Treasury Decisions Under Customs and Other Laws, Volume 24U.S. Government Printing Office, 1913 Vols. for 1904-1926 include also decisions of the United States Board of General Appraisers. |
From inside the book
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Page 51
... G. A. Protests unsupported ; overruled . BEFORE BOARD 2 , JANUARY 7 , 1913 . No. 31042. - WINDOW PAPER . - Protests 529181 , etc. , of F. B. Vandegrift & Co. et al . ( New York ) . Opinion by Fischer , G. A. Paper printed with a ...
... G. A. Protests unsupported ; overruled . BEFORE BOARD 2 , JANUARY 7 , 1913 . No. 31042. - WINDOW PAPER . - Protests 529181 , etc. , of F. B. Vandegrift & Co. et al . ( New York ) . Opinion by Fischer , G. A. Paper printed with a ...
Page 65
... G. A. Protest overruled as to earthenware statues classified under paragraph 93 , tariff act of 1909 , claimed to be ... Protests 607202 , etc. , of Butler Bros. et al . ( New York ) . Opinion by Hay , G. A. Paraffin candles with a ...
... G. A. Protest overruled as to earthenware statues classified under paragraph 93 , tariff act of 1909 , claimed to be ... Protests 607202 , etc. , of Butler Bros. et al . ( New York ) . Opinion by Hay , G. A. Paraffin candles with a ...
Page 68
... G. A. Protests unsupported ; overruled . BEFORE BOARD 3 , January 13 , 1913 . No. 31096. - Dirt in CASTOR SEED . - Protest 478529 of Sherwin - Williams Co. ( Cleve- land ) ... PROTESTS OVERRULED . - Protests 406562 , T. D. 33106 ] 68.
... G. A. Protests unsupported ; overruled . BEFORE BOARD 3 , January 13 , 1913 . No. 31096. - Dirt in CASTOR SEED . - Protest 478529 of Sherwin - Williams Co. ( Cleve- land ) ... PROTESTS OVERRULED . - Protests 406562 , T. D. 33106 ] 68.
Page 69
... Protests 406562 , etc. , of Thos . Prosser & Son et al . , and protests 625512 , etc. , of H. Weiss et al . ( New York ) . Opinions by Fischer , G. A. Protests unsupported ; overruled . No. 31105. — IMITATION HORSEHAIR HATS . - Protests ...
... Protests 406562 , etc. , of Thos . Prosser & Son et al . , and protests 625512 , etc. , of H. Weiss et al . ( New York ) . Opinions by Fischer , G. A. Protests unsupported ; overruled . No. 31105. — IMITATION HORSEHAIR HATS . - Protests ...
Page 85
... Protests 655682 , etc. , of Maynard & Child ( Boston ) . Opinion by Somerville , G. A. For the reason that the regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury ( T. D. 30023 ) were not complied with , protests overruled claiming an ...
... Protests 655682 , etc. , of Maynard & Child ( Boston ) . Opinion by Somerville , G. A. For the reason that the regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury ( T. D. 30023 ) were not complied with , protests overruled claiming an ...
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Abstract act of August American Express Co application Appls Appraisers assessment of duty Assistant Attorney Assistant Secretary Board of United Canada cent ad valorem cents per pound centum chief value classified under paragraph COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS Congress cotton Court of Customs creosote oil CURTIS Cust Customs Appeals decision dutiable under paragraph entitled to free exported February February 24 followed FRANKLIN MACVEAGH free entry free of duty G. A. Protests overruled G. A. Protests unsupported Government held dutiable held properly classified herewith for filing imported invoice JAMES F June 16 merchandise metal Opinion by Fischer Opinion by Howell Opinion by McClelland Opinion by Somerville Opinion by Waite OVERRULED.-Protests paragraph 199 paragraph 480 port provisions of paragraph question Respectfully samples section 25 silk specially provided statute sworn statement tariff act testimony thereof tion TREASURY DEPARTMENT treaty United States T. D. valorem under paragraph wood pulp York