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NOTE. Whatever it is desired to emphasize and impress, keep an account thereof. If you would have your scholars bring a contribution every Sabbath, then call their attention to it by marking their contributions. If you specially desire them to study their lessons at home, then mark that fact in their presence.

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The Editor and publisher of the Peloubet Series of Quarterlies on the International Lessons have ever united in striving to make this series unexcelled.

The editors are pre-eminently fitted for their work, having each studied for over a quarter of a century preparing Quarterlies for Sunday Schools.

They have, during this long period, had every facility for fitting themselves in the best possible manner for this special service, and have become expert questioners, explainers, and elucidators of the Word of God.

The entire series is edited on a careful, systematic, and graded plan, and commencing with the smallest child moves steadily forward up to the most studious adult, each Quarterly being closely adapted to suit the needs and capabilities for the particular inIdividual for whom it is intended.

We also publish a series of Teachers' Quarterlies, which contain helpful material for the teacher to use in preparing the lesson, and which have become very popular during the past years.

All that we ask is fair, unprejudiced examination of Peloubet's Quarterlies; and if they are not found to excel all similar Quarterlies in many essentials, we shall not expect an order.

We have made these Quarterlies on honor for over twenty-five years, and continue to put them before the religious world feeling confident they will, as in years past, be appreciated by all discerning minds.

We shall be glad to send free samples and catalogue giving full details to all intending purchasers.

Our Wall Roll is new with us this year, and will be found to be far superior to any Picture Roll on the market. The subjects are chosen with great care, and then lithographed in artistic colorings of rare beauty. Every Superintendent is invited to send for a free sample picture, which are 25 x 35 inches in size,

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This book of necessity does not treat all these things exhaustively, but aims to help the teacher along the difficult roads which she has to travel. It is all the outcome of personal experience and of much testing of methods, as well as of matter.

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The Blackboard in Sunday School


State Instructor of Drawing in Massachusetts

Price, Cloth, 75 Cents

This splendid book, the result of fifteen years' Sunday-school class work, dealing as it does with the best methods of using the blackboard, has proved to be a welcome help to superintendents and teachers in their labors. It is full of splendid suggestions on the art of using chalk to good effect in the Sunday school, and especially replete with pointers to amateurs on the principles of drawing. It will well repay careful study by every Sunday-school worker who uses or might use pictures and diagrams to help the children to ideas of history, or customs, or geography. No book of this kind has been recently available for teachers, and this one should pass into general use.


State Supervisor of Drawing of Massachusetts

Price, $2.00

This beautiful volume is 8 x II inches in size and contains 174 pictures selected by a Biblical expert, who arranged them according to the well-known Stevens & Burton's Harmony of the Gospels. Its editor planned it as a guide to teachers in studying and teaching the Bible by means of pictures, and its immediate large sale proved that it supplied a long felt want.

This book interprets to the mind, through the eye, the Life of Our Lord, and one beholds new beauty and strength even in some of the most familiar descriptive passages and sayings of the Christ man.

It really unfolds in an orderly, systematic manner the marvelous scope of life it illustrates, and again convinces the mind of the divinity and the power of Our Lord.

When the class is studying any particular picture, by means of this book, the teacher has before his eye, not that picture merely, but other similar pictures, and can see at a glance the picture, in relation to the entire list of pictures. Each picture is interpreted, briefly, in the light of the particular passage or verse or phrase of Scripture which it illustrates. No book published presents so graphically the order of events in the Life of Our Lord.

The index has been prepared with the greatest care, and any desired picture may be instantly found by its use. The book has only to be seen to be recognized as worthy a place in every Sunday-school worker's library.

Wilde's Bible Pictures for
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These Bible pictures have found a place in thousands of schools because they are beyond a doubt the finest collection of Bible pictures ever published. We have never spared money or labor in our endeavor to secure the finest possible subjects and then reproduce them with extreme care by the latest improved processes.

We now have thousands of different subjects and can supply any desired set of them immediately. They can be used in connection with the International or any special series of lessons, and will be found to so illustrate the text that the mind more readily comprehends the thought involved in the text.

Do not confound Wilde's Bible Pictures with the many cheap pictures on the market, but send 10 cents for ten sample pictures, and then learn for yourself their intrinsic worth.

These pictures are beautifully printed on cards 6 x 8 in size, and ONLY COST ONE CENT each, postpaid. No orders for less than ten copies received.


We are prepared to mount these pictures on a heavy gray mat, 7 x 9 inches in size, at a cost, including the picture, of four cents each, and, in lots of twentyfive or more, three cents each. The postage on the picture alone is prepaid, but on the mounted ones there is an extra cost for postage of ONE-HALF CENT EACH. Send for full catalogue of Wilde's Bible Pictures.

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