others this afternoon, and because I had agreed initially not to speak due to the tight schedule we are under this morning, to eliminate my remarks at this point and proceed with Dean Boggs.


Dr. BOGGS. Mr. Chairman and members of the subcommittee. I am anxious to express my appreciation for the opportunity to appear before you today in order to support S. 580, the National Education Improvement Act of 1963, which is designed to improve quality, quantity, and opportunities for education at various levels in America. Time limits make it necessary for me to address my testimony to one phase of the bill-research. However, I should like to emphasize the importance of all other aspects of the bill under consideration.

The improvement of quality in education requires the discipline of systematic and consistent effort on the part of educational leaders. Research is the most effective tool to eventuate this orderly process. The lag in the use of research is largely the result of lack of funds. Two of the major requirements for this-trained research staff and climate of acceptance-we have today, but without financial support the research program lags far behind demand for development.

Colleges of education today orient efforts toward the improvement of quality with renewed vigor. I have spent a good many years in colleges and I have never seen greater vigor expressed on the part of the dedicated staff members than we have today for digging into the basic research patterns, not only of the new knowledge, but of a renewed use and a reinterpretation of the old.

Staff members are restless to expand present research to secure data which can become the basis for further development of quality.


Permit me here to list a few examples of research projects in the College of Education of West Virginia University which have been done in the last year or are currently in progress which need expansion but funds are not available to support further activities: T. J. Brennan, "A Study of High School Dropouts"; E. C. Kennedy, "The Improvement of Reading Skills for College Bound High School Seniors." There was a time when we thought the only ones we needed to work on in the field of reading are those people who are poor readers. But now that has moved on far beyond that to the improvement of the reading skills of the college-bound and so-called academically talented people.

Dr. B. H. Bailey and Stanley Ikenberry, "Educational Expectancy Levels of Parents for Their Children," you will be interested to know the dry run of this research is in Preston County, centered around Kingwood; Dr. A. N. Hofstetter and Charles Ritchie, "Competencies Needed by Supervisors of Instruction;" R. H. Neff, "Program Requirements for Educable Pupils;" W. V. Wagner, "Criteria for Admission of College Students Into Teacher Education;" and K. A. Cook, "Analysis of Contributions of the College of Education of West Virginia University."

Other research efforts could be enumerated, but these, no doubt, are exemplary of other graduate institutions, both large and small.

In addition to the yeoman efforts being exerted within individual institutions, there are studies of a national and regional character,

which have proved that research is a sound basis for us to unearth the new and to find a new approach to the old, such as Project Talent, a nationwide inventory of a half million talented students, the study of college teaching methods in academic classes and research in cur riculum revision. Many other examples could be cited if time permitted.


The improvement of quality, quantity, and educational opportuni ties in America requires systematic and consistent effort based on reliable and valid data. Research is the tool by which such data ar secured. The climate of acceptance among educational leaders and academicians for this mammoth task is entirely affirmative today. The educational environment presently has two sides of the triangle, staf researchers and permissive environment. The passage of S. 580, the National Improvement Act, will help to establish the base, particularly that of research, for us to move ahead.

I come from a State that is considered often, as Senator Randolph knows, an underprivileged State. But I hasten to add, we are not an underprivileged State as far as the spirit is concerned. We have the spirit, if we can get a little money to move ahead on establishing a base, and we want to establish that through research. I believe that this is characteristic of many of the other States.

Generally speaking, today institutions are financed about one-third from taxes, one-third from student fees, and one-third from other


I think that S. 580 gets us into the area of thinking that we can move half of the support from Government funds, Federal aid to education, and that sort of thing, covering the whole gamut that is included in this S. 580, which will move us in the direction of really getting into high gear in some of the things that we were forced into Institutions are merely the agents for society in that respect, and very, very valuable agents.

The two requirements that I spoke of in my testimony a minute ago, the trained research staff and the climate of acceptance are important features, and these two areas have not appeared accidentally I would guess that within the last 2 or 3 years, there has been more study on the part of staff members of the smaller institutions, which up to the present time have done a very little bit of this research that we need.

I would guess that those staff members have done more preparation in how to do research than they had done in the previous 10 years The climate of acceptance along comes when you get the sociometry of technology at work in a faculty and some understanding of it in the community. And it takes time to do that and there is danger in that unless we have it established on a firm base and that is the main reason for my wanting to speak today in favor of the research part of this bill.

And I do not mean, in doing that, to lessen my attempt to encourage the passage of the bill as it stands.

