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Cat. No. 3643, "Abstract of duties which accrued on merchandise warehoused or rewarehoused, said merchandise having been withdrawn without the payment of any duties, to be used in the construction and equipment or repair of vessels," blank.

Cat. No. 3645, "Abstract of duties which accrued on merchandise warehoused or rewarehoused, said merchandise having been withdrawn without payment of duties, to be used for supplies of vessels," blank.

Cat. No. 3651, "Abstract of excess of duties ascertained on liquidation of warehouse entries," book and blank.

Cat. No. 3653, "Statement of balances due on bonds for duties on merchandise in warehouses at close of month," book and blank.

Cat. No. 3665, "Statement of bonds reported to the United States district attorney for collection," book and blank. The record of the bonds reported to the United States attorney will be shown on the bond by indorsement.

Cat. No. 3667, "Abstract of bonds canceled." book and blank. Cat. No. 3671, "Return of uncanceled transportation and exportation bonds," blank.

Cat. No. 3673, "Abstract of duties on merchandise entered under special bonds for exportation," blank.

Cat. No. 3675. "Abstract of special bonds canceled," blank.

In lieu of the general account of bonds and the records and abstracts pertaining thereto, collectors or surveyors will render a quarterly report of expired and uncanceled bonds to the Auditor for the Treasury Department, on the following new form, size 8ł" x 11":

Cat. No. 3677. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913.

(One copy to be transmitted to the Auditor for the Treasury Department within 30 days after the close of the quarter and one copy retained in the book as the office record.]

[blocks in formation]

sheets) is correct.



NOTE-Collectors (or surveyors) will certify to the correctness of this schedule at the bottom of the last -, Collector

sheet, vis: "I certify that the foregoing schedule (in (or Surveyor.")

Bond No.

Date of bond.


Date expired. Amount due. Remarks..

In addition thereto the entries covered by the bond account will be forwarded to the Auditor for the Treasury Department monthly, accompanied by a descriptive list in the following form, size

31" x 8'".

Cat. No. 3679.

Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913.

[To be transmitted to the Auditor, together with the entries, immediately after the close of the month.]


Schedule of W. H., Re-W. H., W. H. and T. entries and withdrawals under bond sent to the Auditor for the Treasury Department from the port of


-, 191-.

for the month

NOTE. Collector (or surveyor) will certify to the correctness of this schedule, viz: "I certify that the foregoing schedule is correct.


Collector (or Surveyor)."




No. of entry.


This quarterly report and monthly list will be furnished in book form, to be made in duplicate by the use of carbon paper, the original to be forwarded to the Auditor for the Treasury Department and the duplicate retained for the records of the customhouse. Article 566 of the Customs Regulations of 1908 is amended accordingly.

Cat. No. 3475, "Inspector's record of manifests" (for frontier ports), is hereby abolished. The data now shown therein will be recorded in Cat. No. 3473, "Record of car manifests" (for frontier ports), modified as follows, size 104" x 16":

[blocks in formation]

Cat. No. 5957, "Record of sealed cars," is abolished. This record will be no longer kept.

Cat. No. 4461, "Certificate of inspection at frontier ports," will le bound in book form, in the same manner as the several schedules referred to herein, and copies thereof made by the use of carbon paper, the original copy to be sent to the port from which the goods are forwarded and the duplicate copy retained in the files of the office. The present book record of the same catalogue number is abolished. The exporter, or his agent, will no longer be furnished with a copy.

All requisitions on the department for books and blanks will be made by collectors, or by surveyors when there are no collectors. Requisitions should be made at once for a supply of the new and modified forms, to be filled immediately after April 15, 1913.

Schedules, reports, and statements may be made with the use of an indelible pencil. (93120.)


(T. D. 33228.)

Sugar-Sampling-Customs Regulations amended.

Article 945 of the Customs Regulations of 1908 amended so as to require the sampling from the stained side of bags of sugar which are stained from lying in storage or any other cause.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, February 25, 1913.

To collectors of customs and others concerned:

Article 945 of the Customs Regulations of 1908 is hereby amended to read as follows:

ARTICLE 945. General sample defined. All sampling shall be done at the time of weighing. In sampling imported raw sugars a general sample shall be taken; that is, each cargo shall be sampled without regard to marks, except as provided in articles 954 and 955. In the event that a cargo is consigned to two or more consignees any consignee's sugar shall be treated as a separate cargo, provided separate entry shall be made by such consignee. A separate general sample shall also be taken of (a) wet sugar, (b) damaged sugar not wet, (c) ship sweepings, (d) dock sweepings. In taking the general sample 100 per cent of the packages shall be sampled. It shall be the duty of all samplers to secure a thoroughly representative sample.

