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Regional Administrator and the ministrator, has determined meet the person(s) charged with the violation. criteris of the Federa. Ach. In rendering his decision, the Administrator may adopt, modify, or set aside $ 120-2 State adoption. the decision of the Regional Adminis

(a) Water quality standards consisitrator in any respect and shall include

ing of water quality criteris and a plan in his decision a concise statement of

for the enforcement and implementsthe basis thereof. The decision of the

tion of such criterie, if sdopied by a Administrator on appeal shall be ef

State after notice and public hearing. fective when rendered. (d) The Administrator may be assist

and if determined by the Administra

tor to be such standards as will protect ed in his functions under this Section by such staff as he deems appropriate

the public health or welfare, enhance

the quality of water and serve the pur(but not a person who has any prior

poses of the Federal Act, shall thereconnection with the case including

after be the water quality standards without limitation the performance of

applicable to the interstate waters or any investigative or prosecuting func

portions thereof for which adopted. tions), and he may delegate his au

(b) Determination by the Administhority to act under this section to a judicial officer within the Environ

trator that State-adopted water qual

ity standards meet the criteria of paramental Protection Agency.

graph (a) of this section shall be pub(43 FR 10495, Mar. 13, 1978; 43 FR 27534, lished in the FEDERAL REGISTER. DocuJune 26, 1978]

ments containing such standards shall

be incorporated by reference into this PART 120-WATER QUALITY


§ 120.3 Availability. Sec.

State-adopted water quality stand120.1 Scope and purpose.

ards which the Administrator has de120.2 State adoption.

termined meet the criteria of $120.2 120.3 Availability.

shall be available for inspection at the 120.12 Federally promulgated water qual

Regional Offices of the Environmental ity standards for Arizona. 120.27 Federally promulgated water qual.

Protection Agency and at its Washingity standards for the Commonwealth of

ton, D.C., address at Waterside Mall, Kentucky.

Washington, D.C. 20460, where the of 120.37 Nebraska.

ficial historic file of water quallly

standards shall be maintained. AUTHORITY: Sec. 1, 70 Stat. 506, as amended 33 U.S.C. 1160(c), unless otherwise noted.

$ 120.12 Federally promulgated SOURCE: 36 FR 22489, Nov. 25, 1971, unless otherwise noted.

quality standards for Arizona,

(a) Article 6, Part 2 is amepote $ 120.1 Scope and purpose.

follows: This part applies to procedures for

(1) Reg. 6-2-6.11 shall rent the adoption of water quality stand- Reg. 6-2-6.11 Nutrient slyndurile Allip ards pursuant to section 10(c) of the

mean annual total printimi *** Federal Water Pollution Control Act,

annual total nitrate Membelli. as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1160(c), herein

following waters shall wear

given below nor shall the timing lile after the Federal Act, and identifies

total nitrate contin !! and describes those State-adopted

percent of the mine piw# #+1) water quality standards which the Ad- the 90 percent values when it ministrator of the Environmental Pro- otherwise nijlia, bo tection Agency, hereinafter the Ad- apply v ubytmiin 14 pul

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3. Colorado River from Parker Dam to Imperial Dam (main

stem)............. 4. Colorado River from Imperial Dam to Morelos Dam (main

stem)....... 5. Gila River from New Mexico border to San Carlos Reservoir (excluding San Carlos Reservoir)....





(2) Reg. 6-2-6.10 Subparts A and B
are amended to include Reg. 6-2-6.11
in series with Regs. 6-2-6.6, 6-2-6.7
and 6-2-6.8.
(Sec. 303, Federal Water Pollution Control
Act, as ame ded, 33 U.S.C. 313, 86 Stat. 816
et seq., Pub. L. 92-500)
(41 FR 25000, June 22, 1976; 41 FR 48737,
Nov. 5, 1976. Redesignated and amended at
42 FR 56740, Oct. 28, 1977)

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[blocks in formation]

§ 120.27 Federally promulgated water

quality standards for the Common

wealth of Kentucky.
(a) The following shall be added to

SECTION 6. The EPA Administrator or his
designee may grant an exception to classifi-
cations and/or criteria upon adequate dem.
onstration that maintenance of water qual-
ity necessary for the preservation and prop-
agation of desirable or indigenous species of
aquatic biota and secondary contact recrea-
tion is not attainable. This determination
must be made on a case-by-case basis with
respect to a specific stream segment follow-
ing an analysis of each area. The analysis
must show that the necessary water quality
cannot be achieved due to technological
limitations and/or naturally occurring poor
water quality.

All exceptions will be temporary and subject to review at least every three years beginning in October 1975.

