Page images

Panel consisting of Dr. James L. Rogers, vice president, North Texas State
University, Denton, Tex.; Dr. Milton L. Radke, director, community serv-
ices program, Texas Transportation Institution, Texas A. & M. Univer-
sity, College Station, Tex.; and Thomas C. Palmer, dean, evening college,
Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Tex--
Panel consisting of Dr. John T. King, president, Huston-Tillotson College,
Austin, Tex.; Dr. L. H. McCloney, president, Paul Quinn College, Waco,
Tex.; and Dr. Marvin L. Baker, president, South Plains College Level-
land, Tex____




Panel consisting of Dr. Mack C. Adams, coordinator of financial aid, South-
ern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex.; Dr. John Silber, dean, College of
Arts and Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, Tex.; and Lloyd Doggett,
president, University of Texas student body, Austin, Tex_-.
Radke, Dr. Milton L., Texas Transportation Institution, director, com-
munity service program, College Station, Tex--
Prepared statement, with attachment____.




Ransom, Dr. Harry, chancellor, University of Texas System, Austin, Tex--
Prepared statement_.



Rogers, Dr. James, vice president, North Texas State University, Denton,


Prepared statement__.


Schmaling, Dr. George P., director, cooperative programs, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex.......

Silber, Dr. John, dean, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Texas,
Austin, Tex__.

Sneed, Joseph T., professor, Sanford University Law School, president,
Association of American Law Schools; Bayless A. Manning, dean, Stan-
ford University Law School; John Scarlett, dean, School of Law, Univer-
sity of South Dakota: Robert M. O'Neill, professor of law and assistant
to the president, State University of New York at Buffalo; Kenneth S.
Tollett, dean, Texas University Law School; Morris L. Cohen, professor,
University of Pennsylvania Law School; William B. Lockhart, Univer-
sity of Minnesota Law School, president-elect, Association of American
Law Schools: Robert B. McKay, dean, New York University Law School;
William W. Greenhaigh, professor, Georgetown University Law Center:
and Michael H. Cardozo, executive director, Association of American
Law Schools, comprising a panel.




Prepared statement.


Stoughton, Dr. Bruce C., director, Department of Cooperative Education,
University of Houston, Houston, Tex.......


Prepared statement_.


Taylor, Harry G., director, college recruiting, Humble Oil & Refining Co.,
Houston, Tex----


Prepared statement..


The Joint University Center for Community Services, North Texas State
University and Texas Women's University, Denton, Tex., by Dr. John
Thompson, director of the center, prepared statement_
Tollett, Kenneth S., dean, Texas Southern University School of Law;
member, Council on Legal Education Opportunity, prepared statement. 1279



Annual reports of the Public Defender Clinic, Stetson University College of
Law, St. Petersburg, Fla. :

First July 12, 1965




A. Education and the death penalty..

B. Information on the Connally-Carrillo Act---

C. Office of Student Financial Aids comparative report....

Articles, publications, etc., entitled:

"Proprietary School Operations," an excerpt from "Supply and Demand Factors Affecting Vocational Education Planning," from final report, October 1966__








Articles, publications, etc., entitled-Continued

"The Job's the Thing," from American Education, April 1967–
"The Shame of the Graduate Schools-A Plea for a New American
Scholar," by William Arrowsmith, from Harper's magazine, March
1966 ---
Comments on statement of Dr. William Arrowsmith, professor, University
of Texas, Austin, Tex., by W. P. Lehmann, Ashbel Smith professor in
German languages and linguistics, and chairman, Department of Linguis-
ties, University of Texas, Austin, Tex‒‒‒‒‒‒
Communications to:

Andrews, Hon. Mark, a Representative in Congress from the State of
North Dakota, from Kiaran L. Dooley, director of State and Federal
Relations, Department of Public Instruction, Bismarck, N. Dak.,
February 2, 1968, with attachment_-_.

Babbidge, Homer D., Jr., Commissioner for Higher Education, Office
of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Wash-
ington, D.C., from Charles P. Harbottle, chairman, the Accrediting
Commission for Business Schools, Washington, D.C., August 23,

1960 Bigelow, Dr. Donald N., Director, Division of Educational Personnel Training, U.S. Office of Education, from L. E. Wesche, Ed. D., chairman, Division of Education and Psychology, University of Idaho, September 25, 1967

Clark, Hon. Joseph S., a U.S. Senator from the State of Pennsylvania, from Gwendolen M. Carter, director, program of African studies, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., December 12, 1967---Dooley, Kiaran L., director of State and Federal Relations, Department of Public Instruction, Bismarck, N. Dak., from:









Bergene, Clair, superintendent, Starkweather Public School,
Starkweather, N. Dak., March 22, 1968-


Campbell, Chester E., curriculum coordinator, Valley City Public
Schools, Valley City, N. Dak., March 22, 1968–


Hanson, Denis, superintendent, Central Cass Public School Dis-
trict, Casselton, N. Dak., March 20, 1968----


Holwell, James, superintendent, Battineau Public Schools, Bat-
tineau, N. Dak., March 22, 1968.


