Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
answer Anyona appointed asked the Minister Assistant Minister tell aware beg to reply Bill Bungoma Chair Chebelyon chief civil servants Civil Service Clause Council district security committee ensure Farah fees guidelines FORD(K Garissa Gatundu Gitau give going Government happening illegal issue J.N. Mungai Jomo Kenyatta Judges Kalenjin Kalweo Kamotho Kamuyu KANU official Kariuki Kenyans Kerugoya KGGCU Kikuyu Kiluta Kones Kshs1.2 billion legal entity licence Lwali-Oyondi Mak'Onyango Members of Parliament Ministry mislead this House Moi Universities Muite Mulusya Munyi Nairobi Ndicho Ngilu Nyachae Ombo Orengo Owour Paper Mills Permanent Secretaries physical planners point of order Police Act police officer President Provincial Administration Provincial Commissioner Public Order Act Public Service Question regulations road Rotino serious Shikuku Sifuna statement summon Sunkuli talking tarmacked tell this House Temporary Deputy Speaker things Wameyo Webuye Wetangula