lading and unlading of bonded goods under the act of February 13, 1911, said bond being in lieu of that of the company named, approved November 26, 1907, has been approved and one copy thereof is inclosed herewith to be placed on the files of your office. You should note the fact and date of the rebonding of the company upon the copy of the bond approved as above stated, November 26, 1907, now in your possession, and retain the same without cancellation to meet any liability which may have accrued thereunder. Respectfully, COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS, Baltimore, Md. JAMES F. CURTIS, Assistant Secretary. (T. D. 33227.) Records and blanks-Revised system of keeping records at nonnaval office ports and districts. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, February 25, 1913. To collectors and other officers of the customs: The system of keeping records and preparing and forwarding reports, schedules, etc., at nonnaval office ports is hereby revised, to become effective on April 15, 1913. The books and blanks provided for by the Customs Catalogue (Cat. No. 3037), as herein modified, will be after that date the only forms used at the various nonnaval office ports, except upon express authority from the department in each instance. Customs officers at such ports will discontinue keeping the records and using the forms hereby abolished. The following reports, schedules, etc., will be substituted for similar forms now rendered to the Auditor for the Treasury Department. They will be furnished bound together in book form, either in duplicate, triplicate, or quadruplicate, as the case may be, all but one copy to be perforated at the top for removal, the unperforated copy to remain in the book to constitute the permanent customhouse record, instead of the separate book record now kept in each instance. Transactions will be recorded therein daily. This method will enable customs officers to transmit schedules, reports, etc., immediately after the close of the month. Cat. No. 5047, "Schedule of merchandise imported and entered for immediate transportation without appraisement," to be made in duplicate, the original to be forwarded to the Auditor for the Treasury Department and duplicate carbon copy retained as the office record. The form is amended as follows, size 8"x11": Cat. No. 5047. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913. [One copy to be forwarded immediately after the close of the month to the Auditor for the Treasury Department and one copy retained in the book as the office record.] UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Sheet No. —. Schedule of merchandise imported into the port of, forwarded under immediate transportation regulations without appraisement to other ports, during the month of —, 191-. sheets) is correct. Collector NOTE.-Collectors (or surveyors) will certify to the correctness of this schedule at the bottom of the last sheet, viz: "I certify that the foregoing schedule (in (or Surveyor)." It is not necessary that the last column of this report shall be filled out in the original copy thereof when the same is sent to the Auditor. It is intended that the date of the certificate of delivery will be shown in the carbon copy of the report to be retained in the customhouse, thus completing the record of the transaction. The book entitled "Record of entries of unappraised merchandise for immediate transportation delivered to common carrier," Cat. No. 3821, is therefore abolished. Cat. No. 5011, "Schedule of drawbacks paid" (see T. D. 32710 of July 1, 1912), to be made in triplicate in the following form, size 8"x11": Cat. No. 5011. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913. [One copy to be forwarded immediately after the close of the month to the Secretary of the Treasury, one copy to the Auditor for the Treasury Department, and one copy retained in the book as the office record.] Schedule No. -. UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Schedule of drawbacks paid by month of of customs for the port of, during the -, 191-. NOTE.-Collector (or surveyor) will certify to the correctness of this schedule at the bottom of the last sheet, viz: "I certify that the foregoing schedule (in (or Surveyor)." sheets) is correct. Collector The book record of the same catalogue number is abolished. Cat. No. 3633, "Schedule of duties received on warehouse and rewarehouse withdrawals for consumption," in the following form, size 8" x 11": Cat. No. 3633. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913. [One copy to be forwarded immediately after the close of the month to the Auditor for the Treasury Department and one copy retained in the book as the office record.] UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Schedule No. -. Sheet No. Schedule of duties received on warehouse and rewarehouse withdrawals for consumption in the port of, during the month of —, 191-. NOTE. Collector (or surveyor) will certify to the correctness of this schedule at the bottom of the last sheet, viz: "I certify that the foregoing schedule (in (or Surveyor)." sheets) is correct. Collector No. of warehouse or rewarehouse bond. Date paid. By whom withdrawn. No. of withdrawal. Amount of duty. The book Cat. No. 3635, "Record of duties paid on warehouse and rewarehouse