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fines, penalties, and forfeitures," will be discontinued. Cat. No. 3421, "Mail entry of goods imported-Fines," now used at naval office ports only will hereafter be issued to and used at nonnaval office ports also.

Cat. No. 5049, "Schedule of merchandise imported at other ports and received under immediate transportation regulations without appraisement." The report is in the following form, size 81'' x 11":

Cat. No. 5049.

Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913.

[One copy to be forwarded immediately after the close of the month to the Auditor for the Treasury Department and one copy retainedi n the book as an office record.]


Sheet No. —.

Schedule of merchandise imported at other ports and received under immediate transportation regulations without appraisement at the port of

—, 191-.

during the month of

Collector or

NOTE. Collector (or surveyor) will certify to the correctness of this schedule at the bottom of the last sheet viz: "I certify that the foregoing schedule (in - sheets) is correct. (Surveyor)."

[blocks in formation]

The carbon copy of this report will be retained as the office record in lieu of certain column headings eliminated from the book, Cat. No. 3615, as hereinafter set forth.

Cat. No. 4995b, "Schedule of pay rolls and public vouchers;" title changed from "Abstract of expenditures of employees, rents, contingent expenses, etc." (See T. D. 32710 of July 1, 1912.) The schedule is in the following form, size 8+" x 14":

Cat. No. 4995b. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February

24, 1913.

[One copy to be forwarded immediately after the close of the month to the Secretary of the Treasury, one copy to the Auditor for the Treasury Department, and one copy retained in the book as the office record.]

Paid by

the port of


Schedule of pay rolls and public vouchers.

on account of

Schedule No. -.
Sheet No.

of customs for

(Salaries of employees, rents, contingent expenses, etc.) 191-.

Paid from appropriation, for the month of

NOTE. Collector (or surveyor) will certify to the correctness of this schedule at the bottom of the last sheet

viz: "I certify that the foregoing schedule (in veyor)."

sheets) is correct.


Collector (or Sur

[blocks in formation]

1 Not to be filled in by the collector.

The book record, Cat. No. 4995, is abolished.

With a view to reducing the cost of stationery and printing and saving clerical labor, the following records are either abolished or reduced in size, and where continued the column headings have been rearranged for the purpose of uniformity:

Cat. No. 3615, title changed to "Register of merchandise imported at other ports and received under immediate transportation regulations without appraisement," reduced in size. The matter eliminated from this record is shown in the carbon copy of Cat. No. 5049. This record, as modified, is as follows, size 14" by 81", on one page:

[blocks in formation]

Register of merchandise imported at other ports and received under immediate transporta

tion regulations without appraisement.

[blocks in formation]

Entry numbers will be recorded in black ink; general order numbers in red ink.

Cat. No. 3605a and Cat. No. 3605b, "Register of merchandise brought into district for rewarehousing." Reduced in size. This record as modified is as follows, two sizes, 101" x 8" and 101"x 16", on one page:

[blocks in formation]

Cat. No. 5059, "Record of entries and liquidations." Reduced in size; details of liquidation not to be shown therein. This record,

as modified, is as follows, size 101⁄2′′ × 16", on one page:

Cat. No. 5059.

Approved by the Comptroller

of the Treasury, February

24, 1913.

Register of entries and liquidations.

Date of

Con, or

W. H.

No. of

Name of
vessel or

Date of


of mer-


How liquidated.

1 Indicate "Increase," "Refund," or "As entered."

75044 VOL 24-13-21

The entries should be filed in numerical order, by the entry numbers, so as to be readily accessible, from which all the detailed information of the liquidation of the entries can be obtained as well as from the carbon copies of the schedules and reports. In the new record, under the column heading "How liquidated," there will be recorded either the words "As entered," "Increase," or "Refund." Date of liquidation and how liquidated to be recorded in black ink; in case of reliquidation, record will be made in red ink. In this connection Cat. No. 3471, "Record of entries passed," is abolished.

