ing student retention at the institution and, when available, the number and percentage of students completing the programs in which the student is enrolled or expresses interest, and (H) each person designated under subsection (b) of this section, and the methods by which and locations in which any person so designated may be contacted by students and prospective students who are seeking information required by this subsection. (2) For purposes of this section, the term "prospective student" means any individual who has contacted an institution of higher education or an eligible institution requesting information for the purpose of enrolling in that institution. (b) Effective July 1, 1977, each institution of higher education or eligible institution, as the case may be, which receives payments authorized, under section 411(d), 428(e), or section 493 of this title shall designate an employee or group of employees who shall be available on a full-time basis to assist students or potential students in obtaining information as specified in the preceding subsection. The Commissioner may, by regulation, waive the requirement that an employee or employees be available on a full-time basis for carrying out responsibilities required under this section whenever an institution of higher education or eligible institution, as the case may be, in which the total enrollment, or the portion of the enrollment participating in programs under this title at that institution, is too small to necessitate such employee or employees being available on a full-time basis. No such waiver may include permission to exempt any such institution from designating a specific individual or a group of individuals to carry out the provisions of this section. (c) Within 120 days after the date of enactment of the Education Amendments of 1976, the Commissioner shall begin to make available to institutions of higher education and eligible institutions descriptions of Federal student assistance programs including the rights and responsibilites of student and institutional participants, in order to (1) assist students in gaining information through institutional sources, and (2) assist institutions in carrying out the provisions of this section, so that individual and institutional participants will be fully aware of their rights and responsibilities under such programs. (20 U.S.C. 1088b-1) Enacted Oct. 12, 1976, P.L. 94-482, Title I, Part D, sec. 131(b), 90 Stat. 2148, 2149. STUDENT AID INFORMATION SERVICES SEC. 493B. In order to assist in the expansion and improvement of campus student aid information services, the Commissioner shall (1) survey institutional practices of providing students with complete and accurate information about student financial aid, including the employment of part-time financial aid counselors under work-study programs, hiring other part-time persons from the community, using campus or community volunteers, and communicating through use of publications or technology; collect institutional evaluations of such practices; and disseminate the information described in this clause; (2) convene meetings of financial aid administrators, students, and other appropriate representatives to explore means of expanding campus financial aid information services and improving the training of part-time individuals involved in such services; (3) whenever possible, include student peer counselors and other part-time financial aid personnel in training programs sponsored by the Office of Education; and (4) make recommendations to Congress not later than October 1, 1977, concerning his findings and legislative proposals for improving the use and quality of services of part-time campus financial aid personnel. (20 U.S.C. 1088b-2) Enacted Oct. 12, 1976, P.L. 94-482, Title I, Part D, sec. 131(b), 90 Stat 2149. STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TRAINING PROGRAM SEC. 493C. (a) It is the purpose of this section to make incentive grants available to the States to be administered, in consultation with statewide financial aid administrator organizations, for the purpose of designing and developing programs to increase the proficiency of institutional and State financial aid administrators in all aspects of student financial aid. (b) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated $280,000 for each year ending prior to October 1, 1978, for equal division among the States. (c) To receive a grant under this section State must provide appropriate assurance to the Commissioner that the grant will be matched from State funds by an amount at least equal to the amount of the grant. (d) From the funds otherwise allotted to the States for subpart 2 of part A, and for part C and part E of this title for States which have obtained a grant under this section, the Commissioner shall transfer to such State an amount equal to .05 per centum of such funds or $10,000, whichever is less, and shall reduce such State allotment by that amount. (e) A State which desires to obtain a grant under this section for any fiscal year shall submit an application therefor through or by the State agency administering its program of student grants, or if such agency does not exist, through or by any agency or organization designated for such purpose by the State, at such time or times, and containing such information as may be required by such regulations as the Commissioner may prescribe for the purpose of enabling the Commissioner to disburse the funds. (20 U.S.C. 1088b-3) enacted October 12, 1976, P.L. 94-482, Title I, Part D, sec. 131(b), 90 Stat. 2149, 2150. MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT SEC. 494. An agreement between the Commissioner and an institution under part A or part C shall provide assurance that the institution will continue to spend in its own scholarship and studentaid program, from sources other than funds received under such parts, not less than the average expenditures per year made for that purpose during the most recent period of three fiscal years preceding the effective date of the agreement, except that under special and unusual circumstances, pursuant to regulations, the Commission is authorized to waive the application of any provision of such an agreement which is required by this section. (20 U.S.C. 1088c) Enacted Oct. 16, 1968, P.L. 90-575, Title I, sec. 152, 82 Stat. 1033; redesignated June 23, 1972, P.L. 92-318, sec. 137(b), 86 Stat. 272. FURNISHING GUIDELINES SEC. 495. Copies of all rules, regulations, guidelines, instructions, and application forms published or promulgated pursuant to this title shall be provided to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare of the Senate and the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives at least thirty days prior to their ef fective date. (20 U.S.C. 1088d) Enacted June 23, 1972, P.L. 92-318, sec. 139, 86 Stat. 280. TRANSFERS BETWEEN PROGRAMS SEC. 496. Up to 10 per centum of the allotment of an institution of higher education for a fiscal year under section 413D or 442 of this Act, may be transferred to, and used for the purposes of, the institution's allotment under the other section within the discretion of such institution in order to offer an arrangement of types of aid, including institutional and State aid, which best fits the needs of each individual student. The Commissioner shall have no control over such transfer, except as specifically authorized, except for the collection and dissemination of information. (20 U.S.C. 1088e) Enacted