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A Monthly Medical Journal

Of Direct Therapeutics; devoted to the study of the Direct
Action of Single Drugs as Applied to Exact

Conditions of Disease.



Issued on the First of the Month.

VOLUME V, 1911.

Chicago Office, 32 N. State Street

Editorial Office and Office of Publication:

2209 Central Street, Evanston, Ill. (Chicago Suburb).


Abdomen, free cysts within the, 228


Abdomen, penetrating wounds of, 161

Abnormal growths, trichloracetic acid for, 327
Abortion of pneumonia, 131

Abscess, mammary, 100

Acetic acid in gastric cancer, 397

Acetanilid, merits of, 125

Acetate of potassium, 245

Acids in typhoid and other fevers, 249

Acid test, a simple free, 76

Acne, 104, 231

Acne, carbonate of iron in, 293

Aconite and bryonia in acute colds, 54
Aconite in neuralgia, 55

Aconite in pneumonía, 402

Acute anterior poliomyelitis-the etiology and
best treatment to prevent deformity, 3

Acute hepatic torpor, 99

Acute inflammation, magnesium sulphate in, 24
Acute nephritis, high blood pressure in, 329
Acute poisoning from aspirin, 222

Acute poisoning from bromo-seltzer, 128

Acute pulmonary congestion, 167

Acute rhinitis, swift cure, 145

Adenoids and enlarged tonsils, 288
Adenoids, thuja in, 288

Adhesive plaster, removing, 182

A good word from Taft, 186

Aguamiel, therapeutic value of, 191

Albuminuria, pregnancy with, 385

Alcoholism, apocynum in, 291

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Breast tumors, 425

Breech presentation, 18

Broad minded physicians, 183

Bromo-seltzer, acute poisoning from, 128

Bronchial asthma, lobelia in, 127

Bronchial obstruction, diagnosis of, 328

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Artificial anus within uterus, 326, 367
Ascites, drainage in, 408

Cancer, crotalus in, 399

Cancer, diagnosis of, 406

Cancer from pregnancy, 396

Arthritis, bryonia in, 357

Arthritis, rheumatoid, 143

Asclepias compared with bryonia, 73
Asclepias in pneumonia, 245
Aspirin, 57

Cancer, incipient, constitutional treatment of,

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Carcinoma of the breast, echinacea in, 25
Cardiac action, feeble spasmodic, 48

Cardiac hypertrophy and pulsating tinnitus, 79
Cardiac rheumatism, 154

Case history, a most remarkable, 49
Catarrh, anamopsis californica in, 247
Catarrhal gastritis, lycopodium in, 32
Catarrh of the bladder, santonin in, 407
Catarrh of the stomach, 248
Catarrh-scalp wounds, 19

Causes which result in the disorders of preg-
nancy and in the complications of the
puerperium, 219-2.

Cavernous angiomas, potassium permanganate
in, 114

Cerebral anemia, grave nervous apoplexy from,

Cerebral compression with vertigo, 40

Chamomile, 407

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Chromium sulphate in dysmenorrhea, 220
Chromium sulphate in enlarged prostate, 182
Chromium sulphate in exophthalmic goitre, 90
Chromium sulphate in herpes preputialis, 93
Chromium sulphate in impotency, 90
Chromium sulphate in uterine fibroid, 92
Chromium sulphate, the uses of, 90
Chronic alcoholism, treatment of, 152
Chronic bronchitis, 317

Chronic cardiac, insufficiency of, 193
Chronic derangement of the blood, 152
Chronic prostatitis, treatment of, 399
Chronic throat troubles, thuja in, 66
Chyluria, 395

Cimicifuga in ovarian neuralgia, 55
Cimicifuga and piscidia, 218

Cirrhosis of the mamma, chromium sulphate
in, 90

Clavicle, fractured, treatment of, 193

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Colds, sodium salicylate in, 113

