customs officers at subports in forwarding entries to the principal port for liquidation. It will also be continued in use for the purpose of sending statements of reliquidation to the Auditor for the Treasury Department. Cat. No. 3477 and Cat. No. 3479, "Record of manifests." Following T. D. 31886 of September 21, 1911, this record in its present form is abolished, and in lieu thereof a new book having the same title will be furnished, in which vessels will be alphabetically indexed, Cat. No. 3477. The new record does not provide for recording all details shown in the manifests; such details will be obtained from the manifests themselves, when necessary. The modified record is as follows: Size 8" x 14", on one page: Cat. No. 5951, "Inspector's record of shipment of immediate transportation goods," is hereby abolished. Copies of the carrier's manifests should be filed in numerical order to serve as the record. Cat. No. 6403, "Record of invoices and appraisements." This record is abolished. In lieu thereof a new record has been provided, to be known as the "Comparative valuation record." This form should be used to record the values of important lines of merchandise with a view to uniform appraisements. It is not necessary that a record shall be kept of every item coming under the observation of the examiners. The record will be kept in a loose-leaf system, with the use of ring binders; the sheets are in the following form, size 14′′×8′′: Cat. No. 4337. The title of this book has been changed to "Record of protests and appeals for reappraisements." As the name implies, this record has been modified and prepared for use in recording protests and appeals for reappraisements. The modified record is as follows, size 14′′×8′′, on one page: Cat. No. 4337 Record of protests and appeals for reappraisements. Cat. No. 4339, "Record of appeals for reappraisement," is hereby abolished. Cat. No. 4489: The title has been changed to "Record of drawback entries and debentures." This modified record is as follows, size 101" x 16", on one page: As provision has been made for recording information now kept in Cat. No. 4495, "Record of preliminary drawback entries," the latter record is hereby abolished. Cat. No. 4621, "Statement of violations of customs laws and the penalties incurred thereunder," and Cat. No. 4625, "Record of seizures, fines, penalties, and forfeitures," are hereby abolished. Fines, penalties, and forfeitures will be recorded in the book record, modified Cat. No. 4991a, to be known as "Register of fines, penalties, and forfeitures for violation of customs laws." The modified record is as follows, size 21" x 8", on two pages: Cat. No. 4991a. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913. UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Register of fines, penalties, and forfeitures for violation of the customs laws, port of month of Seizure. Serial No. Date. Duty that would have ac crued. Date of depart ment letter Amount Law or of authority Disposition. for disposi tion. —, 191-. Name of informer or detector and seizor. Name of offender. Quantity and description of goods. Foreign value, Gross proceeds. No. of voucher. Expenses. Total collections (or net proceeds). Remarks. When the case is disposed of it will be reported to the Auditor for the Treasury Department on the modified form, Cat. No. 4991b, entitled "Schedule of fines, penalties, and forfeitures for violation of customs laws." The modified form is as follows, size 17" x 11": Cat. No. 4991b. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913. [To be forwarded immediately after the close of the month to the Auditor for the Treasury Department.] UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Schedule of fines, penalties, and forfeitures for violation of the customs laws, port of month of —, 191-. NOTE.-Collector (or surveyor) will certify to the correctness of this schedule at the bottom of the last sheet, viz, "I certify that the foregoing schedule (In sheets) is correct. --, Collector (or Surveyor)." Cat. No. 3069, "Record of consul's certificates to certified invoices" is hereby abolished. The "Report of consul's certificates to certified invoices," Cat. No. 3067, will be made from the "List of triplicate invoices" (Form 142-Consular), which should be flat filed alphabetically, by consulates, after having been checked up with the invoices and such notations made on the list as may be necessary to fill out the columns in the report. The following fiscal records are hereby abolished: Cat. No. 4897, "Record of money received from all sources"; Cat. No. 4899, "Record of moneys received and deposited"; Cat. No. 4889, "Record of disbursements," and Cat. No. 4891, "ecord of balances on accounts." In lieu thereof, two new records are hereby established, viz: Cat. No. 4901, entitled "Register of collections and deposits," in which will be recorded the amounts collected and deposited and the balances for each account; and Cat. No. 4903, "Register of advances and disbursements," wherein the amounts of the accountable warrants and the disbursements against them will be recorded. These records will be kept by the loose-leaf system. The binders (Cat. No. 4901 and Cat. No. 4903, respectively) and the loose sheets will be furnished upon requisition. Four forms of sheets will be provided for the "Register of collections and deposits," which are given Cat. No. 4901a, Cat. No. 4901b, Cat. No. 4901c, and Cat. No. 4901d; and one sheet will be provided for the "Register of advances and disbursements," which is given Cat. No. 4903a. The column headings of the sheets will be arranged as follows: Cat. No. 4901a. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913. Size 17" by 14". UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Register of collections and deposits under the Treasury Department. De Col-De- Bal-Col-De deposit Cat. No. 4901b. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913. Col Kind. No. lected. posit Bal- ed. Bal lect-posit ance. ance. ed. ed. Size 17" by 14". UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Register of collections and deposits under the Treasury Department. From Date. Stub re- Services of officers Night services-Spe- Fines, penalties, and forfeitures. ed. ed. Col- De- Bal- Col Deposited. Col- De Bal Col- De Bal Bal lect- posit ance. ed. ed. ance. lect- posit ed. ed. ance. Cat. No. 4901c. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913. Size 17" by 14". UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Register of collections and deposits under the Department of Commerce and Labor. Stub From receipt or Tonnage tax. Navigation fees. Navigation fines, penalties, and forfeitures. Date. whom. certificate Vessel. of deposit Col- De- Bal- Col- De- Bal- Col- De- Bal- Stub receipt or certificate of deposit Collected. Deposited. Balance. Collected. Deposited. Balance. Cat. No. 4903a. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913. Size 10)" by 16". UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Register of advances and disbursements, fiscal year 191-. Appropriation The following books and blanks pertaining to the general account of bonds are hereby abolished: Cat. No. 3663, "General account of bonds for duties on merchandise warehoused," book and blank. Cat. No. 3627, "Abstract of estimated and liquidated duties on merchandise imported and entered for warehousing," book and blank. Cat. No. 3629, "Abstract of duties on merchandise imported and warehoused at other ports and transported and rewarehoused," book and blank. Cat. No. 3631, "Abstract of increased and decreased duties ascertained on liquidation of warehouse entries," book and blank. Cat. No. 3637, "Abstract of duties on warehouse and rewarehouse withdrawals for transportation to other districts," book and blank. Cat. No. 3639, "Abstract of duties on merchandise warehoused or rewarehoused, withdrawn without payment of duties, and entered for exportation," book and blank. Cat. No. 3641, "Abstract of reduction of duties under provisions of law affecting duty on goods in warehouse on withdrawal for consumption," blank. |