Cat. No. 3607a, Cat. No. 3607b, "Record of warehouse and transportation entries in the United States "; Cat. No. 3609, "Record of withdrawal entries for transportation in the United States"; and Cat. No. 3701, "Record of transportation bonds," are hereby abolished; the "Transportation bond," Cat. No. 3765, which is bound in book form, is so modified as to show all the data now transcribed in the books abolished and is a sufficient record for all purposes. The wording in the body of the bond is not modified, but provision is made therein for the following column headings:

[blocks in formation]

Cat. No. 3603a, 3603b, and 3603c, "Warehouse ledger," are abolished. Data now recorded in this ledger will be shown on the "Warehouse bond," Cat. No. 3577, as modified, the title of which has been changed to "Warehousing and rewarehousing bond-Merchandise warehoused," in which provision is made for recording entries of merchandise, receipts in warehouse, withdrawal entries, and deliveries. The wording in the body of the bond is not changed; provision is made thereon for the following record, 101⁄2 inches wide:

Cat. No. 3577.

[Here insert form of bond.]

Warehouse or rewarehouse Bond No. . I. T. or T. B. No.

[blocks in formation]


Merchandise warehoused.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The book, Cat. Nos. 3599 and 3601, "Record of goods received at, permitted, and delivered from warehouse," will no longer be kept in the collectors' and surveyors' offices. Such records will be kept by storekeepers only at bonded warehouses in buildings separate from the collectors' or surveyors' offices. Cat. No. 3601 is therefore abolished. Storekeepers will make their returns on Cat. No. 3583, "Storekeeper's return of merchandise received at bonded warehouse," and on Cat. No. 3585, "Storekeeper's return of permitted merchandise delivered from bonded warehouse," respectively. Storekeepers will, however, report deliveries on the back of permits when covering the entire quantity permitted. Partial deliveries of permitted quantities will be reported on Cat. No. 3585. The receipt of goods in warehouse entered under warehouse and rewarehouse bonds will be recorded in the collector's office from the storekeeper's reports in the proper column of the amended form of Cat. No. 3577. The receipt of unclaimed merchandise in warehouse will be recorded in Cat. No. 3647, 'Register of unclaimed merchandise in general order store," the size of which record has been reduced to 16" x 10", on two pages, with the following column headings:

[blocks in formation]

Deliveries from warehouses will also be correspondingly recorded. Article 560 of the Customs Regulations of 1908 is amended accordingly. The monthly schedule of unclaimed merchandise has been modified as follows, size 11′′×8′′:

Cat. No. 3649.

Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913.

[To be forwarded immediately after the close of the month to the Auditor for the Treasury Department.]


Sheet No. -.

Schedule of unclaimed merchandise received and disposed of in the port of -, during the month of —, 191

NOTE.-Collectors (or surveyors) will certify to the correctness of this schedule at the bottom of the last

sheet, viz: "I certify that the foregoing schedule (in sheets) is correct. Surveyor)."


Collector (or

[blocks in formation]

Cat. No. 4333, title changed to "Bulletin notice of entries liquidated." The details of liquidation will not be shown in this bulletin notice, which will be posted daily at all nonnaval office ports, in accordance with articles 1034 and 1037 of the Customs Regulations of 1908, but the notice shall state in each case whether the entry is liquidated "As entered," "Increase," or "Refund." The modified form of notice is as follows, size 8′′ × 10":

Cat. No. 4332.



Bulletin notice of entries liquidated.

NOTE. Liquidations to be entered in black ink; reliquidations in red ink.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Indicate "Increase," "Refund," or "As entered."

In addition to this bulletin notice, importers in each case will be notified by mail of increased duties found due the Government upon liquidation on Cat. No. 4877, "Notice to importer of balance due the United States upon liquidation of entry," and of all refunds due importers upon liquidation on Cat. No. 4875, "Notice to importer of balance in his favor." Cat. No. 4313, "Statement of liquidation," will not be sent to importers. This form may be used, however, by

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