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ance at such institution as an undergraduate student during such year.

(2) In any case where a person on behalf of whom a payment is made under this section attends an institution on less than a fulltime basis, the amount of the payment on behalf of that person shall be reduced in proportion to the degree to which that person is not attending on a full-time basis.

(c)(1)1 An institution of higher education shall be eligible to receive the payment to which it is entitled under this section only if it makes application therefor to the Commissioner. An application under this section shall be submitted at such time or times, in such manner, in such form and containing such information as the Commissioner determines necessary to carry out his functions under this title, and shall

(A) meet the requirements set forth in clauses (A) and (B) of section 419(c)(1);

(B) set forth such plans, policies, assurances, and procedures as will insure that the applicant will make an adequate effort

(i) to maintain a full-time office of veterans' affairs which has responsibility for veterans' outreach, recruitment, and special education programs, including the provisions of educational, vocational, and personal counseling for veterans,

(ii) to carry out programs designed to prepare educationally disadvantaged veterans for postsecondary education (I) under subchapter V of chapter 34 of title 38, United States Code, and (II) in the case of any institution located near a military installation, under subchapter VI of such chapter 34,

(iii) to carry out active outreach (with special emphasis on educationally disadvantaged veterans), recruiting, and counseling activities through the use of funds available under federally assisted work-study programs (with special emphasis on the veteran-student services program under section 1685 of such title 38), and

(iv) to carry out an active tutorial assistance program (including dissemination of information regarding such program) in order to make maximum use of the benefits available under section 1692 of such title 38,

except that an institution with less than 2,500 students in attendance (I) which the Commissioner determines, in accordance with regulations jointly prescribed by the Commissioner and the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator"), cannot feasibly itself carry out any or all of the programs set forth in subclauses (i) through (iv) of this clause, may carry out such program or programs through a consortium agreement with one or more other institutions of higher education and

1 Section 126(d) of Part D of Title I of P.L. 94-482 (enacted Oct. 12, 1976) reads as follows: "Not later than ninety days after the enactment of this Act, the Commissioner shall prepare and submit to the Congress a report containing a summary of the activities and programs (including the number and characteristics of veterans served) at institutions of higher education receiving assistance under section 420 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (relating to veterans' cost-of-instruction payments) and a description of the steps taken (and the results thereof) to carry out his responsibility under subsection (c)(1) of that section to monitor and determine the adequacy of efforts by such institutions."

(II) shall be required to carry out such programs only to the extent that the Commissioner determines, in accordance with regulations jointly prescribed by the Commissioner and the Administrator, is appropriate in terms of the number of veterans in attendance at such institution. The adequacy of efforts to meet the requirements of clause (B) in the preceding sentence shall be determined by the Commissioner, based upon the recommendation of the Administrator, in accordance with criteria established in regulations jointly prescribed by the Commissioner and the Administrator.

(2) The Commissioner shall not approve an application under this subsection unless he determines that the applicant will implement the requirements of clause (B) of paragraph (1) within the first academic year during which it receives a payment under this section. (d)(1) The Commissioner shall pay to each institution of higher education which has had an application approved under subsection (c) the amount to which it is entitled under this section. Payments under subsection shall be made in not less than three installments during each academic year and shall be based on the actual number of persons on behalf of whom such payments are made in attendance at the institution at the time of the payment.

(2) The maximum amount of payments to any institution of higher education, or any branch thereof which is located in a community which is different from that in which the parent institution thereof is located, in any fiscal year, shall be $135,000. In making payments under this section for any fiscal year, the Commissioner shall apportion the appropriation for making such payments, from funds which become available as a result of the limitation on payment set forth in the preceding sentence, in such a manner as will result in the receipt by each institution which is eligible for a payment under this section of first $9,000 (or the amount of its entitlement for that fiscal year, whichever is less) and then additional amounts up to the limitation set forth in the preceding sentence. (e) Not less than 75 per centum of the amounts paid to any institution under subsection (d) in any fiscal year shall be used to implement the requirement of clause (B)(i) of paragraph (1) of subsection (c), and, to the extent that such funds remain after implementing such requirements, funds limited by such 75 per centum requirement shall be used for implementing the requirements of clauses (B)(ii), (iii), and (iv) of such paragraph (1), except that the Commissioner may, in accordance with criteria established in regulations jointly prescribed by the Commissioner with the Administrator, waive the requirement of this subsection to the extent that he finds that such institution is adequately carrying out all such requirements without the necessity for such application of such amount of the payments received under this subsection.

(f) The Commissioner, in carrying out the provisions of this section, shall seek to assure the coordination of programs assisted under this section with programs carried out by the Veterans' Administration pursuant to title 38 of the United States Code, and the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs shall provide all assistance, technical consultation, and information otherwise authorized by law as necessary to promote the maximum effectiveness of the activities and programs assisted under this section.

