(3) The conduct of vocational courses, including administrative expenses and student support services. (4) Technical assistance and training to Federal, tribal and community officials and business managers and planners deemed necessary by the institution to enable full implementation of, and benefits to be derived from, the program developed under paragraph (1). (5) Clearinghouse activities encouraging the coordination of, and providing a point for the coordination of, all vocational activities (and academically related training) serving all students of the Indian tribe involved in the grant. (6) The evaluation of such grants and their effect on the needs developed under paragraph (1) and tribal economic selfsufficiency. (b) AMOUNT AND DURATION.-The grants shall be of such amount and duration as to afford the greatest opportunity for success and the generation of relevant data. (c) APPLICATIONS.-Institutions which receive funds under other titles of this Act or the Navajo Community College Act may apply for grants under this title either individually or as consortia. Each applicant shall act in cooperation with an Indian tribe or tribes in developing and implementing a grant under this part. SEC. 403. [25 U.S.C. 1852] AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There are authorized to be appropriated for grants under this title, $2,000,000 for fiscal year 1993 and such sums as may be necessary for each of the 4 succeeding fiscal years. Higher Education Amendments of 1992 TITLE XIII-INDIAN HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRAMS PART A-TRIBALLY CONTROLLED COMMUNITY COLLEGES SEC. 1301. REAUTHORIZATION OF THE TRIBALLY CONTROLLED COMMUNITY COLLEGES ACT. (a) GENERAL AUTHORIZATION.-Section 110(a) of the Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act of 1978 (hereafter in this section referred to as the "Act") (25 U.S.C. 1810(a)) is amended to read as follows: [Text as amended printed earlier in this volume.] (b) ENDOWMENT GRANTS.-Section 306(a) of the Act (25 U.S.C. 1836(a)) is amended to read as follows: [Text as amended printed earlier in this volume.] (c) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.-Section 403 of the Act (25 U.S.C. 1852) is amended to read as follows: [Text as amended printed earlier in this volume.] (d) NAVAJO COMMUNITY COLLEGES.-Section 5(a)(1) of the Navajo Community College Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. 640c-1(a)(1)) is amended to read as follows: [Text as amended printed earlier in this volume.] PART B-HIGHER EDUCATION TRIBAL GRANT AUTHORIZATION ACT SEC. 1311. [25 U.S.C. 3301] SHORT TITLE. This part may be cited as the "Higher Education Tribal Grant Authorization Act". 54-653 99-20 SEC. 1312. [25 U.S.C. 3302] FINDINGS. The Congress finds that— (1) there are increasing numbers of Indian students qualifying for postsecondary education, and there are increasing numbers desiring to go to postsecondary institutions; (2) the needs of these students far outpace the resources available currently; (3) Indian tribes have shown an increasing interest in administering programs serving these individuals and making decisions on these programs reflecting their determinations of the tribal and human needs; (4) the contracting process under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act has provided a mechanism for the majority of the tribes to assume control over this program from the Bureau of Indian Affairs; (5) however, inherent limitations in the contracting philosophy and mechanism, coupled with cumbersome administrative procedures developed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs have effectively limited the efficiency and effectiveness of these programs; (6) the provision of these services in the most effective and efficient form possible is necessary for tribes, the country, and the individuals to be served; and (7) these services are part of the Federal Government's continuing trust responsibility to provide education services to American Indian and Alaska Natives. SEC. 1313. [25 U.S.C. 3303] PROGRAM AUTHORITY. (a) IN GENERAL.-The Secretary shall, from the amounts appropriated for the purpose of supporting higher education grants for Indian students under the authority of the Act of November 2, 1921, popularly known as the Snyder Act (25 U.S.C. 13), make grants to Indian tribes in accordance with the requirements of this part to permit those tribes to provide financial assistance to individual Indian students for the cost of attendance at institutions of higher education. (b) LIMITATION ON SECRETARY'S AUTHORITY.-The Secretary shall not place any restrictions on the use of funds provided to an Indian tribe under this part that is not expressly authorized by this part. (c) EFFECT ON FEDERAL RESPONSIBILITIES.—The provisions of this part shall not affect any trust responsibilities of the Federal Government. (d) NO TERMINATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE CONVENIENCE.— Grants provided under this part may not be terminated, modified, suspended, or reduced only for the convenience of the administering agency. SEC. 1314. [25 U.S.C. 3304] QUALIFICATION FOR GRANTS TO TRIBES. (a) CONTRACTING TRIBES.-Any Indian tribe that obtains funds for educational purposes similar to those authorized in this part pursuant to contract under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act may qualify for a grant under this part by submitting to the Secretary a notice of intent to administer a student assistance program under section 1313. Such notice shall be effective for the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which it is submitted, except that if such notice is submitted during the last 90 days of a fiscal year such notice shall be effective the second fiscal year following the fiscal year in which it is submitted, unless the Secretary waives this limitation. (b) NONCONTRACTING TRIBES.