FEDERAL IMPACT COUNT TABLE 2A.-Pupils whose parents are employed on listed Federal property for 1962-63 (a) U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. 7.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 7.0 4.0 (g) Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services. 5.0 0 4.0 0 3.0 2.0 2.0 8. Administration Bldg., 1710-1750 South Redwood Rd., Salt Lake City: 10.0 7.0 11. Forest Service repair shop and warehouse. 520 South Redwood Rd., Salt Lake City..... 16. Wasatch Division, Thiokol Chemical Corp., Brigham City (commingled) (7 times 16 percent). 1.4 1.9 6.0 2.0 19. Armed Forces: 18. Air Force plant 81, Bacchus (Hercules Powder).. (a) Fort Douglas. (b) Hill Air Force Base. (c) Navy supply depot. (d) Overseas and out of State. 20. Salt Lake City Municipal Airport: (a) U.S. Weather Bureau.. 10.0 14.0 (b) Federal Aviation Agency. (c) U.S. Air Force Advisory Group to Air Force-Utah Air National 21. Federal Aviation Agency Bldg., 2150 West 600 North, Salt Lake City.. 22. Federal Aviation Agency radar installation, Francis Peak (near Farmington).. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. It is recommended that Public Law 815 and 874 be continued with the exception of minor modification for Public Law 815 as heretofore mentioned (see letter of transmittal). 2. It is recommended that where districts like Granite have a Federal impact sufficient to perpetuate serious overcrowding, that a waiver be given regardless of any percentage requirements. 3. It is recommended that any law formulated recognize all categories of children whether directly or indirectly federally conected (i.e., Hercules Plant 81 employees are counted and Hercules Plant I employees are not, even though both plants are necessary to the war effort). Senator Moss. I would like to make only one more point with reference to impacted area laws. I feel the program should be expanded to include the District of Columbia. It is obvious to all of those of us who live in the District of Columbia, or in its environs, and who read its daily newspapers, or listen to its radio or TV stations, that the District schools are vastly underfinanced. If they are to be representative of the Nation's school system-as they should be-we must provide the District School Board with more money to build schools, to buy textbooks, and to pay teachers. Again, the impacted area laws provide a sturdy and appropriate instrument. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for giving me this time. I have restricted my remarks to part D of title IV of S. 580-to the impacted area laws-not because I do not have firm convictions about other titles in the chairman's bill, and in other school bills before the subcommittee, but because I wanted to use my time to promote what I feel is a sound approach to strengthening our grammar schools, our junior high schools, and our high schools where our children get their basic training. I am also very much interested in advanced education programs, loans and scholarships, in college housing, and in other facets of the overall educational problem in America. The subcommittee has my best wishes and support in bringing a broad and practical educational bill to the floor of the Senate for debate. Senator YARBOROUGH. Thank you, Senator Moss, for a very fine statement and very forceful manner in which it has been presented. Senator Goldwater? Senator GOLDWATER. I have no questions. Senator YARBOROUGH. Senator Moss, when you introduced your bill, I had had no proper opportunity to study or examine it at that time. Now that I have studied and examined it and heard your statement, I desire to be listed among those now sponsoring it as a cosponsor. Senator Moss. I will be very happy to make that request at the appropriate time on the floor of the Senate. Senator YARBOROUGH. Thank you. Any other questions? The next witness is Senator Howard W. Cannon, of Nevada. It is a pleasure to welcome to this subcommittee one of the dynamic Members of the Senate from the great Southwest area. We have some other energetic Senators, and we congratulate you, Senator Cannon, on your activities and leadership in the field of education and for the statements you have made on education in past ions and your very, very active work in the Senate. You may proceed in your own way. STATEMENT OF HON. HOWARD W. CANNON, A U.S. SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF NEVADA Senator CANNON. Thank you. Mr. Chairman, Senator Goldwater, Senator Jordan, no nation remains free which restricts the development or impairs the nurture of ideas. The whole panoply of our constitutional and social fabric is interwoven with this fundamental concept. Our past has been illuminated because of this attitude; and the plateau of achievement on which we presently stand could not have been attained with a lesser idea. But we cannot recline on the attainment of a prior effort. The challenges we face as a Nation make marginal those we have met and mastered. To meet and conquer these new areas which face us we must continue to provide the intellectual climate where ideas can sprout and grow. Because of the expanding demands on our Nation, we need to provide for the expansion of our academic institutions in order that all those who wish to and can contribute to the Nation's future may have full opportunity to do so. Our educational system should be so organized and advanced that the potential capabilities of the Nation's students can fully flower. The present system is inadequate at every level to meet the coming demand. To submit the specifics as to why this is so would amount to redundancy for this committee. ACTION NEEDED Rather, I would prefer to indicate to the committee my own firm conviction as to the imperativeness of congressional action. Repeatedly during the last year or more I have called the attention. of the Senate to the urgency of doing something about the Nation's scientific manpower policies which were woefully inadequate to meet the exigencies of the Government for technicians and engineers. It has long seemed inconceivable that we can know our reserves of raw material such as plutonium or iron ore down to a gnat's hair while not having the faintest notion as to our more priceless resource-our engineering and scientific talent. The same theme was eloquently enunciated by Dr. James R. Killian, Jr., in the March issue of the Atlantic Monthly. He said: The issues are profoundly important not only to our national security and world position but also to the Nation's general welfare, its economic growth, the utilization of its human resources, and the integrity and strength of its system of higher education. His closing paragraph illustrates the possibilities which the Nation has if we meet our responsibility. I quote: As a research-oriented society, we have the possibility of-in fact, we may now be in the midst of a great creative thrust in which the energies of our people will find a new measure of release and our power as a nation will be raised to a new level of benignity. This renaissance through research, especially corporate-sponsored research, can afford a flowing of individual skills and new avenues of individual fulfillment that will draw out as never before the latent talents and the sense of joyous exploration in increasing numbers of our people. Such is the promise of research if we deploy our funds and creative talent wisely. |