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Temporary register, metal vessels, sail.
Temporary register, metal vessels, steam.
Temporary register, metal vessels, gas.
Permanent enrollments, sail.

Permanent enrollments, steam.

Permanent enrollments, gas.

Permanent enrollments, canal boats.

Permanent enrollments, barges.

Permanent enrollments, metal vessels, sail.

Permanent enrollments, metal vessels, steam.

Permanent enrollments, metal vessels, gas.

Permanent enrollments, metal barges.

Temporary enrollments, sail.

Temporary enrollments, steam.

Temporary enrollments, gas.

Temporary enrollments, canal boats.

Temporary enrollments, barges.

Temporary enrollments, metal vessels, sail.
Temporary enrollments, metal vessels, steam.
Temporary enrollments, metal vessels, gas.
Licenses under 20 tons, sail, "coasting trade."
Licenses under 20 tons, sail," the fisheries."
Licenses under 20 tons, steam, "coasting trade."
Licenses under 20 tons, gas, "coasting trade."
Licenses under 20 tons, barges, "coasting trade."
Licenses under 20 tons, steam, "the fisheries."
Licenses under 20 tons, gas, "the fisheries."

Licenses under 20 tons, metal vessels, steam, "coasting trade."

Licenses under 20 tons, metal vessels, gas, "coasting trade."

Licenses of enrolled vessels, sail, "the fisheries."
Licenses of enrolled vessels, steam, "the fisheries."
Licenses of enrolled vessels, gas, "the fisheries."


Permanent enrollments, sail.

Permanent enrollments, steam.

Permanent enrollments, gas.

Permanent enrollments, metal yachts, sail.

Permanent enrollments, metal yachts, steam.

Permanent enrollments, metal yachts, gas.

Temporary enrollments, sail.

Temporary enrollments, steam.

Temporary enrollments, gas.

Temporary enrollments, metal yachts, sail.
Temporary enrollments, metal yachts, steam.
Temporary enrollments, metal yachts, gas.
Licenses under 20 tons, sail.

Licenses under 20 tons, steam.

Licenses under 20 tons, gas.

Licenses under 20 tons, metal yachts, sail.
Licenses under 20 tons, metal yachts, steam.
Licenses under 20 tons, metal yachts, gas.

A separate book will not be needed for each account, except where required by the volume of business, but each account should be kept separately in the appropriate book of abstracts.

Care should be exercised that no document be credited upon any abstract which has not before been debited in the same account. This can very easily be prevented if the indexes are properly kept.

Art. 82. Quarterly returns of tonnage. Quarterly returns will be made to the Commissioner of Navigation, consisting of a transcript of the foregoing accounts, accompanying which must be transmitted all surrendered originals and copies of all lost originals.

Every surrendered document should be indorsed similarly to the record thereof in the record book. Quarterly returns of tonnage should be accompanied by a letter of transmittal (Commerce Form 1201).

When the name of a recorded vessel is changed and indorsed on the certificate of record, the form of the quarterly abstract will require an additional column, in which the new name will be inserted.

Transactions under the title "Vessels built," "Vessels lost," "Vessels abandoned," "Vessels sold to aliens," "Foreign vessels admitted to registry," or "Change of home port, rig, tonnage, or dimensions" should be reported on Commerce Form 1200 and forwarded with the quarterly returns of tonnage.

Collectors will transmit to the Commissioner of Navigation at the end of every month an abstract of all registers, enrollments, and licenses, on Commerce Form 1208, surrendered to them which were issued at other ports. Accompanying this abstract will be sent all such surrendered documents.

Upon receipt of these surrendered documents the Commissioner of Navigation will send notice thereof to the ports at which they were issued. Collectors on receiving such notice will make the required credits upon their quarterly abstracts and indexes.

When there are no transactions a notice to that effect will be sent. (Commerce Form 1209.)

Art. 83. Lists of vessels.-Collectors at the several ports will, within three months before the close of each fiscal year, revise the list of vessels owned at their respective ports; and in cases where the ship's papers not having been returned, or notice otherwise given, there is reason to suppose the vessels have been lost, sold, or documented elsewhere, they will make inquiries concerning them, and upon receipt of satisfactory information of loss or sale, the proper indorsements thereof will be made in their record books and the proper credits upon their quarterly abstracts.

Art. 84. Measurement of vessels.-The regulations governing the measurement of vessels are contained in a separate publication issued by the Department of Com




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88. Officer to report noncompliance of master.

89. Penalty for obstructing boarding officers.

90. Copy of manifest for the auditor. 91. Report of arrival and entry of vessel-Bill of health.

92. War vessels not required to enter.

93. Deposit of papers of United States vessels.

94. Deposit of papers of foreign vessels.

95. Consular services to masters. 96. Manifest-Contents and form. 97. Failure to have a correct manifest-Opium-Penalty for.

98. Incorrect manifest due to accident, etc.-No entry.


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109. Equipment.

110. Bunker coal.

111. Importing merchandise in vessels of less than 30 tons burdenPenalty for.

112. Discrimination against American vessels.

113. Boarding or leaving vessel without permission.


114. Vessels subject to tonnage dutyComputation.

115. Rates of tonnage duty.

116. Vessels in the domestic trade. 117. Certificate of payment.

118. Alien officers on vessels of the United States.

119. Exemptions from tonnage duty.


120. Discharge of cargo.

121. Discharge before arrival at destination.

122. Transfer to another vessel.

123. Vessels in distress.

124. Cargo of vessel prevented from reaching destination.

125. Permit for unlading.

126. Time for discharge of cargoGeneral order.

127. Preliminary entry of vessels and the lading and unlading at night and on holidays-Compensation of officers.

128. Discharge of ballast.

129. Record of disposition of cargo. 130. Merchandise for foreign ports. 131. Foreign vessels proceeding coastwise. 132. Residue

cargo for other dis


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