Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Applause asked the Minister Assistant Minister authorities aware Bank of Kenya Barclays Bank beg to reply Beijing building materials Bungoma Buru Buru Buru Chelaite Co-operative Bank coffee farmers construction debts decent developed houses ensure estates forests funds Government housing development Housing Policy Human Resource Development issue Kamukunji Kembi-Gitura Kenyans Khamasi Kibera Kibwana Kipchumba Kshs641 million Labour and Human Lands and Settlement live Maathai Madaraka Maitha Malindi Mejuma Member Minister for Labour Minister for Roads Ministry of Environment Ministry of Roads Mombasa Mwakwere Mwau Mwenje Nairobi City Council Nakuru National Housing Corporation Ndwiga point of order problem Prof programme Public Raila Raila Odinga Resources and Wildlife rural areas Samburu District Sasura sector Sessional Paper shelter shortage of teachers slum upgrading structures talking tarmacked tell Temporary Deputy Speaker tenants Uhuru Park urban areas urban centres waived Wamunyinyi Wetangula