June 23, 1972, P.L. 92-318, sec. 139A, 86 Stat. 281. ELIGIBILITY FOR STUDENT ASSISTANCE SEC. 497. (a) If an institution of higher education determines, after affording notice and opportunity for hearing to an individual attending, or employed by, such institution, that such individual has been convicted by any court of record of any crime which was committed after June 30, 1972, and which involved the use of (or assistance to others in the use of) force, disruption, or the seizure of property under control of any institution of higher education to prevent officials or students in such institution from engaging in their duties or pursuing their studies, and that such crime was of a serious nature and contributed to a substantial disruption of the administration of the institution with respect to which such crime was committed, then the institution which such individual attends, or is employed by, shall deny for a period of two years any further payment to, or for the direct benefit of, such individual under any of the programs authorized under this title. If an institution denies an individual assistance under the authority of the preceding sentence of this subsection, then any institution which such individual subsequently attends shall deny for the remainder of the two-year period any further payment to, or for the direct benefit of, such individual under any program authorized by this title. (b) If an institution of higher education determines, after affording notice and opportunity for hearing to an individual attending, or employed by, such institution, that such individual has willfully refused to obey a lawful regulation or order of such institution after June 30, 1972, and that such refusal was of a serious nature and contributed to a substantial disruption of the administration of such institution, then such institution shall deny, for a period of two years, any further payments to, or for the direct benefit of, such individual under any program authorized by this title. (c)(1) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any institution of higher education from refusing to award, continue, or extend any financial assistance under this title to any individual because of any misconduct which in its judgment bears adversely on his fitness for such assistance. (2) Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting or prejudicing the rights and prerogatives of any institution of higher education to institute and carry out an independent, disciplinary proceeding pursuant to existing authority practice and law. (3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the freedom of any student to verbal expression of individual views or opinions shall entitle the student receiving it to payments only if— (e)1 Any student assistance received by a student under this title (1) that student is maintaining satisfactory progress in the course of study he is pursuing, according to the standards and practices of the institution at which the student is in attendance, and (2) that student does not owe a refund on grants previously received at such institution under this title, or is not in default on any loan from a student loan fund at such institution provided for in part E, or a loan made, insured, or guaranteed by the Commissioner under this title for attendance at such institution. (d) Any determinations of need made for the purposes of part C or part É of this title shall include considerations of the factor described in section 413C(a)(2)(v). Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to prohibit the taking into account for the purposes of such parts of other factors used for the determination of need under other parts of this title. (20 U.S.C. 1088f) Enacted June 23, 1972, P.L. 92-318, sec. 139B, 86 Stat. 281; amended October 12, 1976, P.L. 94-482, Title I, Part D, sec. 132, 90 Stat. 2150; amended November 1, 1978, P.L. 95-566, sec. 7, 92 Stat. 2404. FISCAL ELIGIBILITY OF INSTITUTIONS SEC. 497A. (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, the Commissioner is authorized to prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to provide for (1) a fiscal audit of an eligible institution with regard to any funds obtained by it under this title or obtained from a student who has a loan insured or guaranteed by the Commissioner under this title; 1Apparent error in slip law. (2) the establishment of reasonable standards of financial responsibility and appropriate institutional capability for the administration by an eligible institution of a program of student financial aid under this title; (3) the establishment by each eligible institution under part B responsible for furnishing to the lender the statement required by section_428(a)(2)(A)(i), of policies and procedures by which the latest known address and enrollment status of any student who has had a loan insured under this part and who has either formally terminated his enrollment, or failed to reenroll on at least a half-time basis, at such institution, shall be furnished either to the holder (or if unknown, the insurer) of the note, not later than sixty days after such termination or failure to re-enroll; and (4) the limitation, suspension or termination of the eligibility for any program under this title of any otherwise eligible institution, whenever the Commissioner has determined, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing on the record, that such institution has violated or failed to carry out any provision of this title or any regulation prescribed under this title, except that no period of suspension under this section shall exceed sixty days unless the institution and the Commissioner agree to an extension or unless limitation or termination proceedings are initiated by the Commissioner within that period of time. (b) The Commissioner shall, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section with respect to subpart 1 of part A of this title, enter into special arrangements with institutions of higher education at which students receiving basic grants under that subpart are enrolled. The Commissioner shall include special provisions designed to carry out the provisions of this section in agreements with institutions of higher education under section 413C, in agreements with eligible institutions under section 443, and in agreements with institutions of higher education under section 463. (c) Upon determination that an eligible institution has engaged in substantial misrepresentation of the nature of its educational program, its financial charges, or the employability of its graduates, the Commissioner may suspend or terminate the eligibility status for any or all programs under this title of any otherwise eligible institution, in accordance with procedures specified in subsection (a)(4), until he finds that such practices have been corrected. (d) The Commissioner shall publish a list of State agencies which he determines to be reliable authority as to the quality of public post-secondary vocational education in their respective States for the purpose of determining eligibility for all Federal student assistance programs. (e) For the purpose of this section the term "eligible institution" means any such institution described in section 435(a) of this Act. (20 U.S.C. 1088f-1) Enacted October 12, 1976, P.L. 94-482, Title I, Part D, Sec. 133(a), 90 Stat. 2150, 2151; amended June 15, 1977, P.L. 95-43, sec. 1(a)(41), 91 Stat. 217; amended November 1, 1978, P.L. 95-561, sec. 1231(b), 92 Stat. 2346. |