Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Administration and Internal answer asked the Minister Assistant Minister Attorney-General Co-operative Development collected their identity Commission on Revenue Committee observed Constitution court Criminal Investigations Department Departmental Committee Deputy Prime Minister Development and Marketing Director of CID documents ensure Ethuro forensic audit Gesami Gina Government Harambee SACCO Society Health and Sanitation House identity cards Imanyara Internal Security issue Kabete Kajwang Karua Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission Kenya Police Kibera Kilifi Kinyanjui Kisumu Konchella Kshs3.5 billion KSM MUN/BLOCK Kwale Lagat Lamu districts lilikuwa mahindi matter Member for Kilgoris million Minister and Minister Minister for Co-operative Minister for Lands Minister for Public Ministry misappropriated Mombasa Mureithi Mututho nambari North Eastern Province November Ojode Ol Kalou Orengo Oversight Parliament pigeon holes point of order police prosecute Provincial Administration raised registered Revenue Allocation revoke Road C83 SASRA Swali tarmacking Temporary Deputy Speaker thank Thursday tomorrow whistle blowers whistleblowers Yakub