Rehearing granted Willis & Co., 636070, etc. (Abstract 31450)... 33217 Amor's metal polish: Antique bronze lanterns (Abstract 32813). 33578 Antique filet lace, dresses with; artistic antiquities (Abstract 32073). 33348 Antique furniture: Abstract 31057. 33106 Appeals from decisions of Board of General Appraisers: Alizarin assistant, so-called, Abstract 31810 (T. D. 33304). 33357 33330 33378 Ash, poplar, and oak; cabinet wood, Abstract 31558 (T. D. 33263). 33345 33358 33329 Castor oil and other oils in combination, Abstract 31592 (T. D. 33263).. Dutiable value; commissions, Abstract 32681 (T. D. 33511). 33583 Herring, skinned or boned, Abstracts 32240 and 32320 (T. D. 33409). 33592 Horse-radish roots, Abstract 30673 (T. D. 32997) and Abstract 30988 (T. D. 33055)........... 33089 Marble pedestal, etc., Abstracts 31434 and 31435 (T. D. 33217).. 33332 Metal-coated paper, articles of, Abstract 31200 (T. D. 33145).. 33298 33318 Parts of musical instruments, Abstract 30931 (T. D. 33055). 33208 33453 Porcelain pyrometer tubes, Abstract 31312 (T. D. 33194). 33331 Publications for gratuitous circulation, Abstract 31839 (T. D. 33304)..... 33402 Round wooden sticks, Abstract 30952 (T. D. 33055). 33207 Appeals from decisions of Board of General Appraisers-Continued. St. John's bread, Abstract 31521 (T. D. 33242). Straw hats trimmed with silk (G. A. 7415). 33505 33334 33138 Water of Ayr stones, etc., Abstract 30677 (T. D. 32997). 33150 33361 Application for rehearing or new trial.. Appliquéd articles: Abstract 31086.... Abstract 32166. Appliquéd silk: Abstract 32397... Sufficiency of protest (Abstract 32512). Appointments and promotions; reorganization of Customs Service.. Appraisement; value of woolens (Abstract 32843) 33433 33474 33300 33591 Arsenate of lead manufactured by Merrimac Chemical Co., North Artificial flowers: Abstract 31915. 33338 Abstract 32613.. 33511 Rehearing granted S. Stern, 662362, etc. (Abstract 31461). 33217 Artificial fruit; appeal directed from Abstract 31585 (T. D. 33263). Artificial silk and cotton woven fabrics (Ábstract 31158). Artificial silk dyed for M. L. Eckstein & Co., New York, drawback on.. Lace (Abstract 32630)... 33511 Rehearing granted Montag & Cassidy, 635207 (Abstract 31117).. 33106 33242 Artistic antiquities; regulations: Abstract 31223. 33145 Ash, poplar, and oak; cabinet wood, appeal directed from Abstract 31558 (T. D. 33263). 33345 Asphalt and asphalt products, Warren Chemical & Manufacturing Co., New York, drawback on.. 33549 Asphalt, Barber Asphalt Paving Co., Philadelphia, Pa., drawback on. Tea; rehearing by tea appeals board 33299 Authority of Secretary of the Treasury; commissions; reliquidation (Abstract 32681).. 33511 Authority revoked: Empire State Surety Co..... 33061 International Reassurance Co. (Ltd.), Vienna, Austria.. 33096 Automobile axles, McCue Co., Buffalo, N. Y., drawback on. Automobile tires: Automobile slip covering, Pantasote Leather Co., New York, drawback on... Automobile engines or motors, Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich., drawback on.. 33234 33552 33335 Automobiles and automobile engines, Briggs-Detroiter Co., Detroit, 33342 Automobiles and rear axles, Abbott Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich., drawback on.. 33443 Subject. Dept. G. A. No. No. Automobiles: A. T. Demarest & Co., New York, drawback on.. 33322 33496 33417 33273 £33570 33571 B. Backed cloth and waterproofed cloth, H. Gitterman & Co., New York, drawback on... 33551 Bag patching machines (Abstract 32447) 33464 Baggage, not cargo.............. 33275 Bagging: Cotton; manufactures of vegetable fibers (Abstract 32693).. Baked figs stuffed with almonds; sweetmeats (Abstract 32056). Bar le duc currants; jelly; fruits in sugar (Abstract 31794). 33291 33271 Barrel heads, R. Hamilton, Rahway, N. J., drawback on.... Bath robes and bath slippers, W. O. Horn & Bro., New York, N. Y., drawback on.. Beet knives or shredders (Abstract 31734). 33291 Bellingham & Northern Railway Co., bond of, as common carrier. 33397 Belting, rubber. (See Rubber belting.) Bent disks of glass (United States v. American Thermo-Ware Co.)... 33218 Bergundy pitch (Abstract 32317). 33409 Bicycle saddles (Abstract 32881). 33591 Bilberries in tins (Abstract 31714). 33280 Sweetened (Abstract 31287).. 33194 Zweibach and pumpernickel (Abstracts 32494 and 32495).. 33464 Black olives in brine (Abstract 32336).. 33409 Blank books with pencils; entireties (Abstract 31991).. 33348 Blanket protest (Abstract 32626). 33511 Blankets, cotton cloth (Abstract 32065). 33348 Abstract 31972.. Blank forms, changes in. Blanks and records at ports, new system of keeping. Bleached chip braids (Abstract 32809).. Bleached cotton cloth: Abstract 32188 Etamines (Abstract 32980). Blotting paper (Abstract 31235). Blouses; silk wearing apparel (Abstract 32450). Board of General Appraisers, decisions of: Application for rehearing or new trial.. 33239 7439 Articles made from pile fabrics; cotton rugs. 33577 7472 Artificial silk waste.. 33473 7466 Bottles covered with wicker. 33241 7441 |