Maxwell, James H., superintendent, Grafton City Schools, Grafton,
N. Dak., March 21, 1968_.


Olson, Dr. Gordon B., president, Minot State College, Minot,
N. Dak., March 20, 1968_.


Paulsen, Gordon L., assistant superintendent, Dickinson Public
Schools, Dickinson, N. Dak., March 21, 1968_.


Peterson, O. L., superintendent, Mott Public Schools, Mott,
N. Dak., March 21, 1968----


Sabby, Leland, the North Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathe-
matics, March 25, 1968.......


Sunderland, John, Cavalier Public School, Cavalier, N. Dak.,
March 22, 1968, with attachment_


Wilz, Charles F., superintendent, Richardton Public Schools,
Richardton, N. Dak., March 22, 1968-


Young, Hon. Milton R., a U.S. Senator from the State of North
Dakota, February 22, 1968---

Harbottle, Charles P., chairman, the Accrediting Commission for
Business Schools, Washington, D.C., from Homer D. Babbidge, Jr.,
Assistant Commissioner for Higher Education, Office of Education,
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, D.C.,
September 2, 1960-

Hartke, Hon. Vance, a U.S. Senator from the State of Indiana, from
Elvis J. Stahr, president, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.,
February 6, 1968.




Hill, Hon. Lister, a U.S. Senator from the State of Alabama, from Hon. Quentin N. Burdick, a U.S. Senator from the State of North Dakota, March 4, 1968.


Lausche, Hon. Frank J., a U.S. Senator from the State of Ohio, from Vernon R. Alden, president, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, February 14, 1968.


Communications to-Continued

Long, Hon. Edward V., a U.S. Senator from the State of Missouri, from
Thomas H. Eliot, chancellor, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.,
February 8, 1968.

Morse, Hon. Wayne, a U.S. Senator from the State of Oregon, from:
Alden, Vernon R., president, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio,
February 14, 1968.

Anderson, Hurst R., president, the American University, Wash-
ington, D.C., February 14, 1968.

Bowen, Don L., executive director, American Society for Public
Administration, Washington, D.C., April 12, 1968, with


Carter, Gwendolen M., director, program of African studies, North-
western University, Evanston, Ill., December 11, 1967---.

Cartter, Allan M., acting president, New York University, New
York, N.Y., February 21, 1968-----

Cowen, Lindsey, dean, School of Law, University of Georgia,
Athens, Ga., May 24, 1968, with attachment--

Decker, Charles L., director, national defender project, Na-
tional Legal Aid and Defender Association, with attachment_-_
Dinneen, Francis P., S.J., acting dean, School of Languages and
Linguistics, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., February
6, 1968.

Eliot, Thomas H., chancellor, Washington University, St. Louis,
Mo., February 8, 1968----

Elliott, Lloyd H., president, the George Washington University,
Washington, D.C., April 26, 1968--

Evans, Hon. Daniel J., Governor, State of Washington, April 12,

Fernea, Robert A., director, the University of Texas, Middle East
Center, Austin, Tex., March 21, 1968.

Fletcher, James C., president, the University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah, February 27, 1968---.

France, Robert R., associate provost, University of Rochester,
Rochester, N.Y., February 5, 1968.

Goheen, Robert F., president, Princeton University, Princeton,
N.J., February 29, 1968_.

Gordon, Lincoln, president, the Johns Hopkins University, Balti-
more, Mr., February 12, 1968-

Hannah, John A., president, Michigan State University, East Lan-
sing, Mich., February 21, 1968.

Harnwell, Gaylord P., president, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pa., February 19, 1968.

Heffner, Ray L., president, Brown University, Providence, R.I.,
February 8, 1968.

Henry, David D., president, University of Illinois, February 16,

Hughes, Hon. Richard J., Governor, State of New Jersey, April 23, 1968

Jameson, William J., U.S. District Judge, Billings, Mont. :

April 9, 1968, with attachment_-_.

March 28, 1968.

Jaskievicz, Walter C., S.J., director, the Institute of Contemporary
Russian Studies, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y., March 1.

Kirk, Grayson, president, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.,
February 2, 1968-

Klein, Richard K., assistant State superintendent in charge of
instruction, State department of instruction, Bismarck, N. Dak.,
March 20, 1968-.