Colic and asthma, apomorphine in, 145
Colic in infants, 25

Colitis mucosa, 375

Colitis, pine tar in, 31
Colocynth, 171

Colocynth for ovarian pain, 392

Colon and indigestion, 365
Collapse, extreme, 389
Collapse, lobelia in, 372
Collinsonia for piles, 180

Common sense in specific medication, 393
Complications in typhoid fever, 130

Concentrated passiflora, 223

Condurango, 103

Congestion, acute pulmonary, 167

Congestive chill, 245

Congestive dysmenorrhea, lobelia in, 372

Conium maculatum, 329
Conjunctivitis, acute, 292
Consistency a jewel, 184

Constipation, 292

Constitutional treatment of incipient cancer, 31

Convulsions, hypodermic lobelia in, 23, 371, 372
Convulsions, veratrum viride in, 24

Corneal processes, degenerative, 332

Corrosive chloride of mercury in dropsy, 293
Cortical lesions, 80

Cough, hacking, irritable, bryonia in, 31
Coughing spells, urine flows with, 194

Cough remedy, eruptive disease, 68

Coughs, 362, 425

Cough sedatives in measles, 351
Crataegus in mitral stenosis, 25

Creosote in tuberculosis, 334

Creosote with lobelia in cancer, 102

Crotalus in cancer, 399

Crotalus in epilepsy, 396

Cutaneous absorption and caraway oil, 14

Cyanosis and its causes, 78

Cyanosis, lobelia in, 353

Cystitis, 409

Cystitis and gonorrhea, treatment of, 236

Cysts, free within the abdomen, 228

Deafness due to organic diseases of the middle

ear, 79

Deafness, nervous, 80

Delirium tremens, 316

Diabetes, 113

Diabetes, belladonna in, 380

Diabetes, chionanthus in, 138, 218

Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy, 228-2

Diabetes, panax and nux vomica in, 137

Diabetes, treatment of, 136, 279

Diagnosis, mistaken, 105

Diagnosis of bronchial obstruction, 328

Diaphragm, punctured wounds of, 192

Diagnosis of gall stones, 219

Diarrhea, morning, 67

Diarrhea, chronic, treatment of, 7

Dilated heart, cure of, 285

Dioscorea and piscidia, 218

Dioscorea and viburnum, 218

Diphtheria, 180

Diphtheria antitoxin, mortality from, 74

Diphtheria, lobelia in, 355, 371

Disease, origin of, 122

Diseases of the eye and headache, 82

Dispensing methods, 273

Doctor, the, doctoring himself, 225-2

Dosage, the question of, 202

Dover's powder, 254

Drainage in ascites, 408

Dribbling of urine, 231

Dropsy, 24

Dropsy, apocynum cannabinum in, 354

Dropsy, corrosive chloride of mercury in, 293
Dropsy, diagnosis of, 332

Drug habit from Chamberlain's diarrhea rem-
edy, 313

Drugless treatment, 323
Drugs, paucity of, 359

Dr. Woodward's methods, confirmation of, 406
Dry mouth, gelsemium for, 407

Dr. Durham, honor of, 70

Dr. Foreman, death of, 111

Dr. Mundy and the National Quarterly, 226

Dr. Simmons' death, 112

Dr. Standlee, death of, 111

Dr. Swem's case of intractable sciatica, 275
Dysmenorrhea, 220, 367

Dysmenorrhea, belladonna and atropine for,


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Ear, buzzing or ringing in, 79
Echafolta and passiflora, 222
Echinacea, 105, 225

Echinacea an ideal surgical dressing, 174
Echinacea and thuja in ointment, 73
Echinacea for tibial ulcers, 237

Echinacea in cancer, 397

Echinacea in carcinoma of the breast, 25

Echinacea in feeble, spasmodic cardiac action,

Echinacea in infected wounds, 294

Echinacea in mammary abscess, 100

Echinacea in snake bites, 25

Echinacea in typhoid, 87

Eclampsia, 104, 315, 392

Eclampsia, lobelia in, 373

Eclampsia, veratrum in, 55, 327

Ectopic gestation, 281, 391

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Eyeball, protrusion of, 82

Eyeball, removal, 24

Eyeballs, oscillation of both, 82

Eye specialist, the physician as, 175

Eye trouble, colchicum in, 57

Excessive laudation, 225

Exophthalmic goitre, 293

Exophthalmic goitre, chromium sulphate in, 90
Exophthalmic goitre, operation for, 396

