(T. D. 31695 of June 16, 1911), on medicinal preparations designated as bromidia, ecthol, and papine, manufactured by Battle & Co., of St. Louis, Mo., with the use of domestic tax-paid alcohol. A special manufacturing record shall be kept, which will show, in addition to the usual data, the quantity and proof of the alcohol used in the manufacture of each lot of each preparation for exportation with benefit of drawback, the quantity of the preparation obtained, and the number and capacity of bottles filled from each such lot. An abstract of such manufacturing record shall be filed with each drawback entry and such abstracts shall be verified and a test made of the capacity of the bottles exported whenever, in the discretion of the surveyor, such verification and test are deemed advisable. The allowance shall not exceed the quantity of domestic tax-paid alcohol used in the manufacture of the exported preparations, as shown by the abstract of the manufacturing record. The worn statement of the manufacturers, dated April 12, 1913, is transmitted herewith for filing in your office. Drawback on figs, pulled and treated. T. D. 26139 of March 11, 1905, providing for the payment of drawback on pulled and treated figs manufactured by Reiss & Brady, of New York, N. Y., extended to cover pulled and treated figs manufactured by the Cresca Co., successors to Reiss & Brady, and amended to provide that the allowance shall not exceed 100 pounds of imported figs for each 108 pounds of pulled and treated figs exported. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, May 14, 1913. SIR: The department's regulations of March 11, 1905 (T. D. 26139), extending T. D. 25450 of July 5, 1904, to provide for the payment of drawback on pulled and treated figs manufactured by Reiss & Brady, are hereby extended to cover pulled and treated figs manufactured by the Cresca Co., of New York, N. Y., successors to Reiss & Brady, and amended to provide that the allowance shall not exceed 100 pounds of imported figs for each 108 pounds of pulled and treated figs exported. 75044-VOL 24-13- -45 The sworn statement of the manufacturers, dated March 15, 1913, is transmitted herewith for filing in your office. Respectfully, COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS, New York. (T. D. 33422.) JAMES F. CURTIS, Drawback on library paste and collapsible tubes of library paste. T. D. 33100 of January 18, 1913, extended to cover collapsible tubes of library paste and library paste exported in other containers manufactured by the Thaddeus Davids Co., of New York, N. Y., with the use of imported collapsible tubes and dextrin. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, May 14, 1913. SIR: The department's regulations of January 18, 1913 (T. D. 33100), providing for the payment of drawback on collapsible tubes of library paste and on library paste manufactured by S. S. Stafford (Inc.), of New York, N. Y., with the use of imported collapsible tubes and dextrin, are hereby extended to cover collapsible tubes of library paste and library paste manufactured by the Thaddeus Davids Co., of New York, N. Y., with the use of imported collapsible tubes and dextrin. The sworn statement of the manufacturer, dated March 15, 1913, is transmitted herewith for filing in your office. Respectfully, COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS, New York. (T. D. 33423.) JAMES F. CURTIS, Assistant Secretary. Drawback on cigarette booklets and cigarette tubes. Drawback on cigarette booklets and cigarette tubes manufactured by Gluckman & Son, of New York, N. Y., with the use of cigarette paper imported in sheets and rolls. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, May 14, 1913. SIR: Drawback is hereby allowed under section 25 of the act of August 5, 1909, and the regulations promulgated thereunder (T. D. 31695 of June 16, 1911), on cigarette booklets and tubes manufactured by Messrs. Gluckman & Son, of New York, N. Y., with the use of cigarette paper imported in sheets and rolls. The allowance shall not exceed the quantities of imported cigarette paper used in the manufature of the exported cigarette booklets and tubes, as shown by the sworn statement of the manufacturer dated April 10, 1913, transmitted herewith for filing in your office. JAMES F. CURTIS, Assistant Secretary. Respectfully, (97871.) COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS, New York. (T. D. 33424.) Drawback on carpet sweepers. Drawback on carpet sweepers manufactured by the Metal Stamping Corporation of Streator, Ill., with the use of imported bristles. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, May 14, 1913. SIR: Drawback is hereby allowed under section 25 of the tariff act of August 5, 1909, and the regulations promulgated thereunder (T. D. 31695 of June 16, 1911), on carpet sweepers designated as "Eurika,' "Sanatare," "Alderman," "Majestic," "Concord," and "Sterling," manufactured by the Metal Stamping Corporation, of Streator, Ill., with the use of imported bristles. A special manufacturing record shall be kept, which will show, in addition to the usual data, the number of pounds of imported bristles used in the manufacture of each lot of sweepers, the number of sweepers produced, the quantity of bristles appearing in the finished sweepers, the quantity of waste incurred, the value of the waste, and the value of the imported bristles used. The allowance shall not exceed the quantity of imported bristles used in the manufacture of the exported sweepers, as shown by the abstract from the manufacturing records, the allowance to be reduced according to the value of the waste. The sworn statement of the manufacturers, dated April 8, 1913, is transmitted herewith for filing in your office. Drawback on cane webbing manufactured by the Rattan & Cane Co., of New York, N. Y., with the use of imported chair cane or flecht-rohr.