(g) The program provided for in this section shall be administered by an identifiable administrative unit in the Office of Education.

(20 U.S.C. 1070e-1) Enacted June 23, 1972, P.L. 92-318, sec. 1001(a), 86 Stat. 378, 379; amended August 21, 1974, P.L. 93-380, sec. 835, 88 Stat. 604, 605; amended October 12, 1976, P.L. 94-482, Title I, Part D, sec. 126, 90 Stat. 2098; amended Aug. 4, 1978, P.L. 95-336, sec. 6, 92 Stat. 453.

NOTE.-Subsection (a) of section 127 of Part D of Title I of P.L. 94-482 amends Part B-Federal, State and Private Programs of Low-Interest Insured Loans to Students in Institutions of Higher Education. Subsection (b) of section 127 of Part D of Title I of P.L. 94-482 reads as follows:

"The amendment made by subsection (a) of this section of this Act shall become effective October 1, 1976, except as otherwise provided therein, and to the extent such amendment makes changes in such part B which affect student loans, such changes shall apply to outstanding loans as well as to loans made after the amendment becomes effective, except that

(1) the changes made in sections 425(a), 427(a)(1)(C), 427(a)(2)(G) and 428(b)(1) (A), (B) and (P) shall become applicable with respect to loans to cover the costs of education for periods of enrollments beginning on or after October 1, 1976; (2) section 422, (c) shall become effective October 1, 1977;

(3) section 428, (f) shall become effective October 1, 1976;

(4) the changes made in section 428(a)(2) shall become applicable with respect to the determination of interest subsidies on loans to cover the costs of education for periods of enrollment beginning on or after 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act;

(5) the new section 433 shall become effective with respect to loans made to cover the costs of education for periods of enrollment beginning on or after October 1, 1976;

(6) the changes in section 428(c) with respect to the amount of Federal guarantee payments shall become effective with respect to payments to reimburse States and nonprofit private institutions and organizations with which the Commissioner has an agreement under section 428(c) of such part which are made on or after October 1, 1976; and

(7) section 438, shall become effective with respect to fiscal quarters beginning after December 31, 1976."1

1 Subsection (b) of Section 127 of P.L. 94-482, as amended by Section 1 (b)(4) of P.L. 95-43, reads as follows:

(b) The amendment made by subsection (a) of this section of this Act shall become effective October 1,1976, except as otherwise provided therein, and to the extent such amendment makes changes in such part B which affect student loans, such changes shall apply to outstanding loans as well as to loans made after the amendment become effective, except that

(1) The changes made in

(A) sections 425 (a) (other than paragraphs (1) (A) and (B) thereof) and 428(b)(1)(A) other than divisions (i) and (ii) thereof, and sections 427(a)(1)(C) and 428(b)(1)(B) shall become applicable with respect to loans to cover the costs of education for periods of enrollment beginning on or after October 1, 1976;

(B) sections 425(a)(1) (A) and (B) and 428(b)(1)(A) and (ii) shall become applicable with respect to loans made on or after February 12, 1977, to cover such costs for such periods beginning on or after November 12, 1976;

(C) sections 428(a)(2) (G) and (H) and 428(b)(1) (N), (O), and (P) shall become applicable with respect to loans made on or after June 1, 1977;

(2) section 422(c) shall become effective October 1, 1977;

(3) section 428(f) shall become effective October 1, 1976;

(4) the changes made in section 428(a)(2) shall become applicable with respect to the determination of interest subsidies on loans to cover the cost of education for periods of enrollment beginning on or after 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act;

(5) the new section 433 shall become effective with respect to loans made on or after February 12, 1977 to cover the costs of education for periods of enrollment beginning on or after November 12, 1976;

(6) the changes in section 428(c) with respect to the amount of Federal guarantee payments shall become effective with respect to payments to reimburse States and nonprofit private institutions and organizations with which the Commissioner has an agreement under section 428(c) of such part which are made on or after October 1, 1976; and

(7) section 438, shall become effective with respect to fiscal quarters beginning after December 31, 1976.

The amendment to Part B, as made by subsection (a) of section 127 of Part D of Title I of P.L. 94-482 follows:



SEC. 421. (a) The purpose of this part is to enable the Commissioner (1) to encourage States and nonprofit private institutions and organizations to establish adequate loan insurance programs for students in eligible institutions (as defined in section 435), (2) to provide a Federal program of student loan insurance for students or lenders who do not have reasonable access to a State or private nonprofit program of student loan insurance covered by an agreement under section 428(b)(3), to pay a portion of the interest on loans to qualified students which are made by a State under a direct loan program meeting the requirements of section 428(a)(1)(B), or which are insured under this part or under a program of a State or of a nonprofit private institution or organization which meets the requirements of section 428(a)(1)(C), and (4) to guarantee a portion of each loan insured under a program of a State or of a nonprofit private institution or organization which meets the requirements of section 428(a)(1)(C).

