Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Achola agreed allocated Angwenyi Arap-Kirui areas asked the Minister assure this House audit award aware beg to reply budget bursaries casual workers Committee criteria Education Attaches Egerton University ensure funds going Government Head headmaster HELB HIV/AIDS hiyo hizi pesa institutions issue Item kama katika Keah Kenya National Kenya Railways Corporation Kihoro kilometres Kitonga KNEC Kochalle Koibatek Koibatek District Kosgey Kshs1 billion kuwa kwa sababu lakini loan look mara Members Migori District million Minister for Education Minister tell Ministry of Education mobile telephone service Moi University Muiruri Musila Mutito Ningependa Nino rains Obwocha officers Ojode Ol Kalou Ol Kalou Town orphans parents polytechnic primary schools Rachuonyo District recruited relief food projects road Ruto Safaricom salaries Science and Technology secondary schools Serikali shule Spika Sub-Vote talking Teachers Service Commission teachers training colleges Temporary Deputy Chairman Temporary Deputy Speaker Turkana District Ukambani walimu