Exophthalmic goitre, premonitory symptoms
of, 189

Exophthalmic goitre, sulphur in, 230
Experience gained in obstetrics, 303

Extremeties, coldness of, belladonna in, 380

Facts gathered at random in my own field,

Failure of a specific method, 420

Ferrum phosphate in pneumonia, 403

Fibroids, uterine, 367

Fifty-two years' experience as a physician,


Fish bone removal, 365

Fish bones, complicating hernia, 408

Fistula, urethral, 193

Foods, specific, 1

Formaldehyde in epithelioma, 229

Formalin in epithelioma, 398

Fracture of the skull, 87

Gall stones, diagnosis of, 219

Gangrene of the navel, 19

Gas, eructations of, 292

Gastric acidity, 181, 365

Gastric acidity, belladonna for, 293
Gastric cancer, acetic acid in, 397

Gastric cancer, cannabis indica in, 397
Gastric hemorrhage, 292
Gastric lavage, 286

Gastric ulcer, 407

Gastritis, catarrhal, lycopodium in, 32
Gastroenteritis, 424

Gaultheria in chorea, 152
Gaultheria in gonorrhea, 319
Gelsemium andbelladonna, 416
Gelsemium and piscidia, 218
Gelsemium for dry mouth, 407
Gelsemium in acute rhinitis, 145
Gelsemium in la grippe, 55, 399
Genitourinary tonic, thuja a, 395

Geranium in gastric hemorrhage, 292
Geranium in hematemesis, 292
Geranium in rodent ulcer, 417
Gestation, ectopic, 281

Gestation, prolonged, 271, 383

Gleet, staphisagria in, 153

Glycerine for dressing of wounds, 408

Glycerin, pure for impermeable stricture, 182

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Measles, belladonna in, 380
Measles, cough sedatives in, 351
Medical misfortunes, 47

Medical practice, system in, 42

Medical progression, change of tactics, 58
Medical treatment of carcinoma uteri, 102
Medical treatment of varicose ulcers, 214
Melilotus for engorgement of the uterus, 395
Membranous croup, 105

Meningitis, belladonna in, 380
Meningitis from la grippe, 111
Menopause, 150

Menopause, chorea of, 217-2
Menorrhagia, capsella in, 153
Menstruation, painful, 318

Mental condition of early childhood, 114
Metatarsalgia, 121

Methylene blue and thiosinamine in cancer, 47
Mistletoe in chorea, 392

Mistletoe to reduce blood pressure, 326

Mitral stenosis, cratægus in, 25

Mitral valve and its diseases, 83

More medicines needed in Germany, 364
Mortality from diphtheria antitoxin, 74
Muco-enteritis, 292

Mud baths, 187

Mumps, prevented, 182

Muscular cramps, lobelia in, 374

Muscular soreness, 392

Myoma, uterine disease the cause of, 228
Myxedema, 368

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Nephritis, acute in childhood, 197

Nephritis following tonsilitis, 71
Nephritis, scarlatinal, 379

Nerve storms in women, 331
Nervous deafness, 80

Nervous disorders, pulsatilla in, 147
Neuralgia, 55, 190, 430
Neurasthenia, 295

Neurasthenic headache, 151
Neurasthenic palpitation, 292
Neuritis, acute, 366

Neuro-retinitis, 82

New hospital and college, 112

New medical college at Lincoln, 226

New theory as to the immediate cause of la-
bor, 404

Nipples and breast, attention to, 23

Nitric acid in whooping cough, 213

Nitroglycerin in frontal head pain, 105

Nocturnal emissions, 293

Nocturnal epilepsy, 356

Non-malignant tumors, 73

Nuclein and its clinical use, 254

Nucleinic acid in cancer, 47

Nux vomica, 328

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