Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Achola Act of Parliament allegation alter the commencement answer Questions Anyona areas asked the Minister Assistant Minister tell Attorney-General aware Bank of Kenya beg to reply Biwott Central Bank coffee commencement date compensated defer the Question flooding free education Gikongoro bridge Gitahi gumtree House do grant Imanyara introduce a Bill Iraru bridge issue Kenya Amendment Kirangi bridge Kisumu Kiunjuri Kombo Lands and Settlement LVEMP matter Maundu Members of Parliament Minister for Lands Minister for Roads Minister for Trade Ministry Mokku Motion deferred Muiku bridge Murungaru Murungi Ndicho Nkone bridge Nyamira District Ochuodho Office Osundwa point of order President Private Notice Question by Private Question deferred Roads and Public ruling Sambu shadow Minister Speaker Standing Order No.70 Sugar Bill Sungu Sunkuli supposed tell this House Thika tomorrow Toro Trade and Industry Tuesday next week UCR June Wako Wanjala World Trade Organization written answer