In the event that bags are stained from lying in storage, or any other cause, but the sugar not damaged, the sampler in charge, as well as all other samplers, shall exercise every precaution to see that the bags come approximately alternately with the clean and stained sides up. When in the opinion of the sampler in charge the bags are not being so discharged, he shall direct the attention of the inspector to the fact and it shall be the duty of the inspector to thereupon stop the discharge of the cargo until the instructions of the sampler are complied with. If, from any cause, in any cargo, the condition of the bags from the ground tier or any other tier shall differ markedly from the condition of the cargo as a whole, such bags shall be treated as damaged. In order to prevent any unnecessary labor and inconvenience in obtaining the sample the inspector shall direct that the packages when discharged from the vessel upon the wharf shall be so placed that the sampler can readily obtain a 100 per cent sample. All ship and dock sweepings shall be sampled before the sampler completes his half day's work.



(T. D. 33229.)

Common carrier.

Discontinuance of the common-carrier bond of the Mexican Ore Purchasing Co. for the transportation of ores from Boquillas to Marathon, Tex.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, February 27, 1913.

SIR: Referring to previous correspondence, and particularly to your letter of the 19th instant, concerning the proposed discontinuance of the bonded route of the Mexican Ore Purchasing Co. for the transportation of ores from Boquillas to Marathon, Tex., and as it appears that all the ores intrusted to said company for transportation have been accounted for, the discontinuance of the route is hereby authorized.

You should note the fact and date of the discontinuance on the copy of the bond of the company named approved April 29, 1912, on file in your office, and retain the same in your possession without cancellation, to meet any liability which may have accrued thereunder. JAMES F. CURTIS,



(T. D. 33230.)

Assistant Secretary.

Articles examined at importer's premises.
Form of bond for the redelivery thereof to be given.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, February 24, 1913.

To collectors and other officers of the customs:

In cases where special permission is given for the examination of imported merchandise at the residence of the importer, or at any other unusual place, as provided in article 854 of the Customs Regulations of 1908, collectors will require the importer, after he has deposited an amount sufficient to cover the expense of such examination, to give a bond for the redelivery of the merchandise, in the following


Cat. No. 3373.

Bond for the redelivery of articles examined at importer's premises.

Know all men by these presents: That we



of as principal, and -, as sureties, are held and firmly dollars, for the payment

-, of, and bound unto the United States of America in the sum of of which, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and tenth day after the appraisement shall have been made and reported to the collector, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect.

assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.

Witness our hands and seals this day of, 191-. Whereas the above-bounden principal has this day entered at the port of, -, imported in the S. S. from, more particularly described in entry No. -- and in the invoice accompanying the same; and whereas permission has been granted to the said principal to have examination and appraisal of the said articles made at the importer's premises at


Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such that if the above-bounden principal shall abide by the result of said examination and appraisal and shall pay all duties found due thereon, and shall within the period hereinafter set forth hold and safely keep the said articles at the place designated in the entry, and shall not open nor allow to be opened any package or packages containing the same, nor remove nor allow to be removed the customs cording and sealing therefrom, excepting in the presence and with the sanction of the United States appraiser or his representative; and if the said principal shall redeliver the said articles to the order of the collector, provided he shall require the same, at any time between the date of entry and the




Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of

JAMES F. CURTIS, Assistant Secretary.

(T. D. 33231.)


Time for completing drawback claims and for return of notices of intent by inspecting

officers, extended.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, February 27, 1913.

To collectors and other officers of the customs:

The second paragraph of article 11 of the drawback regulations of June 16, 1911, T. D. 31695, is hereby amended to read as follows:

The collector may extend the time for filing such entry for a further period of six months. Where the failure to complete the entry within the year thus provided is shown to be due to accident, inadvertence, or other good cause, the department will grant, upon application and proper showing, a further extension of six months. Claims not completed within one year from the date of clearance of the exporting vessel or conveyance, or if an extension of six months is granted by the department, within that further period, will be treated as abandoned, and no further extension granted for any cause.

The last paragraph of article 5 is hereby amended to read as follows: When no portion of the merchandise covered by a notice of intent to export is laden within ninety days from the date of receipt of such notice by the inspector, or the entire quantity of merchandise is not laden within that period, he shall return the notice to the collector, with a report of all the facts relative thereto. If the lading is begun within the ninety days and is in progress at the expiration of that period, the notice shall be retained by the inspector until the lading has been completed, provided such lading is not discontinued.

The amendment herein made to article 11 shall apply to all entries nade under the regulations of June 16, 1911, T. D. 31695, and the amendment to article 5 shall be effective from the date hereof.



(T. D. 33232.)

Drawback on medicinal preparations.

Drawback on medicinal preparations designated as Aletris Cordial Rio and Celerina, manufactured by the Rio Chemical Co. of New York, with the use of domestic tax-paid alcohol. -T. D. 30928 of September 19, 1910, revoked.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, February 27, 1913. SIR: Drawback is hereby allowed under section 25 of the tariff act of August 5, 1909, and the regulations promulgated there

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