Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
agreed allocated Angwenyi areas asked the Minister Assistant Minister Attorney-General aware beg to reply bouncing cheque bridge budget Chairman Committee construction corruption cost court Dagoretti DRCs Eastern Province Elijah Mbui feasibility studies former town clerk Fuel Levy Galgalo Gatabaki Githiomi give given going Head implementation infrastructure issue Item KANU Kathangu Kenya Roads Board Kiambu District Kimeto Kshs100 million Land Rovers Makueni District Members of Parliament Migori District Minister for Roads Minister tell Ministry of Roads Ministry's Mombasa Mturi Muhoroni Munyao Murathe murram Murungi Nairobi Narok Narok District Ndicho Nino Nyandarua District Obure officers Ol Kalou point of order projects Question registration number road network Roads 2000 Programme Roads and Public roads in Eastern Sifuna Sirma spent STABEX funds Sub-Vote talking tarmac roads tarmacked tell this House Temporary Deputy Speaker Thika Municipality Toro Transport Uhuru Kenyatta vehicles W.C. Morogo wananchi