Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Abstract of Accounts Administration and Internal answer asked the Minister assistant chiefs Assistant Minister aware balcony beg to reply Bill Certificate thereon clarification COMESA comply Controller and Auditor-General Crater death deceased Deputy Prime Minister Deputy Speaker domestic violence Eldama Ravine Emuhaya ended 30th June Equity Bank farmers financial year ended going Government IDPs Imanyara Immigration and Registration Internal Security investigations Kabogo Kajwang Kamau Kenya Kimunya Kinyanjui Kioni Kitui Kiuna Koech Kshs500 million late Wanjiru Litole Maina matter Mbale Member Menengai Minister and Ministry Ministerial Statement Ministry of Roads Nation Media Group Ndambuki Ngilu Nyahururu Oburu Odhiambo-Mabona officers Ogindo Ojode Order Paper Pesa point of order police problem Provincial Administration registrars request River Muruny Samuel Wanjiru saying seek sheet numbers Sugar Act sugar imports Thika Road Thursday Town Council Triza Tuesday Washiali water service boards week Wekesa white refined sugar wife