withdrawals for consumption," is abolished. Cat. No. 4975, "Schedule of estimated duties received on merchandise entered for consumption." This schedule is to be prepared in duplicate, the original to be forwarded to the Auditor for the Treasury Department and the duplicate to be retained for the files of the customhouse. The schedule is in the following form, size 8"x11": (One copy to be forwarded immediately after the close of the month to the Auditor for the Treasury Department and one copy retained in the book as the office record.] UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Schedule No. Sheet No. Schedule of estimated duties received on merchandise imported into the port of, and entered for consumption during the month of ——, 191-. NOTE. Collector (or surveyor) will certify to the correctness of this schedule at the bottom of the last sheet, viz: "I certify that the foregoing schedule (in sheets) is correct. Surveyor)." Collector (or , Date of payment. Entry No. Importer. Estimated duty paid. Cat. No. 4977, "Schedule of increased duties received on liquidation of immediate consumption entries and warehouse withdrawals and of additional duties paid." The same course will be pursued as in Cat. No. 4975. The schedule is in the following form, size 11" x 8". Cat. No. 4977. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913. One copy to be forwarded immediately after the close of the month to the Auditor for the Treasury Department and one copy retained in the book as the office record.] UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Schedule No. -. Schedule of increased duties paid on liquidation of immediate consumption entries and warehouse withdrawals, and of additional duties paid under subsection 7 of section 28, act of Aug. 5, 1909, in the port of, during the month of, 191-. NOTE.-Collector (or surveyor) will certify to the correctness of this schedule at the bottom of the last sheet, viz: "I certify that the foregoing schedale (in sheets) is correct. (or Surveyor)." Collector The book record of the same catalogue number is abolished. Cat. No. 5001, "Schedule of moneys received on account of storage, labor, and drayage." The same course will be pursued as in Cat No. 4975. The schedule is in the following form, size 8" x 11": Cat. No. 5001. Approved by the tomptroller of the Treasury, February 24. 1913. [One copy to be forwarded immediately after the el se of the month to the Auditor for the Treasury Department and one copy retained in the book as the office record.] Schedule No.--. UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Schedule of moneys received on account of storage, labor, and drayage of all merchandise deposited in the public stores in the port of during the month of 191-. NOTE.-Collector (or surveyor) will certify to the correctness of this schedule at the bottom of the last sheet, viz: "I certify that the foregoing schedule (in Surveyor)." sheets) is correct. Collector (or The book record of the same catalogue number is abolished. Cat. No. 5009b, "Schedule of excess of deposits for unascertained duties refunded." The schedule is in the following form, size 8" x 11": Cat. No. 5009b. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913. [One copy to be forwarded immediately after the close of the month to the Secretary of the Treasury, one copy to the Auditor for the Treasury Department, and one copy retained in the book as the office record.] UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. Schedule No. Schedule of e cess of deposits for unascertained duties refunded in the port of during the month of — 191-. NOTE. Collector (or surveyor) will certify to the correctness of this schedule at the bottom of the last sheet, viz: "I certify that the foregoing schedule (in (or Surveyor)." Collector sheets) is correct. Date of entry. Importer. Entry No. Amount of each Total amount re- No. of check. (See T. D. 32710 of July 1, 1912.) The book record, Cat. No. 5009, is abolished. Cat. No. 5043, "Consolidated statement of fines and duties collected on mail entries and small importations." A carbon copy will be kept of this statement, which, in connection with the carbon copy of Cat. Nos. 3419 and 3421, "Mail entry of goods imported," will serve as a record in place of Cat. No. 3423, "Record of importations through the mail," which latter record is hereby abolished. The statement is in the following form, size 81⁄2′′ × 11". Cat. No. 5043. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury, February 24, 1913. One copy to be forwarded immediately after the close of the month to the Auditor for the Treasury Department and one copy retained in the book as the office record.] Sheet No. — UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE. (duties or fines) collected on mail entries and small Consolidated statement of importations at the port of during the month of sheets) is correct. 191-. NOTE. Collector (or Surveyor) will certify to the correctness of this statement at the bottom of the last sheet, viz: "1 certify that the foregoing statement (in (or Surveyor)." -, Collector The practice of recording mail fines in the book record, Cat. No. 4991, "Abstract of fines, penalties, and forfeitures for violation of customs laws," and in the record Cat. No. 4625, "Record of seizures, |