S. 580 should be approved, in my opinion. It points in the direction of security in education; improved teaching, counseling services,

special education, and so forth, will all come along on a much more rapid and sounder base, which is necessary if we can establish some of the new knowledge, the nature of some of the new knowledge and new uses for the old.

Research in the rapidly changing educational environment is the best tool we know to use in securing data as a base for the planning, curriculum revision, and all other aspects of education.

I am very happy, Mr. Chairman, to add my testimony in favor of S. 580, because I think it is very important.

Senator RANDOLPH. We are very appreciative, Dean Boggs, of your testimony today. I have felt, and in this I am sure I am in agreement with you and your colleagues, that we need to organize, if that is the correct word, those of inquiring minds in the manner in which the proposed legislation would bring that into being. Under the program which we now have of the jointly financed cooperative agreements, arrangements with universities and colleges for the conduct of research and surveys, demonstrations, you would wish to add new language to make grants to public or nonprofit private universities, colleges and other institutions with research and training facilities.

Why do you feel that is especially important?

Dr. BOGGS. Because of the great depth and breadth of the job that has to be done at the moment.

Senator RANDOLPH. I only interrupt you to say at that point, so many people are reluctant to accept change; in fact, they resist change change in education, as in other aspects of our living.

I think what you are saying here, what we would say together, is that it is not just change, it is the very fact of change in this time in which we live that we have to inquire into with depth, with scope. People must move forward into these areas of study and research. Is that true?

Dr. BOGGS. Yes. And we need leaders in the identification of the things that need to be done.

For instance, I referred a few moments ago to the Preston County study and you are familiar with that territory. In the second discussion meeting we had, the parents themselves and some of the people identified the idea, well, what is the expectancy level that we have here for our children? Well, that just opened a research study there for them to look at themselves.

Senator RANDOLPH. An appraisal, a reappraisal?

Dr. BOGGS. Yes; a reappraisal, and it is in movement now without any support. We are doing it all on our own. That is why we need help. That is an example of it.

Senator RANDOLPH. Some of the people may have said we are underprivileged, but we are not without purpose; is that true?

Dr. BOGGS. That is right, and we are not without spirit to do something about it.

Senator RANDOLPH. Then we would include these grants, of course, and in cooperation when appropriate, with State or local educational agencies of centers for the conduct of programs of research, development of education, demonstration with approved instructional practices in elementary or secondary schools.


I wonder-and I am not sure on this point-are we allowed to carry on, say, a cooperative project with, let's say, the States of Virginia and Maryland? Not just make it a West Virginia project, but could we include several States?

Dr. BOGGS. We are proceeding at West Virginia University under the assumption that that would be true because our Center for Appalachian Studies, which we have started, the research projects which I have mentioned, and we have pilot studies in seven of the counties at the present time which are set up now as sort of dry runs to get the bugs out of the research design, and so forth, to take them out into the wider area.

Senator RANDOLPH. We don't need any research in Preston County as to why teachers who live in Kingwood go across the State line and act as instructors in Maryland, because, for the same subjects taught, they receive approximately $100 more a month. We don't need any research on that, do we, sir?

Dr. BOGGS. That is right.

Senator RANDOLPH. But we do need research on this subject matter which you have designated.

Dr. BOGGS. Yes; and many facets of it. Only about one proposal in eight that is considered for financial support by the cooperative research program can be funded because of several limitations in the amount of money for educational research. That is not enough. We have somehow, some way to move much faster, and there are many small institutions which have never gotten in on this which must be brought in some way in order to get geographical coverage where the need is. Senator RANDOLPH. In degree, we might think in terms of the 11 States of the Appalachian area. We have been thinking of that section of the country from the standpoint of the development of certain industrial patterns of growth. We could well think of it, perhaps, in the area of education, phases of education, subject to intensive research. As we look for the truth. And you know what I like about education and the way you men present your thoughts on the subject today is that we attempt to encourage the habit of truth. We must never allow that search for the facts to become just a second-rate projection. So when you come here today and speak as you do, you encourage us in the Congress to know that you, back home, believe this is an imperative matter, I think this is of assistance; as we coordinate, we hope, and develop our positive thinking toward legislaton to be enacted into law.

Thank you, Dean Boggs.

Dr. BOGGS. Thank you, sir.

(The prepared statement of Dean Boggs follows:)


Mr. Chairman and members of the subcommittee, I express appreciation for the opportunity to appear before you today in order to support S. 580, the National Education Improvement Act of 1963, which is designed to improve quality, quantity, and opportunities for education at various levels in America. Time limits make it necessary for me to address my testimony to one phase of the

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