-Any Indian tribe that is not eligible to qualify for a grant under this part by filing a notice under subsection (a) may qualify for such a grant by filing an application for such a grant. Such application shall be submitted under guidelines for programs under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, as in effect on January 1, 1991, and shall be reviewed under the standards, practices, and procedures applicable to applications to contract under such Act as in effect on the date the application is received, except that (1) if the tribe is not notified that its application has been disapproved within 180 days after it is filed with the Secretary, the application shall be deemed to be approved; (2) if the application is disapproved, the Secretary shall provide technical assistance to the tribe for purposes of correcting deficiencies in the application; (3) the Secretary shall designate an office or official to receive such applications, and shall toll the 180-day period described in paragraph (1) from the date of receipt by such office or official; and (4) applications shall be approved for the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which submitted, unless the Secretary waives the limitation of this paragraph. (c) TERMINATION OF GRANTS.— (1) CONTINUING ELIGIBILITY PRESUMED.-An Indian tribe which has qualified under subsection (a) or (b) for a grant under this part for any fiscal year shall continue to be eligible for such a grant for each succeeding fiscal year unless the Secretary revokes such eligibility for a cause described in paragraph (2). (2) CAUSES FOR LOSS OF ELIGIBILITY.-The Secretary may revoke the eligibility of an Indian tribe for a grant under this part if such tribe (A) fails to submit to the Bureau an annual financial statement that reports revenues and expenditures determined by use of an accounting system, established by the tribe, that complies with generally accepted accounting principles; (B) fails to submit to the Bureau an annual program description, stating the number of students served, and containing such information concerning such students, their educational programs and progress, and the financial assistance distributed to such students as the Secretary may require by regulation; (C) fails to submit to the Secretary a biennial financial audit conducted in accordance with chapter 75 of title 31, United States Code; or (D) fails, in an evaluation of its financial assistance program conducted by an impartial third party entity, to comply with standards under this part relating to (i) eligi ble students, programs, or institutions of higher education, (ii) satisfactory progress, or (iii) allowable administrative costs; as determined under contracts applicable to programs to provide financial assistance to individual Indian students for the cost of attendance at institutions of higher education administered by Indian tribes under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act and in effect on January 20, 1991. (3) PROCEDURES FOR REVOCATION OF ELIGIBILITY.—The Secretary shall not revoke the eligibility of an Indian tribe for a grant under this part except (A) after notice in writing to the tribe of the cause and opportunity to the tribe to correct; (B) providing technical assistance to the tribe in making such corrections; and (C) after hearing and appeals conducted under the same rules and regulations that apply to similar termination actions under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. SEC. 1315. [25 U.S.C. 3305] ALLOCATION OF GRANT FUNDS. (a) ALLOCATION OF FUNDS.— (1) IN GENERAL.-The Secretary shall continue to determine the amount of program funds to be received by each grantee under this part by the same method used for determining such distribution in fiscal year 1991 for tribally-administered and Bureau-administered programs of grants to individual Indians to defray postsecondary expenses. (2) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS.-In addition to the amount determined under paragraph (1), a grantee which has exercised the option given in section 1314(a) to administer the program under a grant shall receive an amount for administrative costs determined pursuant to the method used by the grantee during the preceding contract period. All other grantees shall receive an amount for administrative costs determined pursuant to the regulations governing such determinations under the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act, as in effect at the time of application to grants being made. (3) SINGLE GRANT; SEPARATE ACCOUNTS.-Each grantee shall receive only one grant during any fiscal year, which shall include both of the amounts under paragraphs (1) and (2). Each grantee shall maintain this grant in a separate account. (b) USE OF FUNDS.-Funds provided by grants under this part shall be used (1) to make grants to individual Indian students to meet, on the basis of need, any educational expense of attendance in a postsecondary education program (as determined under the contracts applying to the postsecondary education program administered by tribes under the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act (Public Law 93-638)), to the extent that such expense is not met from other sources or cannot be defrayed through the action of any State, Federal, or municipal Act, except that nothing in this subsection shall be interpreted as requiring any priority in consideration of resources; and |