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" In obeying and construing these rules, due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision, and to any special circumstances which may render a departure from the above rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger. "
The Rules of the Road at Sea: Comprising the Regulations for Preventing ... - Page 403
by Hubert Stuart Moore - 1900 - 418 pages
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court, Volume 308

United States. Supreme Court - 1940 - 894 pages
...are to be read in the light of Article 27 which has the following controlling qualification: "Art. 27. In obeying and construing these rules due regard...rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger." Opinion of the Court. 308 US side shall bold her course and speed; and the steam vessel which has the...
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Hertslet's Commercial Treaties: A Collection of Treaties and ..., Volume 30

Great Britain. Foreign Office - 1924 - 1194 pages
...caution, having careful regard to the existing circumstances and conditions. 30. In obeying and constrning these rules, due regard shall be had to all dangers...rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger. 31. The dropping of ballast other than fine sand or water from aircraft in the air is prohibited. (6.)...
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The Nautical Magazine: A Journal of Papers on Subjects Connected ..., Volume 45

1876 - 1186 pages
...keep out of the way, the other shall keep her coarse. Art. 28. — Proviso to save Special Cases. — In obeying and construing these rules, due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation ; and to any special circumstances which may render a departure from the above rales necessary in order...
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British and Foreign State Papers

Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - 1914 - 1184 pages
...fairway used by vessels other than fishing-vessels or boats. 27. In obeying and construing these Rule», due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation...order to avoid immediate danger. Sound Signals for I'esxels in Sight of one Another, 28. The words " short blast " used in this Article shall mean a blast...
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Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States

United States. Department of State - 1894 - 950 pages the right of obstructing a fairway used by vessels other than fishing vessels or boats. ART. 27. In obeying and construing these rules due regard...immediate danger. • SOUND SIGNALS FOR VESSELS IN SIGHT OP ONK ANOTHER. ART. 28. The words "short blast" used in this article shall mean a blast of about one...
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Reports of Cases Relating to Maritime Law: New series, Volume 10

Great Britain. Courts - 1908 - 648 pages
...of such vessel. 27. In obeying and construing these rales, due regard shall be had to all clangors of navigation and collision, and to any special circumstances...rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger. Aspinall, KC and Dunlop for the plaintiffs. — The evidence of the pilot on the Orinoco shows that...
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Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States

United States. Department of State - 1876 - 716 pages
...'i3i. In obeying and construing these rules, due regard shall bo had to all dangers of navigation ; and to any special circumstances which may render...rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger. Art. 24. Nothing in these rules shall exonerate any ship, or the owner, or master, or crew thereof,...
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Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States

United States. Department of State - 1895 - 920 pages
...the right of obstructing a fairway used by vessels other than fishing vessels or boats, ART. 27. Tn obeying and construing these rules due regard shall be had to all dangers of n:i •. i" 1 1 icm ndd collision, and to any special circumstances which may render a departure from...
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De Zee

1879 - 520 pages
...the above rules one of two ships is to keep out of the way, the other shall keep her course. Art. 23. In obeying and construing these rules due regard :shall be had to all dangers of navigation ; and to any special circumstances which may render a departure from the above rules necessary in order...
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The Federal Reporter

1927 - 1130 pages
...article 23 of the International Rules, supra. Article 27 of the Inland Rules reads as follows: "Art. 27. In obeying and construing these rules due regard...rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger" — and is the same word for word as article 27 of the International Rules. Article 29 of the Inland...
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