Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Accounts Committee PAC Assistant Minister Ayah beg to oppose beg to support Biwott chance to serve Cheserek debate Deputy Speaker Sir Division Bell Falana Farah FORD(A fresh list Gatabaki George Saitoti giving Government Business House and especially House by implying House to adopt Icharia important Committee KANU Back-benchers KANU Members Kituyi know Leader of Government Leshore Livestock Development Lotodo Loud consultations Lwali-Oyondi Masinde Maundu Messrs Minister for Planning misleading the House Misoi Mover Muite Mungai Munyasia Munyi Murungi Mwamzandi National Development Prof Ndicho Ndotto nominated Nthenge opportunity to serve partisan manner Planning and National point of order President Procedural Motion Public Accounts Committee Public Investments Committee put and agreed Question put Raila remarks rise to support rotated SAFINA Salat Sankori Sessional Committee seven Cabinet Ministers Seventh Parliament Shikuku Speaker's Committee Standing Orders Committee support this Procedural supporting this Motion Thank think Vice-President and Minister Wamalwa Wawire whole House