(b) For the purpose of carrying out this part

(1) there are authorized to be appropriated to the student loan insurance fund (established by section 431) (A) the sum of $1,000,000, and (B) such further sums, if any, as may become necessary for the adequacy of the student loan insurance fund. (2) there are authorized to be appropriated, for payments under section 428 with respect to interest on student loans and for payments under section 437, such sums for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, and succeeding fiscal years, as may be required therefore,

(3) there is authorized to be appropriated the sum of $17,500,000 for making advances pursuant to section 422 for the reserve funds of State and nonprofit private student loan insurance programs,

(4) there are authorized to be appropriated (A) the sum of $12,500,000 for making advances after June 30, 1968, pursuant to sections 422 (a) and (b), and (B) such sums as may be necessary for making advances pursuant to section 422(c), for the re

2 Section 2(b) of P.L. 95-43 reads as follows:

(b)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), amendments made by the first section of this Act to part B of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 shall take effect as provided by subsection (b) of section 127 of the Education Amendments of 1976, as amended by this Act, and shall, for purposes of such subsection, collectively be deemed to be an amendment made by subsection (a) of such section.

(2) The amendments made by paragraphs (17), (20), and (21)(D) of subsection (a) of the first section of this Act shall take effect thirty days after the date of its enactment. No determination made pursuant to section 428(a)(9) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 as in effect between September 30, 1976, and such thirtieth day after enactment of this Act shall be invalid if such determination, at a minimum, complies with such section as amended by such paragraph (20).

The provisions of Part B governing all loans made between August 19, 1972, and March 1, 1973, and the provisions governing all loans made under Part B between July 1, 1972, and August 18, 1972, or after March 1, 1973 have been omitted from this print of the Compilation (see the June 30, 1977 issue for these provisions, pp. 334-367).

serve funds of State and nonprofit private student loan insurance programs, and

(5) there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for the purpose of paying an administrative cost allowance in accordance with section 428(f) to State and nonprofit institutions and organizations with which the Commissioner has an agreement under section 428(b).

Sums appropriated under clauses (1), (2), (4), and (5) of this subsection shall remain available until expended, and sums appropriated under clause (3) of this subsection shall remain available for advances under section 422 until the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968.

(c) For purposes of carrying out this part

(1) the Commissioner shall develop and execute a plan designed to encourage the establishment of student [sic] loan insurance program by each State (whether operated by an agency of the State or by a nonprofit private institution or organization designated by the State) which does not have such a program covered by an agreement pursuant to section 428(b); (2) the Commissioner shall make a report to the Congress within 180 days after the enactment of the Education Amendments of 1976, containing a description of the plan developed according to paragraph (1) accompanied by a timetable for the execution of such plan; and

(3) the Commissioner shall make a report to the Congress before June 30, 1977, which shall include

(A) a description of the activities the Commissioner and his designees have undertaken pursuant to paragraph (1), (B) a description of such State's plans to establish a program meeting the requirements of section 428(b), and

(C) the Commissioner's recommendations to the Congress as to what changes in law, or policy would encourage the establishment of such a program in all States without such programs.

(20 U.S.C. 1071) Enacted Nov. 8, 1965, P.L. 89-329, Title IV, sec. 421, 79 Stat. 1236; amended Aug. 3, 1968, P.L. 90-460, secs. 2, 3, 82 Stat. 635-6; amended Oct. 16, 1968, P.L. 90-575, Title I, secs. 113, 114, 119, 82 Stat. 1020, 1021, 1027; amended Oct. 12, 1976, P.L. 94-482, Title I, Part D, Section 127 (a), 90 Stat. 2099, 2100; amended June 15, 1977, P.L. 95-43, sec. 1 (a)(8), (a)(9), (a)(10), 91 Stat. 213.


SEC. 422. (a)(1) From the sums appropriated pursuant to clauses (3) and (4)(A) of section 421(b), the Commissioner is authorized to make advances to any State with which he has made an agreement pursuant to section 428(b) for the purpose of helping to establish or strengthen the reserve fund of the student loan insurance program covered by that agreement. If for any fiscal year a State does not have a student loan insurance program covered by an agreement made pursuant to section 428(b), and the Commissioner determines after consultation with the chief executive officer of that State that there is no reasonable likelihood that the State will have such a student loan insurance program for such year, the Commissioner may make advances for such year for the same purpose to one or

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