(b) Section 1(2) Regulation WP-6-2 shall be revised as follows:



[blocks in formation]

10. Santa

Cruz River from international boundary near Nogales to Sahuarita



segments are those in Rule 2 and Rule 7 of the Nebraska Water Quality Standards:

(i) Pawnee Prairie Special Use Area. (ii) Yellowbanks Special use Area.

(iii) Limestone Bluffs Special Use Area.

All waters as defined in 40 CFR 125.1 not shown on the map described in (1) of this section shall be classified Aquatic Life, as set forth in Section 3(3) of WP-4-1 and shall meet the water quality criteria supporting that classification; and in addition shall meet the following criteria necessary to support secondary contact recreation as being:

Fecal coliform shall not exceed an average of 2000/100 ml and not exceed a maximum of 4000/100 ml. (Sec. 303 of the Federal Water Pollution control Act, as amended 33 U.S.C. 1313, 86 Stat. 816 et seq., Pub. L. 92-500) (39 FR 41709, Dec. 2, 1974. Redesignated and amended at 42 FR 56740, Oct. 28, 1977)

(43 FR 24531, June 6, 1978)

EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: Section 120.37 becomes effective July 6, 1978.


Subpart A-General

Sec. 122.1 Definitions. 122.2 Scope and purpose. 122.3 Law authorizing alternative effluent

limitations. 122.4 Delegation of authority.

Subpart B-EPA Determination of Alternative

Effluent Limitations

122.5 Application for determination under

section 316(a). 122.6 Public notice. 122.7 Plan of study and demonstration. 122.8 State certification. 122.9 Determination of alternative effluent

limitations. 122.10 Public hearings.

Subpart C-State Determination of Alternative

Effluent Limitations

8 120.37 Nebraska

(a) The water quality standards applicable to the surface waters of the State of Nebraska, adopted by the Nebraska Environmental Control Council on May 14, 1976, with subsequent revi. sions adopted on September 10, 1976, and December 10, 1976, are amended as follows:

(1) The designated beneficial uses adopted in Rule 7 by the State of Nebraska on September 10, 1076, for the following navigable waters are amended, in each case, to be: full body contact, partial body contact, and fish and wildlife protective. The criteria necesary to support the designated beneficial uses for these water segments are those in Rule 2 and Rule 7 of the Nebraska Water Quality Standards:

(i) Bowman Lake State Recreational Area.

(ii) Crystal Lake State Recreational Area.

(iii) Diamond lake Special Use Area.

(iv) memphis Lake State Recreational Area.

(V) Pibel lake State Recreational Area.

(vi) Plattsmouth Special Use Area.

(vii) Ravenna State Recreational Area.

(viii) Victoria Spring State Recreational Area.

(2) The designated uses deleted from Rule 7 by the State of Nebraska on September 10, 1976, for the following navigable waters are redesignated, in each case, to be: partial body contact and fish and wildlife protective. The criteria necessary to support the designated beneficial uses for these water

122.11 Application for determination under

section 316(a). 122.12 Public notice. 122.13 Plan of study and demonstration. 122.14 State certification. (Reserved) 122.15 Determination of alternative efflu

ent limitations. 122.16 Public hearings. 122.17 Transmission to Regional Adminis

trator of proposed effluent limitations. 122.18 Transmission to Regional Adminis

trator of issued effluent limitations. AUTHORITY: Sections 316(a) and 501(a) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended; 86 Stat. 816 et seq.; Pub. L. 92-500 (33 U.S.C. 1326(a) and 1361(a)).

SOURCE: 39 FR 36178, Oct. 8, 1974, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A-General

§ 122.1 Definitions.

Except as otherwise specifically provided:

(a) The term “Act" means the Fed- troduced in connection with a program eral Water Pollution Control Act, as of wildlife management and species amended, 3 U.S.C. 1251, et seq.

whose presence or abundance results (b) The term "Administrator" means from substantial, irreversible environ. the Administrator of the U.S. Environ- mental modifications. Normally, how. mental Protection Agency.

ever, such a community will not in. (c) The term “alternative effluent clude species whose presence or abun. limitations" means all effluent limita- dance is attributable to the introductions or standards of performance for tion of pollutants that will be elimi. the control of the thermal component nated by compliance by all sources of any discharge which are established with section 301(b)(2) of the Act, in. pursuant to section 316(a) and these cluding alternative effluent limitations regulations and imposed pursuant to imposed pursuant to section 316(a). sections 301 or 306 of the Act, includ- (j) The term "water quality standing section 301(b)(1)(C) in lieu of ef- ards” means applicable water quality fluent limitations or standards of per- standards which have been (1) apformance otherwise applicable under proved or permitted to remain by the such sections.