-T. D. 30946 of September 27, 1910, revoked. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, May 14, 1913. SIR: Drawback is hereby allowed under section 25 of the tariff act of August 5, 1909, and the regulations promulgated thereunder (T. D. 31695 of June 16, 1911), on cane webbing manufactured by the Rattan & Cane Co., of New York, N. Y., with the use of imported chair cane or flecht-rohr. The allowance shall not exceed the quantities of imported materials used in the manufacture of the exported webbing, as shown by the sworn statement of the manufacturers, dated April 21, 1913, which is transmitted herewith for filing in your office. Supplemental sworn statements covering other brands of webbing may be filed and on verification thereof drawback may be allowed. T. D. 30946 of September 27, 1910, is hereby revoked. Respectfully, COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS, New York. (T. D. 33426.) JAMES F. CURTIS, Drawback on cigarette booklets. Drawback on cigarette booklets manufactured by Michael Gluckman, of New York, N. Y., with the use of imported cigarette paper. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, May 14, 1913. SIR: Drawback is hereby allowed under section 25 of the tariff act of August 5, 1909, and the regulations promulgated thereunder (T. D. 31695 of June 16, 1911), on cigarette booklets manufactured by Michael Gluckman, of New York, N. Y., with the use of imported cigarette paper. The allowance shall not exceed the quantity of imported cigarette paper used in the manufacture of the exported booklets, as shown in the sworn statement of the manufacturer, dated April 24, 1913, which is inclosed herewith for filing in your office. Respectfully, COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS, New York. JAMES F. CURTIS, (T. D. 33427.) Drawback on cigarettes. T. D. 31057 of November 22, 1910, extended to cover cigarettes manufactured by the Makaroff Cigaret Co., of Boston, Mass. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, May 15, 1913. SIR: The department's regulations (T. D. 31057 of November 22, 1910), providing for the payment of drawback on cigarettes manufactured by the Makaroff Co. of America, Boston, Mass., with the use of imported Turkish tobacco, are hereby extended to cover cigarettes manufactured by the Makaroff Cigaret Co., of Boston, Mass., successors to the Makaroff Co. of America. Respectfully, COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS, Boston, Mass. JAMES F. CURTIS, (T. D. 33428.) Parcel post-Japan. No limit of value on parcel-post packages from Japan. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, May 15, 1913. To collectors and other officers of the customs: The department is informed that by an arrangement with the postal administration of Japan, to become effective June 1, 1913, parcel-post packages can be exchanged with that country without limit of the value of the contents thereof. All such packages containing articles of a value of $100 or more imported into the United States from Japan must, however, be accompanied by a certified consular invoice or a bond given to produce the same, and regular entry made as provided in T. D. 29826 of June 29, 1909. (60935.) JAMES F. CURTIS, Assistant Secretary. (T. D. 33429.) Cork waste. Pieces of cork bark, cork trimmings, pieces of sheet cork from which disks have been cut, when imported mixed, dutiable as cork waste at the rate of 10 per cent ad valorem under paragraph 479, tariff act of 1909. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, May 16, 1913. SIR: The department duly received your letter of January 22, 1913, relative to a change in the classification of cork waste consisting of pieces of cork bark, cork trimmings, pieces of sheet cork from which disks had been cut, and imperfect disks, which merchandise is now admitted free of duty under paragraph 547 of the tariff act, following the board's decision, G. A. 1515 (T. D. 12994), and Abstract 12753 (T. D. 27591), although it appears from the examination of the five samples submitted by you that from 33 to 50 per cent approximately consists of waste resulting in the manufacture of articles subject to duty. While the department is of the opinion that pieces of cork bark, if imported separately, are free of duty under paragraph 547 of the tariff act as cork bark unmanufactured, it is further of the opinion that where an appreciable quantity of cork trimmings, pieces of sheet cork, or imperfect disks are included in the shipment the whole importation becomes dutiable as waste not specially provided for at the rate of 10 per cent ad valorem under paragraph 479 of the tariff act, and you are accordingly directed to assess duty upon cork waste |