Lindzey, Gardner, vice president for academic affairs, University
of Texas at Austin, Austin, Tex., April 25, 1968-..

Logan, James K., dean, School of Law, University of Kansas.
Lawrence, Kans., April 2, 1968-

McCain, James A., president, Kansas State University, Manhattan.
Kans., February 9, 1968-

Communications to



Morse, Hon. Wayne Continued

McLaughlin, Leo, S.J., president, Fordham University, Bronx,
N.Y., February 7, 1968-


Meador, Daniel J., dean, School of Law, University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa, Ala., April 23, 1968_.


Mildenberger, Kenneth, director of programs, Modern Language
Association of America, New York, N.Y., July 12, 1967---
Peake, Charles H., acting provost, University of Pittsburgh, Pitts-
burgh, Pa., February 20, 1968---



Perkins, James A., president, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.,
February 8, 1968.


Pincus, William, division of national affairs, the Ford Foundation,
New York, N.Y., March 29, 1968.


Prezioso, Sal J., executive vice president, National Recreation and
Park Association, Washington, D.C., April 18, 1968.
Purdy, R. R., senior vice-chancellor, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, Tenn., February 7, 1968----



Pusey, Nathan M., president, Harvard University, Cambridge,
Mass., February 14, 1968...


Riethmayer, Leo C., director, Institute of Public Administration,
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., April 2, 1968---
Rosenzweig, Robert M., associate provost, Stanford University,
Stanford, Calif., February 2, 1968–



Sebring, Harold L., dean, Stetson University College of Law, St.
Petersburg, Fla., April 18, 1968, with attachments---
Stahr, Elvis J., president, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.,
February 6, 1968--



Stevens, L. Nye, assistant dean, Woodrow Wilson School of Public
and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.,
April 24, 1968.

Tydings, Hon. Joseph D., a U.S. Senator from the State of Mary-
land, March 18, 1968, with attachment__.

Thieme, F. P., vice president, University of Washington, Seattle,
Wash., February 9, 1968__




Varner, D. B., chancellor, Oakland University, Rochester, Mich.,
February 8, 1968--


Wiens, Harold J., director, Asian studies programs, University of
Hawaii, Honolulu, February 22, 1968---


Wild, Payson S., vice president and dean of faculties, Northwest-
ern University, Evanston, Ill., November 29, 1967-


Wilson, Paul E., professor of law, University of Kansas, Lawrence,
Kans., April 1, 1968.


Murphy, Hon. George, a U.S. Senator from the State of California, from Franklin D. Murphy, chancellor, University of California, Los Angeles, February 2, 1968__.


Proxmire, Hon. William, a U.S. Senator from the State of Wisconsin,
from M. Crawford Young, chairman, African studies program, Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., January 15, 1968--.
Smathers, Hon. George A., a U.S. Senator from the State of Florida,
from Stephen C. O'Connell, president, University of Florida, Gaines-
ville, Fla., February 21, 1968_.



Symington, Hon. Stuart, a U.S. Senator from the State of Missouri,
from Thomas H. Eliot, chancellor, Washington University, St.
Louis, Mo., February 8, 1968--


Whom it may concern, from:

Bliss, Harold N., assistant professor of science, Mayville State
College, Mayville, N. Dak___


Halley, D. Allen, superintendent, Adams Public School, Adams,
N. Dak., March 22, 1968__

Yarborough, Hon. Ralph W., a U.S. Senator from the State of Texas,
from Marvin L. Baker, president, South Plains College, Levelland,
Tex., April 19, 1968, with attachment_‒‒‒‒

Young, Hon. Milton R., a U.S. Senator from the State of North Dakota,
from Kiaran L. Dooley, director of State and Federal relations,
department of public instruction, Bismarck, N. Dak., February 26,





Memorandum from Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, higher education
assistance agency, Towne House, Harrisburg, December 15, 1966, re
State scholarship programs, with attachments-----
Proposed amendment to S. 1736, from the Congressional Record, May 10,

Selected charts and tables:

Data on the NDEA title IV graduate fellowship program, Higher Education Act title V-C prospective teacher fellowship program, and institutional assistance grant program, by institution, State of Texas, fiscal years 1967 and 1968.

Data on the NDEA title IV graduate fellowship program, Higher
Education Act title V-C prospective teacher fellowship program,
and institutional assistance grant program, State of Texas, fiscal
years 1959–66__.

Support of Texas institutions of higher education, title III, the Higher
Education Act of 1965, strengthening developing institutions___
116. Estimated tuition and fees and room and board rates in institu-
tions of higher education, by type and control of institution: United
States, 1957-58 to 1967-68_-.

117. Median tuition and required fees for full-time undergraduate
students in institutions of higher education, by region, and by type
and control of institution: United States and outlying areas,








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