Administrator pursuant to sections (d) The term “Director” means the 303(a) or 303(c) of the Act, or (2) prochief administrative officer of a State mulgated or proposed for promulgawater pollution control agency or in- tion by the Administrator pursuant to terstate agency. In the event responsi- sections 303(b) or 303(c) of the Act, as bility for water pollution control and

of the date any notice is issued pursuenforcement is divided among two or

ant to 88 122.6(a) or 122.12(a). more State or interstate agencies, the (k) The term "section 316(a)" shall term “Director” means the adminis- mean section 316(a) of the Act. trative officer authorized to perform (1) The definitions of the following the particular procedure to which ref- terms contained in section 502 of the erence is made.

Act shall be applicable to such terms (e) The term "Environmental Pro- as used in this part: “State water pol. tection Agency” means the U.S. Envi. lution control agency," "interstate ronmental Protection Agency.

agency,” “State,” “person," "pollut(f) The term "Regional Administra- ant,” “navigable waters," "territorial tor" means one of the Regional Ad- seas," "contiguous zone," "octan," "efministrators of the Environmental fluent limitations," "discharge of a Protection Agency.

pollutant, “point source,” "dis(g) The term "Certifying Agency” charge,” and “pollution." means a State or interstate agency empowered to issue certifications under

§ 122.2 Scope and purpose. section 401 of the Act.

(a) The regulations in this part pre(n) 'The term “representative, impor- scribe the procedures to be followed in tant species” means species which are connection with the establishment of representative, in terms of their bio- alternative effluent limitations pursulogical needs, of a balanced, indig- ant to section 316(a), and the imposienous community of shellfish, fish and tion thereof pursuant to section 301 or wildlife in the body of water into section 306, upon the thermal compowhich a discharge of heat is made. nent of discharges from point sources

(i) The term “balanced, indigenous in lieu of requirements otherwise apcommunity” is synonymous with the plicable under section 301 or 306 of term “balanced, indigenous popula- the Act. tion" in the Act and means a biotic (b) The regulations in this part precommunity typically characterized by scribe the procedures for the estabdiversity, the capacity to sustain itself lishment and imposition of such alterthrough cyclic seasonal changes, pres- native effluent limitations in conjuncence of necessary food chain species tion with applications both for permits and non-domination of pollution toler- which are issued by the Administrator ant species. Such a community may in- pursuant to section 402(a) of the Act clude historically nonnative species in- and Part 125 of this chapter and for

Chapter 1-Environmental Protection Agency

8 122.5

Subpart B-EPA Determination of Alternative Effluent Limitations

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e been

remain ent to see - Act, or (

for prom ator pursus c) of the At

is issued us 2.12(a). on 316(a)"$ the Act. f the follot

With respect to any point source otherwise subject to the provisions of section 301 or section 306 of this Act, whenever the owner or operator or any such source, after opportunity for public hearing, can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Administrator (or, if appropriate, the State) that any effluent limitation proposed for the control of the thermal component of any discharge from such source will require effluent limi. tations more stringent than necessary to assure the protection and propagation of a balanced, indigenous population of shellfish, fish and wildlife in and on the body of water into which the discharge is to be made, the Administrator (or, if appropriate, the State) may impose an effluent limitation under such sections or such plant, with respect to the thermal component of such discharge (taking into account the interaction of such thermal component with other pollutants), that will assure the protection and propagation of a balanced indigenous population of shellfish, fish and wildlife in and on that body of water."

tion 502 of: - to such te State water)

," "inter rson," "pok S," "territer

8 122.5 Application for determination

under section 316(a). (a)(1) The owner or operator of any point source who desires the Regional Administrator to impose alternative effluent limitations pursuant to section 316(a) shall so notify the Regional Administrator and the appropriate State or interstate certifying agency in writing upon the filing of an application for a permit pursuant to 8 125.12 of this chapter. Such notice may include a description of the alternative effluent limitationis desired by the applicant.

(2) Notice pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall, in the case of any point source for which a discharge permit application has been filed prior to March 4, 1974, be given not later than 60 days after promulgation of these regulations or 60 days after promulgation of effluent limitations guidelines and standards under section 301 and 304 or standards of performance under section 306 applicable to that point source, whichever is later, except that such notice may be given at a later date, or required at an earlier date, if the Regional Administrator so determines.

(b) The owner or operator shall submit to the Regional Administrator:

(1) Within 90 days after the notification required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section, or within 90 days after being notified of the Regional Administrator's selection of representative, important species

pursuant to $ 122.9(b)(2)(ii)(A), or in either case within such longer or shorter time as the Regional Administrator may determine, such data and other information as it wishes to be considered in support of its application for alternative effluent limitations; and/or

(2) Within 60 days after such notification, or within 60 days after being advised of the Regional Administrator's identification of representative, important species pursuant to $ 122.9(b)(2)(ii)(A), whichever is later, a written plan of study and demonstration pursuant of § 122.7.

" "octan"

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